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Posts posted by Twiddle

  1. True, people come and go. As I stated in the messages, this was the first time in many games anything like this has occured. The very vast majority of games, I played have been very enjoyable, win or lose.

    Whether the person edited the game much earlier, (based on the date of the creation which is before he joined ladder play) or I am just blowing smoke or I am venting steam does not matter, since I will continue to play the game with others. The game is enjoyable.

    Rambo, thanks for the math.

    I will play you all when I get back from my ski vaction in Vail.

  2. Jersey John,

    At no time did I state that some one was cheating. I asked in the first message how do you prove a person is cheating. A big difference.

    When I have the factual information on someone cheating then I will announce the findings, until then, I just will not play the person.

  3. I have saved the file, can not open it. An interesting point is that the date the file was created (fixed with bid) was 2/6/2003 and the date of the save was today 3/11/2003. The game I created to play with a bid of 140 before I was told that he could not join and had to host has a date of 3/11/2003, same as the save.

  4. IronRanger, I agree with the luck part. I have had it (jets and range)and have seen it against me. I am not talking about luck in research but in the purchase ability of the Axis early in the game. It would be easy to host a game with an inflated German mmp at the start, similar to adding the bid to allies. Spend the mmp and only if the opponent looked immediately at the report and knew the number of starting German and Italian forces would they be aware of the additonal forces.

  5. I was the allies in the game with two air fleets near london, Hq and a carrier in port. The first german army into France died immediately. Then the skies were full of Axis air, I have never seen so many this early in all the games I have played. France had just been invaded, only three countries had been plundered and the axis navy had not been disbanded. I looked at the report and he had seven air and 16 land units under the Germans (Germany starts with 3 and 12)

  6. How does a player who did not host a game prove that a player has been cheating with either mmp income or edited units at the start. I guess the mistake was mine since I did not look at the report on the first turn. When I finally did notice a few too many units, I made a comment about purchases and named what he had bought. The report clearly showed six air units at the beginning of the French Invasion on turn March 3, 1940, with an additional Hq. The number of units for the land forces and air can be tracked under the report listing. The next turn the player was up to seven units plus replaced a lost army and two more showed up in Italy. Something is fishy. I guess I have been very fortunate in the players I have encountered till now.

    Should you have problems with a player out there who says he can only host and the game looks fishy.....send me an email and we can compare notes.

    I have lost many games to all levels of players and have never been disappointed in the game. This game was different.

  7. House rules can easily be implemented as Sc rules and incorporated into the game. This would change the game for the AI as well as head to head. The idea is to make the game fun, competitive and somewhat historical. I have been on the house rule side of a major game which utilized some of those house rules when published. Prior to publication all rules are house rules.

  8. House rules can easily be implemented as Sc rules and incorporated into the game. This would change the game for the AI as well as head to head. The idea is to make the game fun, competitive and somewhat historical. I have been on the house rule side of a major game which utilized some of those house rules when published. Prior to publication all rules are house rules.

  9. Shaka and I have played two very fun games with limited airpower. The games are not decided by who has the most airpower. Both sides vary their research development and new strategies can be incorporated that are typically not seen in the standard "blow em away with airpower" game.

    We have limited air as follows.....

    Germany 4 (I think 5 is fair)

    UK 2 (plus max of 3 carriers)

    France 2

    Ussr 3 (siberian transfer is a bonus)

    Usa 3

    Italy 2 The Italian air is crucial to the axis

    Try it, you may have fun....if not make some changes.

  10. I am a veteran and believe that the administration is following a good line. The world has a mutltitude of problems that are very serious and the americans in general have a few extra. It is not possible to confront Iraq and Korea at the same time, nor fix the budget during these crisis. It is possible to confront Iraq, remedy that situation while keeping diplomatic pressure through China on the Koreans while doing our best to help the economy. Some of the administration ideas are off target, others are right on. No two front war.

    I do not have the information, intelligence nor education to second guess the government on these issues. I am not in favor of war nor increasing the inspectors.

    The Iraqis need to come clean, this is not a game of hide and seek. The inspectors are there to verify the destruction of the WMD, not to find hidden caches.

    People around the world need a smoking gun. The WMD is there, the inspectors have no chance to find it. 1,000 inspectors given a year would not find the WMD if the Iraq government with 200,000 troops at their disposal did not want it to be found.

    The efforts of the French are similar to the efforts of Chamberlain with Hitler. Allowing Saddam to deny, stall, neogiate, and compromise only weakens the position of the UN.

    The possibility of massive destruction in Iraq is good, so is the possibility of a coup once hostilities commence. We will be in Iraq a long time, similar to Afganistan, Kosovo and Korea. The cost to the American public will be great in terms of money, time and lives. The cost to the Iraqis could be greater, yet offset by a new freedom not seen in Iraq since pre-Saddam. A progressive secular muslim state is possible with self governing regions for the Kurds, Shiis and Turkomen. It will be a long time in coming.

  11. How do you defend against 18-20 axis air? The Italians slugged through Turkey and the Germans just pulverize Russian entrenched garrisons. The Russian air can not stand against a single german unit (jet L4} and the Italians match the Brits at L2.

    The allies have Brest, but it is a big prisoner of war camp. As soon as they advance they lose at least one full army. African Vichy, Portugal, Italian Africa and Iraq are allied.

    The russian are at the gates of Moscow which can fall any turn with eight german air within four hexes.

  12. A few years back at a gaming convention, I played a strategic civil war game where you got production points based on areas controlled, plus additives for blockade runners, trade, and such. You would also get manpower from the areas and combine with the production points to make new units of cav, inf, art, naval, coastal forts, etc. The game was very interesting and you had to maintain forces in captured areas to keep them from go back to the other side. It was hard to mount a Union offensive when you had so many troops manning supply centers in Kentucky, Tennesse and other captured areas. Leaders could get killed off during campaigns and in battle.

    The developer ran the game on a large map with computer for figuring production and such. I have not seen the game since.

    I and many Civil war history buffs would love to see a strategic game on the period.

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