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El Chancho

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Posts posted by El Chancho

  1. I take your point Hertston but the point I am trying to make is this: I am not permitted to purchase this product from this website(despite the fact that we are supposed to all be part of a global market) purely because I live in Western Europe. I presume this is a contractual agreement with CDV. Therefore, as BTS have forced me into a position of purchasing from a secondary source which, as you say, has probably tinkered with it to suit their wants, they have forced me into purchasing a product which is not fit for purpose. Finally(and this does not just apply to BTS) I HAVE decided to boycott companies which do not provide me with a working product. It's no different from buying a car and finding that it has no engine. Would you be happy with that as a product? Unless, of course, your name is Fred Flintstone.

  2. PigDogg: my comments were aimed at the creators, not the mindless who accept and gladly pay for imperfection. But you've proved my point so thankyou.

    Lou: No. The game installed ok but when trying to run it, I got a message saying can't find a file. No file was identified apart from a row of about five x's. I suspect a manufacturing defect or a CD recognition problem.

  3. Well doesn't this just take the biscuit. Coming from the UK, I eagerly awaited the release of CMBB(having enjoyed the first so much). And was dismayed to find that I had to wait because my freedom of choice to purchase from whom I wish had been removed from me(discrimination?). So I pre-ordered and I waited. And then it arrived. I ran around all Homer-like in excitement as it installed. But, when I went to play it: zilch. It don't work. I must say that BTS are not the only company putting out products with these problems but enough is enough. Forget your fixes and patches. Forget even a refund, I just can't be bothered with this anymore. I have decided to scratch the money down to bad experience and will not be purchasing any more of your products. It doesn't matter how good they are, if they don't run they're not worth having. Oh, yes. One more thing. If anybody wishes to call me a whiner(which seems to be the case around here for anybody not in agreement with the masses) go right ahead. I have paid for the privilage!

  4. Okay. If this has been mentioned before on these forums then I apologise in advance(I'm just newly registered).

    When I first heard about Combat Mission I immediately came to this web site and bought it. Then I heard about Strategic Command and got that. I also own Flight Commander 2, achtung Spitfire and Over the Reich. So, I think it's safe to say that I am a fan of BTS and their products. Or is it?

    I cannot fault the quality of the software...it's second to none, and I eagrely awaited the release day when I could get my grubby paws on CMBB. It came and the angels sung Hallelulah and there was much feasting and rejoicing across the land. But it came to pass that I had contracted a plague and they gave me a bell and sack cloth for my back. And wearily did I trudge through the wilderness ringing my bell and calling "Unclean! Unclean!"

    And the people did cry, "Get thyself hence, back to Western Europe from whence you came vile creature!"

    Still I wait for the saviour but still there seems no sign of the Messiah on the CDV website. Oh Woe is me! I am a creature from Scotland deprived of that which I seek for no other reason than that I am in a certain part of this God Forsaken land.

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