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Erik Wingren

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Posts posted by Erik Wingren

  1. Um... to get back on the topic a bit, I'm running a dual 867 G4 with the Radeon 9000, and both CMs run fine when I'm rebooted in 9.2. I'm puzzled as to what the problem could be. I do have a pretty clean 9.2 system folder, since I do relatively little under 9.2.

    Given that, I'm going to have to figure that this problem is solveable. I don't know that I have anything more constructive to add, but I hope knowing it is possible and happens somewhere gives you hope and to keep working on it. Good luck.

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated re: Mac Radeon drivers. Interestingly, I've discovered that the "9000 Pro" seems to be really just an 8500 with different connectors. The drivers that came installed with the card are all 8500 drivers, and if you pick "Mac OS" and "Radeon 9000 Pro" on the driver d/l site at ATI.com, you get an error message saying "please choose a Mac OS product."

    I think the technical support department isn't supporting the marketing department's spiel. smile.gif

    So anyway, I appreciate the updates. At least our fog works and is pretty..

  3. A mac tangent on the e-mail topic - I just started playing combat mission after upgrading to a new mac (now I can play it.. would have upgraded sooner if I knew what I was missing). Anyway, it is also the move to OSX for me, so I transferred everything to Apple's new Mail app.. and I find that playing PBEMs I've got to reboot to OSX everytime I want to send a turn.

    I think I'm going to set up a mailbox just for PBEMs and configure a mail app under OS 9 for just that mailbox - all the other stuff will be fine & available in OSX, PBEMs will be there under 9 ... anyone see any problems with that scheme?

  4. I'm a total CM noob, finally have a machine that can run the graphics. Said machine is a Dual 867, which I ordered with the Radeon 9000.

    Overall, I love this machine. I've never seen CM run on anything else, so it is hard to judge the graphics performance. However, from what I've caught of these threads, I get the idea smoke should have some transparency effect, and I'm definitely not seeing that. I think I need to fire up a 'fog' quickbattle just to see what it looks like. I play booted into 9.2.2, that came stock on the machine, I haven't tweaked a thing in drivers/etc. I do run two monitors.

    In any case, I'm glad folks are looking into the ATI issues, and will keep my eyes on these threads for any results.

    Oops, just got my very first pbem turn in the mail, gotta run.

  5. I'm with Vondeath here -- I'm about to be a CM:BO noob, having a new machine and deciding to check the demo out to see if I needed to order it along with TacOps 4.0, now I'm awaiting the bundle and expect I'll play as much or more CM:BO as :BB, especially since local gaming buddy has marginal machine for playing :BB.

    Heck, I was disappointed to see that the newbie tourney launched this spring, I'd sign up for one this fall, fall being the traditional time for darkness and depression, which I'm sure I'll be fed when I start playing with this well honed crew...

  6. Modern Units? I think it's the relevance / reality / current possibility of it, as others have stated, that drives & keeps my interest. I've just started playing with CM, it's been a long while since I did a WWII game, and I keep being struck by what a difference there is in an infantry squad these days, firepower-wise.

    And of course, that doesn't even take us to heavier weapons...

    I'm having fun w/ CM, but I bet one of the biggest effects will be to drive me back to more TacOps (been playing off and on since '94) -- well, that and my v.4 should be here soon!

    I find myself pondering the differences - fundamental principles are of course the same. I think the adjustment for many WWII gamers will be a change of scale - much longer engagement ranges, terrain allowing. Of course, most game map scales are adjusted to reflect that. And, as mentioned, much less "second chance" when you are engaged.

    They do exist, though, the second chances, and I've sure seen those stick in your head amazing feats that make you want to award medals to game markers in TacOps. If you haven't given a 'moderns' game a whirl, I sure can't reccomend one more highly.

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