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Posts posted by acambria

  1. I've done some pretty dumb things in this game. But I have got to say the dumbest thing I've ever done was assault a Soviet KV Tank through open terrain with two platoons of pioneers. I thought that at lest 3 out of the six squads I sent out would knock the tank out. I thought wrong. About 5 seconds after the charge all 60 of my men were either killed or routed. I only scored a tactical victory in the end

  2. Does anyone have any good strategies for invading the U.K. I allways try to do it before attacking Russia and after conquering France. But the invasion is allways bogged down and the British Navy allways harrases my transports. I never take London and eventually the U.S joins in and reinforces Britain and Russia invades. So pretty soon its game over. So does anyone have any quick knock out strategies for the invasion of the U.K?

  3. Its very difficult. Almost impossible. You have to fight a 3 front war with limited reascources and few troops. I generally do not abandon France, and try to give the Western allies as tough a time as I possibly can. Once you start to fall in France, send a corps to Paris and the other nearby cities and hold out for as long as possible to deny the French liberation. In Italy it is easy to hold the stalemate line, but replace the Army there with a corps. As for Russia, its nearly impossible. Withdraw your force to the Reich Borders because it is a smaller area to defend. In Romania hold on like hell to the oilfields because they are your main source of income. Abandon your small force in Norway and put it to better use. Also researching Ind-Tech is a must because it makes all of your unites more affordable. If you can survive up to the Spring of 1946, then consider it a victory.

  4. The Soviet Union was a crappy little hole of a country. Their system of government had to murder over 50 million people just to survive, they also had conquer and annex new land to do the same. In WWII they were getting beaten by a country with 1/3 of their population and about a 1/5 of their industrial capacity. Notice how that the stalemate in the East only broke once the Western Powers launched their campaigns into Southern and Western Europe. Post WWII their "liberated" territories such as East Germany, Poland and Yugoslavia remained economically stagnet. Whilst countries such as West Germany, Italy and Japan boomed. Why were their so many refugees going from the East to the West, and none going from West to East? Mainly because Commie Russia and her pathetic little sattelite states were terrible and most of the people living there just wanted to get the heck out. The fact is, that the U.S beat the USSR in just about every aspect, their people were happier, their military was of higher quality and they had a more sucessful economy. The Soviet government couldn't even keep up with the arms race and subsequently collapsed because of it. Thank god Russia is democratic now. Why don't you go drink some Vodka and relive some of the memories you had of "better" times.

    Oh, and one other thing, I am not American.

  5. EB. This pro Stalin crap that you keep spewing out is starting to tick me off. The fact is that this lunatic murdered 30 million of his own people (19 million more than Hitler did). He was a buffoon, as well as a poor strategist. Unlike what you said Stalin did not purge his officers because they were poor commanders, he purged them because he was a paraniod pyscho.

    In the summer of 41' soon after the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, many of its people particularly in the Ukaraine and the Baltic States viewed the Germans as liberators, entire armys surrendured to them without a fight, expecting fair treatment. It was only when horrific stories began to emerge about the attrocities that they were committing was when the the Soviets began to show their ressolve and willingness to fight drive the invader off their soil. The fact was that Russian people were not fighting for Stalin, they were fighting for their lives.

    Germany was beating the Soviet Union up until late 1942 when their army in Stalingrad was encircled. They carried the initiative until July 1943 when they were defeated at the battle of Kursk. The fact was that the Soviet Union broke the stalemate in the East AFTER the Western Allies routed Rommel from North Africa and prepared to open up a new front in Southern Europe. In 1943 they were strengthening their bombing campaign which was begining to take a toll on the German Industry. It was not until the summer of 1944 AFTER the invasion of Western Europe when the USSR launched Operation Bagration in Poland that completely destroyed an entire German army group, which subseqently drove the Germans back to the borders of the Reich. Contrary to what you stated, the United States employed large forces Western Europe (1.5 million men)and the German army also had a large force their as well. Not to mention the cream of their army, their airborne and SS Panzer Armies. The Russian war effort was largely funded by the U.S as well. Notice all their jeeps, halftracks, trucks and Shermans that you see all of the Russian soldiers driving around in.

  6. I remember reading the game description and it said that Spain may join the Axis, same with Sweden and Turkey. So far this has not happened, and I am wondering if this is just a glitch in the game. If they can join the Axis, then what does the player have to do to make them join?


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