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Posts posted by Warlord69

  1. There are at least 2 on the CD that take place during the Kursk offensive of 1943.

    Von Lonchet or something, and Prokhorovka-final.

    But Trey Marshall also has a huge scenario that models almost the entire battlefield that LSSAH SS panzer division tried to march over to take the village of Prokhorovka, and its got lots of tanks, I mean lots. You will need some patience and a good cpu/video card to enojoy it properly though. But I highly recommend it. Lots of fun after you get started.

    Find it over at the Scenario Depot, under CMBB operations.


    [ November 18, 2002, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Warlord69 ]

  2. I got a new scenario I cranked out yesterday.

    Decemeber 8th, 1942

    The Soviet 1st Armored corps has crossed the Chir River and smashed aside the left flank of the 336th Infantry division. They have occupied State Farm 79 well into the rear of the 336th. 48th Panzer corps HQ decided that the threat needed to be eliminated quickly before the Russians get reinforced. The infantry division commander asked that 11th Panzer attack the village at once from the front. General Balck rejected that plan, and decided to use the high ground to the west and north of the village to screen his tanks who would hit the Russians in the rear, while Panzergrenaders, pioneers and flak units kept the Russians pinned down from the south and east.

    Its a huge scenario, so beware. But I do need playtesters to try it out. I'd really like to get the scenario tweaked for pbem matches but I'd also like it to be playable from either side against the AI.

    So who wants to try it out?

  3. I can just barely manage to play Trey's operation.

    And I have a P3-667. I turn down the horizon to 1500m, and turn off all enviromental effects, weather, and trees. It works allright, but the turn calculations take me like an hour. Then just 5 mins to make my moves. Hehehe. But I need some chores or the movie Stalingrad to keep me occupied while I wait.

    18000, heheheheh. Well I bet a battalion of Elephants would cost a lot.

  4. Hey hoop,

    I'd like to check out what you got so far. I've been thinking of getting around to making a Ponryi battle. Send me you test scenarios. I'd like to see what direction your going in, and help out if I could.

    If you check out Trey Marshall's Prokhorovka-Clash of Titans you will see what could happen if you tried to do the whole battle of Ponryi, Massively huge. But what you could do is make a map thats half scale, and reduce the numbers of units by half. Then you get a fun epic battle thats semi-managable. Thats the direction I'm going with my own Prokhorovka operation.

  5. I think Tree means that you can't adjust the setup zones on a QB map to the same as a normal Quickbattle sets up zones for MEs, Probes, attacks. So we should conform to what the QB engine uses, and then tell people ahead of time, when they download the map, that a certain map is designed for 1250 pnt Attacks.

    And the number of small flags and large flags that show up depending on the scale of the QB should be conformed to too.

  6. Not all of these tactics will work on the eastern front though. Sometimes you have to spend 15 rounds dodging arty and advancing with Inf+heavy weapons, while keeping all your other weapons hiding behind a hill, till you spot the weakness in the enemy's line with your inf+scouts...and then your reserve out and punch all the way through, then clean up the other flank.

    It all depends on... well, lots of different things, but you learn those things with experiance. What weapons you have access too, what weapons your enemy has, the terrian, the weather...this list goes on and on, BTS has been nice over to model a lot of them. Lucky its less then real life warfare.

    Sometimes a mechanized assault up a wide open area without much cover will totally surprise your enemy, and you can smash his flank hard, then hit him with your slower forces. Not very often, but Coup de Mains sometimes give great rewards.

    Sometimes what you do one day doesn't work, but the next day it would. Your not always a bad commander, you have to make a decision, and go with it, follow through. You have to at least try, using everything you can think of to hurt your enemy.

    War is an Art. You don't become Michalango after 5 paintings.

  7. Actually it kind of sucks that 76.2mm guns are all the russians get for on map guns. And all do the same HE loadout. While the Germans get 2 types of 75s, a 105, a 150, and russian 76.2 guns to chose from. With the 150mm having a HE of like 250! Its a shame BTS couldn't give the Russkies some 122mm and 152mm guns to even the odds in a Infantry only battle.

    Of course they would counter with 152mm FOs being very cheap....But just look at how hard it is to get those things to be accurate. While the Germans get great, accurate guns that can do massive DIRECTED damage.

    Its just a shame. But I think I'm going to use late war 100mm Russian guns with no AP as a replacement if I ever need to simulate a German attack on some arty batteries or a German frontal assault or a Soviet frontal assault scenario (Seelow Heights come to mind).

  8. I've been playtesting this epic operation now for a little while, and I give it a big thumbs up. Now if I can just find someone crazy enough to spend the next year playing this operation with me.

    Tons of fun, and a kick ass map. If you just got a new P2.4 Gig CPU and Geforce4, and a 35in monitor, this is the scenario to show off CMBB. Will take a long time to calculate, ie. have a good war movie to watch, and some chores ready to do while you wait.

    The military should use this scenario to train their next generation of generals.

    Everyone should at least check out the map, It would make a good QB map.

    This scenario should make Steve and Charles proud.

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