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Posts posted by PEN

  1. Hi

    Having finally re-installed CMBB (ver. 1.02), I thought I might try out a few of the MOD´s out there. The problem is: Wich one to choose? There seems to be millions, my connection is not that fast and I really would like to spend most of my "playingtime" actually playing... Any suggestions on "must have" MOD´s?

  2. A typical example of the situation in my office on a normal day (stolen from Blackadder goes forth)(I would be General Melchett, of course):

    [blackadder is informed that a German spy is stealing battle plans]

    General Melchett: You look surprised, Blackadder.

    Captain Edmund Blackadder: I certainly am, sir. I didn't realise we had any battle plans.

    General Melchett: Well, of course we have! How else do you think the battles are directed?

    Captain Edmund Blackadder: Our battles are directed, sir?

    General Melchett: Well, of course they are, Blackadder, directed according to the Grand Plan.

    Captain Edmund Blackadder: Would that be the plan to continue with total slaughter until everyone's dead except Field Marshal Haig, Lady Haig and their tortoise, Alan?

    General Melchett: Great Scott! Even you know it!

  3. Tried out "A warm place to sleep", playing as axis. On the first go I got my ass kicked, but it was fun, and it was obvious, why it happened. On the second go, I coordinated my advance with the panzer better, and managed to destroy a lot of russian tanks and get my infantry into the nice, warm house.Victory ensured, I foolishsly thought, and boldly rushed my panzer forward to kill off the russian peasants in the area. Don´t really know what happened, but my Panzer began to blow up. Apparently the peasants in the area had armed themselves with more than pitchforks and turnips. Anyway, it was getting late, I quit the game and went to sleep, to dream of more battles on the eastern front.

    Wow, what a game. It´s probably harder than CMBO, but much more realistic, imho. Especially the infantry behaves much more like "real" people.

    Can´t wait to get home and have another go.

  4. Okay, came home from work a few hours ago.. Had to walk the dog, make dinner, let the wife finish her game of solitaire (told her it´s possible to play that using real cards - The look I got!!) and now! Finally!! I am about to install the game!!! Okay, just after I´ve downloaded the patch... A massive 68mb. Should take me no more than an hour...

    But when all is ready, I shall try out the missions you guys suggested. As long as they are not to big, I still have to go to work tomorrow.

    Really looking forwad to this. Just saying that, in case it wasn´t obvious.

    Off to the front, then.

  5. I just got my very one copy of CMBB!! It is still wrapped in its thin, transparent plasticcover... There it goes... Unwrapped!!

    I am still at work, but in just a few hours, my arse will be handed to me by the AI. I shall enjoy every minute of it.

    I shall enjoy watching my troops panic and try to sneak thousands of meters over the open, snowcovered russian steppes. I shall laugh, as my biggest, meanest, most scary peace of hardware chickens out of an engagement with an unarmed german truck.

    This is better than christmass!!

  6. In real life you would just not use HMG´s in an attack on a fortified location, unless you could place the HMG undetected (for instance during the night) to provide suppressing fire for the attacking infantry.

    In CMBB you can of course march your HMG team from a to b, as long as they are undetected, if there is no suitable place for the HMG during the setupface. But they are slow, and attracts enemy fire.

  7. Sorry if any of this has been mentioned before, I just have to make a few comments on the HMG issue:

    A HMG (HEAVY machine gun) is actually quite heavy. Not only is it heavy, it is not in any way designed to be sprinted around with. It is simply impossible.

    From my own very limited experience with a HMG in the Danish army (yes, we do have one, though it is quite small and useless), a HMG is a horribly cumbersome peace of metal. It takes forever to assemble it, and it is not even enough to just put the tripod on, after that you have to secure it even more using sandbags and stuff. The recoil is really something, there is no way you would even think about firing it without proper support.

    As for carrying the thing, you would have to be at least two persons to haul it along, once it has been assembled. And being 3 or 4 doesn´t help (try syncronized running in rough terrain).

    In the scope of Combat Mission I would say, that a HMG is to be put up once, that´s it. Shame if it´s put in the wrong place, shame if it´s put anywhere without the propper(is that correct?) support.

    The same thing applies to most mortars...

  8. Almost forgot about Elite... My friend and I played it day and night for at least a year. It sure made a big impact on my high-school grades:) I still think, Elite is the game that made the biggest impression on me. I actually enjoyed the slow trip from the hyperspace jump to the docking-station, just watching the target planet slowly growing, waiting for the possible attack of pirates, thinking about how big a profit I would make. It created the atmospere of being aboard the Millenium Falcon on a sneaky smugglingoperation. And the music, when you finally got the dockingcomputer! Just like in Stanley Kubricks Space Odyssey 2001!

    Later I played other space-simulations/games, but nowone got near Elite in terms of open-endedness, atmosphere and general feeling of "being there".

    Heard somewhere, that Elite 4 is in the making... Maybe it will soon be time to strap into the Captains chair again!

  9. Other reasons:

    They regard polka-music very highly.

    They are shameless about wearing short leather pants and silly hats.

    They are all over the danish beaches (I never understood that - It´s cold here - Denmark is just a few clicks below the North Pole - We like their money, though...)

    Michael Schumacher...

    Boris Becker...

    They drive very nice cars very slowly. (Except Schumacher... He drives boringly fast).

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