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jacob lundgren

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Posts posted by jacob lundgren

  1. if you can set it so countries have certain units cheaper then that is a really nice idea.

    make american tanks airplanes(both) cheaper

    russian armies/corps

    british naval(not subs)

    german subs maybe corps to represent huge amounts of german manpower used by war

    of course it wouldnt be an exact percent for each.

    like matbe subs are 70% for germans english naval 80% american tanks 75% russian corps 70% etc etc

  2. i am begining to think we got 2 different games or we got either lots of liers ;) (not likely) or a lot of really lucky people. people who are beating the world on this difficulty have to be doing something very odd or very different or very lucky or i am just very unlucky since on defult it took me till late 43 to beat russia admitedly my research wasnt very lucky but still.

  3. i have to agree. in my invasion of russia there were a few pockets of 2-3 russian corps that ould get fully reinforced every turn. one of them just a normal city had 3 corps reinforced to 12 each turn and it took about 5-6 turns to beat it down and kill of the units. any unit cut off shouldnt be able to be put past 10 even in a city since pockets are not supposed to grow in strenght over time. but part of my prob was my units were worn down so it was harder to attack even with hq support.

  4. strange. in my first full ally game the germans built too many planes and almost no corps. though their tech did advance quite well.

    in my axis game the russians took forever to kill cuz almost the only thing they bought were corps and this led to pockets all over the place and a long war.

  5. log time reader first time poster.

    i decided to never try to hold france that way but it would be fun only once.

    anyways i played a game as the axis the 39 scenario and actualy had some good luck going. (a previus attemp an hour before had all the bad luck you could imagine like having 5 points in a tech and never getting it many turns later)

    anyways i took paris and finished my turn. much to my surprise the next turn france was still alive. i thought france ALWAYS dies when paris is lost?

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