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Posts posted by JeF

  1. Hi,

    I'm with Bil on this matter. We all know what game he has in mind. I had dream that some of the ideas developped in Airborne Assault would percolate into CMx2.

    I understand that it is much more difficult to do in a tactical game that in an operational one. There are much more variable to handle for the AI. But some simple formation code wouldn't be so hard to do and migh save a lot of time to players while units move to contact.

    My 2 cents,


  2. You stole my idea.


    This idea is mine ! Mine ! Mine ! Got it ?

    The day I saw the potential of online campaigns, I'm thinking about it. How cool it will be to fully automate such campaign !

    Python and wxWindows were among the tools I intended to use as well (pygame had my preference though). I made plans, sketches, early prototypes. All gone now. I'm desillusionned.

    /end of idiot rant

    Seriously now, Hunter.

    Thank you for implementing it this way (we-go, 3D iso maps, mutliplayer, platoons/companies, link to CMBB...). It is not one of the easiest possible solutions.

    Thank you for the dedication to make it happen. I now it cost time. Too much time.

    Thank you for proving my point about python being a viable language for serious gaming.


    Now, I can rest. I'll try to get some other silly ideas that will stay in closed folders until someone really implement it. Then I would be able to say it again : "You stole my idea."


    Back to proving ground, I have training to do with CMBB before the bugger is out.

    Keep up with the good work.


    [edited to make sure the ironic tone is obvious]

    [ October 14, 2005, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: JeF ]

  3. Hi guys,

    Sorry for the bump but I could not resist.

    BF.C used to publish a game implementing just that : virtual subordinates, with a chain of command. Now the game is published by that-other-company. ;)

    You'd give order to HQ that will handle it to it's best and direct their subordinates on the battlefield. Each commander has it's own rating. Some are fast and good, lots are not so fast and not so good. Not to menton the ones that draw a path of movement where you don't want. Lots of frustration in perpective.

    Handling 100 or 200 units in real time is not a problem. You'd give order to around 20 or 30 and the 'puter takes care of the rest.

    Originally posted by track:

    Surely not. He has platoon and squad leaders to do that.


    How many times have you seen a virtual platoon leader to make a bad judgement or a misunderstaning in a computer game? I quess in none. Units tend to follow orders until they break.

    The very last time I tried to order an assault with some poorly trained dutch SS unit in AA:HTTR. the buggers could not move ! :D

    Sorry for the distortion.


  4. Hi,

    First post since a long time.

    Am too lazy to read the 6 pages of posts. So bear with me as I post my 5 and 5 list of things.

    Things I don't want to be changed :

    1) Turn based, simultaneous resolution (aka WEGO)

    2) 3D view (is it so obvious ?)

    3) WW II settings (at least in the beginning)

    4) Operations (or any sort of linked battles)

    5) PBEM

    Things that I'd like to see improved

    1) when moving groups of vehicules or squad, enable the TacAI to manage the formation (line or column). Often seen as the "Convoy feature". But can be applied to a tank platoon in echelon formation.

    2) linked to it : enable vehicules to follow roads, without penalty (i.e. path finding)

    3) elaborated campaign mode

    4) to add to the previous : elaborated "multi-player" (2 to ... 50 tongue.gif ) campaign mode

    5) one email per turn per player PBEM, with the possibility to prepare ones turn while your opponent does the same (a bit tricky but doable).

    my 10 cents,


    PS: edited to add that I heartedly agree with Black Max, who happen to have just preceeded me while registering on this site. Great minds think alike (or something approaching... ;) )

    [ August 26, 2005, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: JeF ]

  5. Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

    When BFC guys start feeling offended at the feedback, they should come & read this!!!

    They are professional software developpers. They know their software is not perfect. It has bugs, problems, issues, "missing features", etc. Every non trivial program has. They know that no feedback or only praises mean that people do not use their software or are not paying enough attention to it. It would make them sad.



  6. Hi,

    The Arnhem Rail Bridge was blown by the Germans on 17th Sept 1944.

    According to my Airborne Assault manual, the Arnhem Road Bridge was destroyed by Allied bombers on October 7th. During the battle for Arnhem it was of vital importance for the Germans as well. Orders were given not to destroy it. I guess the bridge served to reinforce German positions south of Arnhem and could be used for any sort of counter-attack.

    Nowadays, the reconstructed bridge is named after John Frost, commander of the 2nd Para Bn, who seized the "bridge too far" and resisted three days against overwhelming odds.

    And if you are interrested in more details, check those impressive web sites :

    - The Battle of Arnhem Archive

    - Operation Market-Garden

    - Battle of Arnhem 1944



  7. Hi all,

    It would indeed be nice to get some info/status about your troops displayed on the base.

    Currently, only the side is displayed (Axis/Allies).

    Color coding the bases sides would be good (like in the old Atomiw W@W games). You can have : color per platoon (to show organisation), for fatigue, morale, ammo level, etc ...

    Of course, nowadays, some games offer more comple base indication (no just a square), with status, direction, etc ...

    What do you think ?


  8. Originally posted by Zimorodok:

    perhaps, though, their results might be a little suspect since it is a French site....

    100% suspect :D

    Ah ! Those frenchies ;)

    ...a day for the Danes, a week for the Norwegians, a week or two for the BEF, Belgians and Dutch and andother 2 weeks for the French...

    18 days !!! The King of Belgium surrendered after 18 days, while his courageous government fled ... redface.gif ... retreated to UK to organise the resistance to the invader.

    Nevertheless, I do agree with the point. Interresting historically, but a potential disaster for a game. Unbalanced at will.

    The Med is indeed the way to go.



  9. Guys,

    I'll give my 2 cents before it's being closed.

    Originally posted by MikeyD:

    In the past I've imagined a CM-like engine powering an 'age of sail' wargame.

    Imagine controlling the sails and rudders on a fleet of 3-D three masted man-o-wars in rough seas, trying to line up for a perfect broadside.

    Already done. The computer port of Wooden Ship&Iron Men from Avalon Hill.

    "We go" system, isometric near 3D view. And yes, lining up ships to have a perfect angle was not easy. Reloading time and ammo type was also simulated.

    For some 3D simulation of 19th century battlefield, have a look at :


    French only I'm afraid, but you'll find your way to the screenshot. The first installment of this game system was La Grande Armée A Austerlitz, distributed by MatrixGames. Next one is under development.



    [ February 24, 2003, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: JeF ]

  10. Hans,

    I don't know what was the weather on that day. Neither do I care. I understand that this useless piece of information is important to you but ...

    Mum was born, that very day, near Liège (Belgium).

    Just wanted to share this useless piece of information that is important to me. ;)



    [Edited for spelling : all remaining spelling or grammar errors are due to bad transmission]

    [ February 11, 2003, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: JeF ]

  11. Bullwinkle,

    Originally posted by Bullwinkle:


    However before CMBB came out I discovered Strategic Command. A wonderful strategic game for only $25!!!! I couldn't believe it! What a steal! I've played it over 30 times and I can still find variants in it.

    I agree. I'm not a "startegist". But I tried the SC demo. I was trapped into the "one more turn" syndrome. I couldn't stop before the demo finishes.


    Perhaps I should have tried the Arnhem game.

    Airborne Assault ? You should definitely give it a try, the demo is over here.

    On AA forums, some said that with full orders delay, the game have a more strategic feeling. Still it stays an operational wargame.



  12. Originally posted by Cameroon:

    I really hope that BFC chooses to go with platform independence via OpenGL rather than some DX variant.

    Remember, this game is built just as much for Macs as for Windows. Heck, we might get triply lucky if they go with OpenGL by getting a Linux version too (hey, it could happen).

    Maybe BFC team has heard about this kind of cross platform technology.

    Take care,


  13. Hi,

    Newbie here. Recently downloaded the CMBO and CMBB demo.

    I cannot really comment on this or this feature.

    What I liked (it was a real shock) is that you can save your game.

    For me, the CM demos are not demos, they are complete games. Limited in coverage (only two scenarios) but complete in features.

    Some games from the same publishers have time limits and don't allow to save games. You cannot finish what you started.

    It's very frustrating. But on the other hand, frustration from the demo may help selling the real thing.



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