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Posts posted by Briggs

  1. Algy old Boy,

    Congratulations on another 11 VCs. I hope the Flak isn't too bad in the office that you fly your desk around in. Was very alarmed to hear about your chum Group Captain Reginald Willard Lecroix-Mallard - word in the Fleet is that gave himself a nasty bump when he ran out of pencils and fell off his chair while engaged in a vicious session of paperwork.

    You wouldn't believe it if I told you, but I was doing some fishing off the stern of my Battleship, the HMS Duke of York, when I caught and reeled in a Hun U-Boat! Reminds me of the time I sank the Bismarck with a well-aimed rifle shot from the bridge of the Ajax, back in my Midshipman days, you see.

    By the way, chap, I'd love to come to the hunt with you, but I fear I'd ruin the fun for the rest of you. Did you know I caught a gaggle of Foxes running through the holds of the HMS Warspite last winter? Killed them all with my bare hands and made a squadron of Swordfish out of the remains.

    Anyway I do have to get back to the War.

    Cheerie-bye and whatnot,

    Rear Admiral Lord James "Blithering Old Fool" Jelly-Allistar

    P.S. Watch out for splinters when you're scribbling on your blotter.

  2. Originally posted by dougman4:

    Panzer Lehr, you should understand that constructive criticism is markedly different from derision. Those of us who see game unbalances that need tweaking are not saying that the game isn’t a wondrous concept. We provide ideas for making it better, or at least customizable, so that everyone can be happy. I don’t insist upon forcing my ideas upon anyone, I just want the opportunity to play SC in a more balanced fashion through toggle-able options. Blindly supporting SC as perfect as it stands, while loyal, is missing the point entirely.

    You must be missing my point, not to mention Hubert's point (Though I can't reliably speak for him).

    The beauty of SC is that you don't HAVE to worry about overrunning people. You don't HAVE to worry about hit and runs. It's just a wargame broken down into it's most simplistic state and when I get off work and I'm tired and I want to relax, the last thing I want to worry about is if Moscow is going to get 10 Armies hitting it from 2 hexes.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a full supporter of mods and all that, but what I think SC needs right at the moment is a good do-over of the atlantic and all things involved.

  3. Allies. It was glorious. After failing to take the Low Countries, I was able to sit a Brit army commanded by an HQ into Brussles supported by 3 Brit airfleets. He never cracked my line in France at all. I had Italy sealed off with Canadians and French, and Germany sealed off with Brits and French. He tried to invade France from the south with an HQ, 2 Armies and a tank group, but he didn't bank on the fact that I had just about the whole RN in the Med. It was pretty nasty.

    I took Iraq pretty much off the bat, killed his U-Boats (of course) thwarted an invasion of Norway, and a few other minor victories like the exilation of the Italian Navy to the sea floor.

    Russia came into the war in 1940 and thundered through Poland. That was it then, he transfered all his units to stop the Russians and allowed me to take his capitals, swearing that he would "NEVER FALL TO THOSE COMMUNIST PIGS!"

    It was fun for the...year and 1/4 that the war lasted.

  4. My first "Wargame" as such was the classic Chess. My grandfather attepted to teach me as best he could when I was maybe 8 and of course I was mercilesly slaughtered. I ended up playing my dad for quarters and made quite a bundle of cash. A couple years later it was on to Risk with an old friend and his dad, then Axis and Allies with another friend's dad. (Not the crap original edition. We had new rules, new unit types, and all of our ships and tanks were lead miniatures. All on a custom made board 8 feet wide and some distance I forget long.) Hell, they still have the damn thing and as soon as we can scrape up 5 guys to play, we can do it.

    When I was 12 I was grounded for doing a stupid thing and decided I need a good solitaire wargame. I was able to talk mom into taking me to Scenario (Our local hobby store) and wound up buying the Ambush! solitaire WW2 squad level game. That opened me up to Richthofen's War, Gettysburg (Smithsonian Edition and some other edition which is millions of times better) all the Ambush! modules, Open Fire, Submarine, A House Devided (More custom board goodness) Queen of the Skies (We built models to substitute the boards) and a horde of others.

    I'm probably the youngest here at a whopping 18. smile.gif

    Man, I sure have played a lot in a few years.

  5. Originally posted by sogard:

    So I take it that Panzer Lehr is saying that Denmark was not liberated by the Western Allies in 1945? That the period 1940 - 1945 was just a bad dream?

    Facts can just be so damned inconvenient.

    I suppose you're saying that everyone in Denmark was a slave labourer during that period.

    Generalization can be so damned inconvenient.

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