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Von Bismarck

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Posts posted by Von Bismarck

  1. In the review, the writer mentioned six different campaigns to be fought at different times in the war. I was hoping that someone in the know would be able to specify what those jump off points might be. I realize that this is a juicy tid bit that you might not want to let the rest of us know about, but it might also be enough of a fix, for those of us that have become addicted, and are now chomping at the bit, to get our imaginations through til the final release.

    [ July 10, 2002, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: Von Bismarck ]

  2. I have to revert back to the original posting where someone was voicing dissatisfaction to the combat surprise bonus offered to invasion forces. There are some other very good points made as to the fact that logistically it is a huge undertaking not easily accomplished, especially with surprise. What I found interesting was that some believed that it could never happen. Even when Norway was well aware that an invasion was threatening, it was not as if they could fully mobilize overnight. It isn't a light switch that can be flicked on and off. So it basically comes down to initiative, and that is why I believe that the surprise landings should be awarded a slight bonus on the first round of the landings.

    That being said I would also be in favor of higher costs for the transport, of units landing on foreign soil. Perhaps an additional pop-up window that would offer the choice of invasion or transfer.

    My last point I would like to make is that an invasion of the U.S. mainland by a German force, was historically and contemporarily laughable. But, the game offers us a chance to play things out a bit differently. Since the scope of the game is European in it's inception, then one has to assume that the U.S. does not automatically enter the war as it did on Dec. 7th. Accordingly, the actions of all the powers to be, would affect the decisions of the U.S. leaders to gear up for eventual war or not. I am not a political theorist, specializing in U.S. prewar political strategies, but who is to say that if the U.S. was not attacked that fateful Sunday morning, that they might have prolonged their full participation, and mobilization until a much later date? If that were possible then who knows what kind of success a German war machine might have enjoyed at all of the allies', and neutrals' expense?

    In summary; It makes sense to me to leave it in the game. Adjust it, tweak it, but leave it.

  3. Hey CN; while you are checking posts I have a Q? for you. I like your Mod's, but on my outdated monitor they are really too dark to appreciate, in their entirety. How would I as a novice edit the colored backgrounds of your mod sprites, and also I would like to kind of put together a hodge podge of different sprites from different authors, any idea what type of software or such things I would need to be able to do this?

  4. Austrian units were in fact converted enmasse into the Wehrmacht and other services. If it is so important, to you please utilize the "rename" option to identify it so. In keeping with history though, you don't have many legs to stand on here smile.gif

  5. In terms of the political, economic, and military positions at the time, I think that an invasion of Sweden was the last thing that Germany would think of, but when I am playing a game like this the whole idea is to create different scenarios which could change the eventual outcome of the war, not to relive it verbatim. The fact remains that if Germany invaded anyone who did not already declare war on them as part of a pact or an alliance, then WHY NOT? Why not add an element of surprise to that invasion. History supports me in my argument. Poland '39, Norway, Barbarossa. Let us not confuse Sweden with Brittain. Is it so hard to believe that Germany could have sneaked in sufficient numbers of preliminary forces as to make such a coastal landing a breeze. Should the Poles have allowed a German battleship to anchor in Danzig, knowing or not knowing that the Germans were building up to invasion up and down their border. Is it so unbelievable as to think that this could not happen to Sweden in reality, as it could happen in the game?

  6. Were we aware of an impending attack? Yes we did know that the Japanese fleet had put to sea. Did Roosevelt receive cautionary intel reports regarding the unknown location or destination of that Japanese fleet? Yes I am sure that he did. Did he knowingly put at risk thousands of U.S. servicemen's lives, and jeopardize national security, by sacrificing the majority of our Pacific Fleet, all in hopes of drawing our country into a war that had hardly touched us up to that point?!? No I think not. The event shocked most of them, even the "in the know" people of the higher echelons, who might have thought it probable were not ready to concede that it was a sure thing worthy of alerting the those who would soon pay for that indecisiveness.

    If the war had progressed differently then who is to say what is plausible and what is not. Were the Americans prepared for a war in 1941, no I think not. Would they have been prepared in 1945, or a later date if the, all be it implausible scenario, that Germany were to try to incvade, perhaps, but again I don't think that a surprise benefit would be unwarranted in this specific instance.

    As to Sweden's surprise to an invasion by Germany in the early days of the war, by what seemed to most people as an ally of sorts, doesn't seem implausible to me one bit.

  7. My favorite what if would be...What if Germany had foregone the invasion of Poland until a later date, say 1943 or even later, and therefore, would have had sufficient time to build up the military and industrial base that could have sustained the type of operations that would have brought total victory on two fronts, and on the open seas.

    Don't get me wrong I was never a Nazi fascist, or in any way a Hitler fan, but I am amazed, and will continue to be amazed at how quickly and decisively the German people could rise from the ashes of, and bondage of the treaty of Versaille, and WWI, to completely dominate the European continent.

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