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Posts posted by mpacc

  1. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    SC Community court - VERDICT

    Court is now in session.

    Hellraiser is right, cheating has been going on here. Jaiman; to cheat against two top players like Hellraiser(Most valuable player 2005) and Iron Ranger(SC 1 Legend) is among the dumbest thing you could have done.

    Those dudes are two of the most straight up guys in this community and has contributed more to this game than most around here. Besides that, not one of them has a history of lying or talking a lot of bull. You were caught with your pants down now you have to face the consequences. Your story is not convincing at all.

    The court sentence you to be expelled from competitive SC 2 play and tournaments.



    Originally posted by william bowen:

    Madmatt where are you? When you came down on me saying I was rude in a post for a very minor statement you said that people would be booted[your words] for not acting in a gentile manner, but read this thread, far worst than anything I said but I guess these are your friends and the nasty crap here is allowed by you.



  2. Originally posted by pzgndr:

    Well Rambo, I didn't get involved with playtesting SC1 until v1.3 or so. And I seen to recall being invited to do so, which is more than anyone can say about you and your attitude. But you go ahead and insult ME all you want to so you don't have to waste oxygen insulting Hubert. Bless your heart son. Now take your seat and be quiet for a while, OK? It will be time to deliver SC2 when it's time to deliver.


    I just wish we could read the beta testing posts. I want some table scraps lol...

  3. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    I don't understand why Assmypoo keep this draggin on. Waste of time for Curry and everyone reading this AAR.

    Originally posted by Kuniworth:


    No offence but why did you not grab the name SeaDonkey instead?

    Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Ah lets look into the crystalball...oh yes Overlord will be a complete fiasco. The tiger will eat the mouse in the east. Assmypoo will have to apologize for wasting curry's time...

    Why are u still here? Dont you have anything better to do then be an ass?
  4. Why do u care if he leaves... He was so annoying lol... I was waiting for other people to tell him to shut up. He bragged way too much about his mad skills against the ai +99999999999999999999999mpp.

    honestly have you ever tired playing the ai with +99999999999999 or even +999999

  5. lol thats one thing i noticed is that when kuni died so did about half the new threads everyday. well actually about 3/4 of the new threads. I thought it was hilarious how much that guy could write.

    btw whats going on with the new forum... for like 2 hours i havent been able to get on...

  6. Your accounts old?? look at mine lol. I dont know why I keep leaving and coming back. I nvr really post lol. This game is addicting and I would probly spend more time with a "real editor" then actually playing the game. Hey how bout an awesome editor? lol god i ramble alot

    The main problem is that you guys take what people say too personally. Just laugh it off its gonna be alright.

    I dont know why u all hate the errnat guy so much I find him quite amusing even though he rips on americans like myself... Maybe im just chemically imbalanced. When people make fun of me I laugh and just make fun of them back. But all the whining about how bad BF is getting thats the only thing that bothers me. I think its fine lol. Maybe I just enjoy watching grown men fight.

    Making another forum...at first i thought it was a bad idea but maybe that forum is where all the BF members can fight at and this one for real posts about the game?

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