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Posts posted by petestorm

  1. Originally posted by juan_gigante:

    Looking at the graphics engine you guys will be using, it looks like you'll have quite a few fun toys! Sorry to sort of pimp a competitor, and I'm not sure whether or not it's relevant, by the Day of Defeat team is exploring lots of interesting things in their graphics engine. Lack of focus, motion blur, other stuff. And of course, Red Orchestra will have all sorts of fun features that I hope you guys will include, or at least by consider.

    Oh yeah, the developers are keeping their eyes on everyone. This game has really been in development for over 5 years now from what I've gathered. Guy's working on his Masters in AI and human interaction so he's definitely serious about it.

    Loving the kind of feedback everyone is giving. If we get something wrong, we want to know about it. When stuff gets into Alpha and Beta (it'll start as a HL2 mod) we'll need expert opinions. Of course, b/c of the size of the final full game, we'll have to limit things to "the most frequent configuration seen" so not every freakin' crazy config of vehicles can be modeled or the game wouldn't be done for another 5 years.

    For example, I know that all models of the M1 carbine produced by IBM had a round top bolt and an adjustable rear sight but the truth is the most common WWII config fielded (regardless of maker) was the one with the flat top bolt and rear flip sight. Everyone wants to be thorough, there were what, but there like a dozen makers of the M1 carbine so it could go on forever...

    [ December 12, 2005, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: petestorm ]

  2. Lot's of what if models as far as I can tell. Yes, they're planning on full engineers.

    Ahh!! So many questions! I can't really cover everything, I'm just a lowly weapons guy who has only been on the team about 3 weeks!

    Your best bet to answer a lot of these is to go to the site and read the FAQ sections and all the "Community Interviews." I have access to the team forums and I'm not even up on everything. Lot of people involved!

    I can say that once the Alpha comes out you'll get a better idea of what's planned and the critiques will actually be considered for the improvement of the game. Everyone is big on listening to the historical data to get the final product right on.

  3. Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by petestorm:

    It's way more than an FPS. That's just one component. See: http://1944game.com

    First of all, lose the Vietnam era uniform on the grunt in your graphic. ;)

    errr...and after looking at some of your models: Nice work but some of the equipment was either obsolescent (eg Me109 E) or wasn't fielded until later in the war (eg cantilope, locust, Panther G with latewar mantlet) and thus shouldn't be included in a game that's supposed to be an accurate representation of D-Day. </font>

  4. Originally posted by Other Means:

    If it's a FPS, are you going to model player suppression? No offence but otherwise who needs another FPS?

    BFC who run this site have all the model and other info you could ever want, all meticulously researched. They may be willing to sell it to you. You could even have a chat about publishing, possibly.

    It's way more than an FPS. That's just one component. See: http://1944game.com
  5. Originally posted by John Kettler:


    One of the first things I'd do is go to www.afvnews.ca and post your request there on the AFV Discussion Board. It's the online site for George Bradford's renowned AFV NEWS

    magazine community. Not only is he frighteningly expert, but the site's infested with grogs like Hanno Spoelstra of Sherman Registry fame. I'd also highly recommend you do whatever it takes to get Jacques Littlefield to help you. He has the largest privately owned tank and AFV collection in the world, much of it running. He has everything from a finished Panzer I to a Panther being rebuilt, with even deeper vehicle coverage on the Allied end. Quite the resource. Start cultivating every military museum curator you can find, for it is through them that wonders like normally forbidden interior access come. This is what Teut Weidemann and the Panzer Elite troops did. You need to visit Aberdeen, Ft. Knox, Ft. Benning, Ft. Hood, RAC Bovington, IWM, Munster, Kubinka, and many other museums large and small. You'd be amazed what they have and what small museums and even individuals have. Have video on my old computer of guys with their own running PzIV!

    One guy in England used to have a beautiful JPzIV

    in full camouflage. For first rate armor models, see www.missing-lynx.com There, you'll find quite a bit of work by another "nobody," a guy named Zaloga.


    John Kettler

    Really excellent tips. Thanks for the info!
  6. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by petestorm:

    The goal of this game is to be so picky that an armchair expert wouldn't have anything to complain about.

    I have to reinforce what fk said. You clearly have no sense of the lengths a grog will go to find something to criticize. You'd be better advised to chuck it all and go search for the Seven Cities of Cibola.

    Michael </font>

  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by petestorm:

    Forgive me if this isn't the correct place to post, but the CM series is one of my favorite games ever and I know the biggest Grogs in the world hangout here.

    Anyway, I'm a U.S. weapons researcher working with a group of guys building a new game (that in no way competes with the CM series) and we're looking for experts on Allied vehicles, real experts, not a guy who can just Google. Someone who has been into it for years and has a huge reference library and extensive knowledge. If all goes well with the game, it may turn into a paying gig. Email me in you're interested with a quick "resume." Email should be in my profile.

    Sorry if I've broken a forum rule by posting this, delete away if so.

    That's pretty broad; are you looking for detailed knowledge of

    Russian? American? Commonwealth? All of them?

    Armour protection? Armament characteristics? Performance (HP and speed?)

    Or camouflage and markings?

    Crew training? Crew uniforms and personal kit?

    Order of battle info? Which units had which vehicle types? How many vehicles per platoon/troop?

    What do you need to know? I suspect that more than one person would be needed to adequately cover all these areas. I could help with markings and uniforms, primarily German and CW.

    These sites are mine, but like a museum, only a fraction of the available 'stuff' is on public display right now.



    If you're looking for detailed armour stats, for example, there are a couple of guys floating around on this site.

    Depends what you're trying to achieve. </font>

  8. Forgive me if this isn't the correct place to post, but the CM series is one of my favorite games ever and I know the biggest Grogs in the world hangout here.

    Anyway, I'm a U.S. weapons researcher working with a group of guys building a new game (that in no way competes with the CM series) and we're looking for experts on Allied vehicles, real experts, not a guy who can just Google. Someone who has been into it for years and has a huge reference library and extensive knowledge. If all goes well with the game, it may turn into a paying gig. Email me in you're interested with a quick "resume." Email should be in my profile.

    Sorry if I've broken a forum rule by posting this, delete away if so.

  9. Originally posted by TheVulture:

    Knifefight at Cecina

    LOL! Nice to know that everyone's Sherman gets whacked by the first Tiger at that same juncture in the road. Thought I was just getting incredibly unlucky there.

    I must say that CM does one hell of a job portraying armor the way it really happened (at least according to the accounts I've heard/read.) Multiple direct hits just bounce off big German armor, slow Tiger turrets, speedy little Shermans lighting up pretty easily, etc. Impressive little series of formulas.

  10. Originally posted by TheVulture:

    Knifefight at Cecina

    LOL! Nice to know that everyone's Sherman gets whacked by the first Tiger at that same juncture in the road. Thought I was just getting incredibly unlucky there.

    I must say that CM does one hell of a job portraying armor the way it really happened (at least according to the accounts I've heard/read.) Multiple direct hits just bounce off big German armor, slow Tiger turrets, speedy little Shermans lighting up pretty easily, etc. Impressive little series of formulas.

  11. Originally posted by TheVulture:

    Knifefight at Cecina

    LOL! Nice to know that everyone's Sherman gets whacked by the first Tiger at that same juncture in the road. Thought I was just getting incredibly unlucky there.

    I must say that CM does one hell of a job portraying armor the way it really happened (at least according to the accounts I've heard/read.) Multiple direct hits just bounce off big German armor, slow Tiger turrets, speedy little Shermans lighting up pretty easily, etc. Impressive little series of formulas.

  12. Originally posted by RawRecruit:

    If you want a really tight, tense battle that is not very big and not too long then try my favourite off the disc. It's called 'Knifefight at Cecina'.

    Funny you should mention that one. I just played it against the AI a couple of days ago and it was amazing. One of those CM experiences you always long for. It was a close one and I'm sure a human player would've destroyed me. Always cool when you get that one tough/lucky Sherman in the right place to intercept Tigers at a 90 degree angle while they come rolling down the street. Fish in a barrel.
  13. Originally posted by RawRecruit:

    If you want a really tight, tense battle that is not very big and not too long then try my favourite off the disc. It's called 'Knifefight at Cecina'.

    Funny you should mention that one. I just played it against the AI a couple of days ago and it was amazing. One of those CM experiences you always long for. It was a close one and I'm sure a human player would've destroyed me. Always cool when you get that one tough/lucky Sherman in the right place to intercept Tigers at a 90 degree angle while they come rolling down the street. Fish in a barrel.
  14. Originally posted by RawRecruit:

    If you want a really tight, tense battle that is not very big and not too long then try my favourite off the disc. It's called 'Knifefight at Cecina'.

    Funny you should mention that one. I just played it against the AI a couple of days ago and it was amazing. One of those CM experiences you always long for. It was a close one and I'm sure a human player would've destroyed me. Always cool when you get that one tough/lucky Sherman in the right place to intercept Tigers at a 90 degree angle while they come rolling down the street. Fish in a barrel.
  15. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    This may sound odd, but instead of the CD scenarios you might want to start with BFC's twelve free downloadable scenarios that go with their CMAK Companion book.

    Here's the link:

    CMAK Companion Scenarios

    They're mostly small scale and not overly ambitious - You' won't be compelled to control entire battallions through heavy snow. In my opinion these scenarios go back to the 'fun' we had playing the original CMBO game.

    Try 'em out!

    Those look perfect! Even playing the AI it seems like some of those big maps just take forever. Not only does I start to get sloppy, but after a couple of days of playing on and off my wife wonders if I'll ever get a life smile.gif
  16. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    This may sound odd, but instead of the CD scenarios you might want to start with BFC's twelve free downloadable scenarios that go with their CMAK Companion book.

    Here's the link:

    CMAK Companion Scenarios

    They're mostly small scale and not overly ambitious - You' won't be compelled to control entire battallions through heavy snow. In my opinion these scenarios go back to the 'fun' we had playing the original CMBO game.

    Try 'em out!

    Those look perfect! Even playing the AI it seems like some of those big maps just take forever. Not only does I start to get sloppy, but after a couple of days of playing on and off my wife wonders if I'll ever get a life smile.gif
  17. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    This may sound odd, but instead of the CD scenarios you might want to start with BFC's twelve free downloadable scenarios that go with their CMAK Companion book.

    Here's the link:

    CMAK Companion Scenarios

    They're mostly small scale and not overly ambitious - You' won't be compelled to control entire battallions through heavy snow. In my opinion these scenarios go back to the 'fun' we had playing the original CMBO game.

    Try 'em out!

    Those look perfect! Even playing the AI it seems like some of those big maps just take forever. Not only does I start to get sloppy, but after a couple of days of playing on and off my wife wonders if I'll ever get a life smile.gif
  18. I'm sure it's come up before, but is there any way to make a patch so the distances shown are in yards (for forces using standard measurements?) I'm sure the developers have better things to do, but I'm used to shooting pre-1960s U.S. arms and everything is done in yards. Would be a touch of realism for U.S. forces and possibly English and Aussie.


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