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Posts posted by Mupid

  1. Thanks for Your reply!

    I only tried real-time mode yet. The squares at the beginning covering the setup zone i suppose disappear after starting the game but still everything is chopped up during gameplay. (see the last two screens)

    The driver version I used before was incapable of running the game in a playable mode. Lag time when selecting or releasing the units was huge. camera movement was also very choppy.

    Will try to adjust the settings a little bit.



  2. Hi!

    I am trying to run the game (demo 1.02.)on an ATI Radeon integrated xpress 200.(newest drivers installed)

    It has 64MB RAM so it meets the minimum requirements - correct me if I am wrong. I also have DirectX9c installed.

    The game starts ok, I can give orders but it crashes if I start the turn and have issued a move order for the AFVs.

    any clues?

  3. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    How far to the right are you going before you begin the assault on the village? You should be as far to the east as the map allows, then run one platoon at a time across the open road and into the trees on the north side.

    Once across you should organize your RH force so they advance along the axis of the village houses, with one strong platoon going house to house, while everyone else a tad bit behind and north (IOW, backyard to backyard). This advance shields the majority of your force from the main German defenses in the village center, while allowing you to roll up his defenses from the flank. Your lead platoon should leapfrog a half-squad forward into the next house in line, but only after the others have taken up position to provide the maximum in covering fire. If an enemy unit is encountered the lead platoon should pin them, allowing the followup platoons to flank and neutralize. Rinse and repeat.

    i advanced approx. in the middle of the map (the part where i could use the depression and the small hill with the scattered trees and the stone wall as cover for my advance); idea was that they could give supporting fire to center and left flank; something they couldnt do if too far to the right; well, my mistake ;) will give your approach a try

    thanks for your reply!

  4. hi,

    I also am seeking some advice here...

    I have played this scenario once and lost and now with a different approach seem to be losing again...(both times vs AI (*embarrassed*))

    1st game: one company advanced over the pink hill and moved into the house were the hmg was located; a small force moved together with the tanks up the road, another taskforce moved to the right and advanced over the small hill to support the main advance which i though will be made over the pink hill and then slowly working my way through the city; which did not work at all; the right flank eventually moved into the village but not far enough to get the victory flag; the whole advance lost power through low ammo and casualties and was pretty much bogged down.

    2nd game: similar approach; one company over the pink hill, one company right, the individual platoons in the center; the plan this time was to concentrate on the right flank, as this seemed more profitable as the 1st scenario showed me; but now turn twentysomething its nearly the same, the assault also was stopped in the outskirts of the village; all my troops sit in cover in the outskirts but there seems to be no chance that they have the power to push the fjs back;

    the main problems i have are: the firepower of the germans: the very moment i try to advance a squad from cover to cover they hit the dirt and become pinned or even panicked; so i sneak them from cover to cover which takes too much time; on the other hand even with concentrated fire i cannot push the fjs out of their positions on the left flank; it kind of works - but too slowly - on the right flank;

    what am i doing wrong?

  5. @Tarkus

    I like Your idea concerning sound contact, though I can understand the need for visual representation in some form; some flashing leds as You said would be probably a good solution; in a very small battle (as I like them the most ;) it would be sufficient to listen; on a larger scale I think a visual representation is needed just to get some overview;

    I don't see a problem with the sound contact beeing identified as a tank, in both ways You describe it; actually I like it - adds a lot to the flair in my opinion;

    I have a lot of catching up to do´- reading all the threads which have been written since 2 years ;)

  6. @Tarkus

    "off the generic marker" means "off from where it actually is" i guess; sorry for my english;

    I was not talking about efficency; in a combat situation I don't think you always take the time to identify(or even spot) the enemy; i pretty much like the system of CM (sound contact, infantry squad?, rifle squad) a system which is also enjoyable to play (and that's not always true with more "accurate" models); though I excpect that a squad would probably fire on sound contact in certain situations;

    @ Thompson

    I totally agree with you on the identify - spotting difference, thanks for correcting me in that;

    I also agree that becoming magically aware of the spotted unit is not a good thing at all ;)

    I do think that you don't always spot an enemy squad and direct fire at the squad; you also do spot an enemy in a target area and direct fire there; so if you spot a squad in a small wood, you direct your fire in the woods; the more automatic (and in this time also inaccurate) the weapons the more likely is this approach in my opinion;

    if a tank shells a small building or a small wood it doesn't matter a lot if he has spotted infantry in it or not; the effect will be similar - if the unit was spotted then the fire could be directed more accurately, that's true;

    I personally tend more to fire lanes, fire zones and the like in contrast to CMs system of fire against individual targets; but I don't know if it still would be so much fun then :)

    well this is getting way off topic, sorry ;)

  7. I am a bit weary about the concept that a unit can only target what it has identified clearly.

    ex.: squad A spots an enemy unit; squad B which is nearby does not; squad A opens fire on the enemy unit and signals squad B to do also by giving directions, tracer ammo etc; squad B will also open fire even if not seeing the enemy unit clearly, directed by the fire of squad A;

    probably it would be possible to give units rules of engagement? in this case the player could set the unit-AI like this: if another unit fires on an enemy unit try also to do so using area fire; or: only fire on units you clearly identified yourself; possible options could be adjusted by quality level of the unit etc; more complex RoEs could only be selected by units in command and/or good quality level; this could add even more depth to the game. like this you could even have friendly fire incidents; e.g.: squad A has spotted an enemy unit in the woods and fires on it; squad B (green unit, "fire on everything in sight") has not identified it but fires also as ordered in its RoE but hits squad C which is also located/advancing in the woods near the enemy unit;

    hmm this is going astray ;)

    In the case of relative spotting in my opinion you should also be able to target e.g. sound contacts without the staticness of area fire - meaning that if the sound-contact moves your fire adjusts automatically.

    I would also like to see options like "recon fire", where the infantry squad advances and automatically area-fires into suspected positions to suppress enemy units(definded by the AI and the quality level of the squad).

    well all this was probably discussed already...

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