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Posts posted by EasyCo

  1. Im dead...My comrades are dead all but 10 of 133 men! It was beatiful...I got a Major Victory, believe it not. Huh..talk about Phyrric(sp?) victory! Winter WOW! :eek: Holy Crap!

    German Russkies

    Men Ok.............10 623

    Total Cas.........123 1554

    KIA................26 423

    Captured...........17 0

    pillbox Des..........4 0

    Vehicle Des..........7 0


    Ammo 20% That is for favor!! :eek: :eek: casulties 50%



    Qual. High

    Fitness Fit

    Casulties 50%

    Ammo 80%

    Talk about unbalanced! It was fun though.


  2. yep..jig..

    I thought i was done too...put in the fork..im done. But I WON! A TOTAL VICTORY! I had a large map,for a village. And a Allied Assault.

    I had a 236 men vs 1300 men! and I dont know how many tanks. I killed 46 tanks. Most of them BT 5, BT 7 you know, that crap like that. Im not kidding..The russian tanks about..100 plus! BUT thank goodness they had conscript. I have normal stuff. And i had 5 Panzers(PzIIC,PzIIIG,PzIVE,and 2 StugIIIB)

    tongue.giftongue.gif HURRAH!! For Biltong...Hurrah! tongue.giftongue.gif


  3. Ive got a battle for testing. Its called "Urrah!" Its seems pretty good. I think anyway. smile.gif It is a semi-Historic from the book "In Deadly Combat A German soldier's memoir of the Eastern Front" You've probally seen it before. Here it is:

    Title: URRAH!

    Time: 7 November 41

    Type: Soviet assault

    Location: In the middle of the Siege of Sevastapol. The Crimea.

    Region: south

    Weather: cold, wet

    Terrain: Ridge with trees and alot of undergrowth.

    wind: breeze

    Length: 20+ turns

    Note: Russians are easy. The Germans is harder.

    Author: "EasyCo" John Doll jrdoll@earthlink.net


    This is a clip from the book from "In Deadly Combat" by G.H. Biderman. He was a Pak36 gunner. This is my semi-Historcal Battle. He(Bidermann) had at least two counterattacks.

    "As we laboured to reinforce our fire position, we were again interupted by an enemy counterattack. The Soviet naval infantry had crept through the thick undergrowth among the trees to within close range of us, and suddenly silent figures clothed in blue-black rose before us like fleeting shadows in the dawn.

    The machine gun again exploded into action, accompanied by the barking of our mortars farther behind our line, followed seconds later by the impacting rounds tossing clouds of earth skyward some 150 paces from our position. The advance ground to a halt, and they again evaporated into the undergrowth, leaving their dead and dying behind." etc. etc..

    "Suddenly and silently, from out of the darkness, poured waves of enemy soldiers. Elite troops of the Soviet Naval Infantry massed toward us, their ranks reinforced with work brigades drafted from the Sevastopol docks and the factories. They assaulted our position from the thick underbrush before Makensia, pouring toward us in dark waves, hoarse shouts "Urrah!" erupting from the oncoming line..etc...etc.."

    Operation Brief: There was a ridge called hill 363.5. Our II regiment ordered the guns(Pak36/38) and the HMG/mortars was emplaced on the defence line. The western perimeter of Makensia.

    Mission: Hold on the perimeter.

    Intelligence: This located is near Makensia(Hill 363.5). Ivan was fully aware that if we were permitted to push through to Severnaya Bay their lifeline would be severed! So hold it!

    The Soviet Naval Rifle regiment there tough be ready. Very few of the T-34 Panzers. Our 132nd Division was elimated for them. So it should be easy.


    3x HMG34

    2x Sharpshooter

    3x (37mm) Pak36

    1x (50mm) Pak38

    2x (81mm) mortar

    1x Rifle Kompany (the casualties was about 30%)

    No Reserve

    Operation: Assault the ridge

    Mission: Comrades! We have to assault the ridge. Without it, will be flanked! Sevastapol will be the end.

    Intelligence: 132nd Div. is devastated. The are very tired and... dead. And they have know Panzers. Only a few Paks. Urrah!!


    1x DP LMG

    3x Maxim MG

    2x Naval rifle platoons

    1x Company

    4x 50mm mortars

    1x Platoon SMG


    2x T-34 '40

    3x Platoon SMG

    1x Naval rifle platoon

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