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Posts posted by waynef

  1. Once again agree 100%. This may stop me from future purchases. This game has been perfect for me to play when traveling. Now I have to carryy an extra CD? Why?

    And please please please get rid of that completely unnnecessary cd check. What is it for anyway? I run the game on a laptop and the last thing I want to do is carry around the CD. If its to stop people passing around the CD to load onto different computers it will not work as people will just make copies of the CD.

  2. Next version needs a larger Map!!!! Even 2-3 extra rows across the bottom would bring N.Africa into play. I'd like 2-3 rows added to the right of the map to bring Mid East into play. Atlantic could be bigger.

    Right now this is a game of Germany vs Briton and Russia. Attack right, attack left. Limited.

    Its a great Game!!!!! I bought it and support Hubert. Great work ;)

  3. Both mods that I have tried were both (Sgt Eagle and Jorgen) very good.

    Thanks for the effort. Some constructive feedback.

    A) Its very difficult to tell the Army and Corp chits apart. The tiny xxxx above the military symbol does not stand out enough to distinguish the units apart.

    B) I like the idea of the Flag on the Headqtr unit representing the country. Needs to be larger if possible.

    Thanks again ;)

    [ June 21, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: waynef ]

  4. Hey BB, you need to at least put a ;) in there so the New folks know your kidding. You are kidding, right? :D

    I do like that "Yellow Submarine idea"! ;)



    Member # 3876

    posted June 09, 2002 01:02 PM


    The game would be improved tremendously by a major graphics overhaul.

    First, the medals used to show unit experiance are generic, they should be replaced by the correct campaign medals, depending on the theater where they are earned, and there should be a cut scene showing the decorations being awarded, with the national anthem of the nation in question playing in the background.

    Second, the sound file for infantry moving needs to be modified, so that the boots of different countries make authentic sounds. No hobnails for the US, for gosh sakes!

    Third, the combat explosions and sounds for combat resolution are not good enough. I say go for a cutscene showing the leaders of the various nations fighting in their underwear in a pit with clubs, sort of as a tribute to "All Quiet on the Western Front", since this would be a visual treat and make an artistic statement about the inhumanity of war.

    Fourth, if we can't get the correct graphics for the individual infantrymen (to include webgear that changes as new models were adapted), vehicles, aircraft and ships, then go with an abstraction with some pizazz, say images from vintage Warner Brothers Looney Toons propaganda cartoons. "Hare meets Herr", played out on the SC battlefield, with Daffy Duck pillaging France in '40! That's what we need!

    Lastly, is there a way to get "Yellow Submarine" to play when the Subs dive from attack? That would be awesome!


    'He's a cheery old card', grunted Harry to Jack

    As they slogged up to Arras with rifle and pack.

    But he did for them both by his plan of attack

  5. Only problem I see with the graphics/map is:

    1) I'd love for the map to have 2-3 more rows across the bottom for fighting in Africa

    2) 3-4 more columns added in the Atlantic for sub warfare

    I know Hubert has answered/addressed these issues and future enhancement may help this area.

  6. This question brings up another. How does the game end?

    Hopefully their is a summary screen like Steel Panthers that reviews your status. I do not want to play 4-5 hours and have the game end by saying "YOU WON". That stinks.

    I'd like to see some type of scoring system for end game. This would greatly enhance REPLAYABILITY. Thanks

  7. I have played the demo at least 20x.

    Its a whole different game with the FOW "on". I have been playing with FOW "off" to see how the AI moves. With FOW -"on" the AI is much different.

    With FOW off, the UK Navy constantly attacked Norway. I guess the AI could "see" what was defending Norway and thought it would chance it. With FOW-on, UK never attacked.

    Subs have a much better chance with FOW-on, unless your subs have a SURPRISE engagement!

    I really like this game. AI (Allies) attacked me (Axis) from the Maginot line into Germany and took a German city. I had moved my German troops into Belgium thinking the AI would not attack from the Maginot line and the AI would hold those units in place. With no German troops in front of them, the Frogs advanced! ;)

    [ May 26, 2002, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: waynef ]

  8. I'd be interested to hear some thoughts on how you budding Mussolini's would handle Italy's involvement. Im interested in playing from the Italian side and I'd like to hear some thoughts on Strategy.



  9. Sorry, I couldnt find another thread on this topic.

    My question is:

    At the end of the game is their a Steel Panthers type recap of men, material and equipment lost? Im thinking it would be great to have values assigned on men, material and even territory (won or lost) that equals to a score. ;)

    Replayability here. Can I beat my best score, if I try this strategy? :D You could have user created scenario's and compare best scores. :D

    This game looks great to play solitaire. But to play the game alone, I need a score or value to let me know how I did. This would greatly enhance replay value.

  10. How could you have an airbourne assault with a "Corp"?

    Its a Stategic game not Tactical. I guess we have to view the entire game with abstaction. The D-Day type assault would include airborne, but you specifically cannot (Tactically) call for it.

  11. I like the current symbols displayed. I dont think they are "silly". Im tired of NATO symbols.

    As long as the game is modable or NATO symbols are optional I think its great. Give us choices please!

    I see SC as a Panzer General type game (beer and pretzels) but with alot going on under the hood (game engine). I want it easy to use, user freindly and modable.

    Thanks ;)

  12. Looks like a great game. Cant wait to play! :D

    * Do the white dots on the bottom of your units signify anything?

    * Shouldn't there be a fortified line on your side of the French border? Am I wrong here... once again, its been a while, I'm just catching up again.

    Look close under the unit symbols. Looks like their are graphics under the unit chit (barb wire sticking out- Pill Box symbol)
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