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Lucky Forward

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Posts posted by Lucky Forward

  1. Well.

    I'm still having the problem. It dawned on me that the screensaver might be interfering, so I turned that off as well.

    I went back though and re-updated the audio driver.

    Now the games runs longer, but it still locks up the computer within 10-15 minutes.

    Turning off the sound has been successful in preventing the problem.

    I will keep working on this.


  2. Hi all,

    Hoping for some help here.

    I have an IBM ThinkPad M20 with 512 Megs of RAM, Win2K and an ATI Rage Moblity graphics adapter.

    I have installed the most recent BIOS, the most recent mouse and trackpoint drivers (I use both), the most recent driver for the sound card and for the ATI card. DirectX 8.1 is installed. I re-installed the ATI driver after I installed DirectX 8.1 because I a) saw some odd behaviour with the display and B)) I read that installing DirectX can interfere with the installed video driver.

    When I try to play CM:BO, the computer lock up hard after about 3-5 minutes of play. This happens 100% of the time. I have not been able to dope out a particular sequence of events. In fact, if I just start CM:BO, load a scenario and let it sit, it will lock up.

    When I say locks up, I mean the entire computer. I cannot ALT-TAB to anything else nor can I use CTRL+ALT+DEL to pull of the Task Manager and try to kill CM:BO.

    The only way out of the lock is to turn off the laptop and reboot.

    Here is the kicker. The Gold Demo plays just fine. Not a single problem.

    The only Mods I added were some new BMP files. I reverted to the original BMPs, but the lock ups still occur.

    I'm about out of ideas, except to uninstall and re-install CM:BO in the hopes that something may be corrupted.

    Anyone have a idea what a possible solution might be?




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