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Posts posted by iron_weasel

  1. I found the first CM hard to learn. So it will probably be a while before I can know what I really think of this one. However, I have learned one thing:

    I have a very low opinion of the tabed order system. Modal interfaces often can be clunky, and this one is no exception. I meant to tell my gun striker to change facing...but I bailed out. Damn that K key. After wrestling this interface for the last few hours that was a real gut punch.

    Has anybody else done this?

    I will be back, but tonight I think I will be avoiding any more CM.

  2. I don't post much on these forums (don't know if I ever had) but this is a topic that interests me greatly.

    I work as a game designer and love a really wide variety of games. I like Combat Mission as much as I like Tony Hawk Pro Skater or Zelda. The problem is that I have friends would might like this game, but they have a hard time coming to grips with it. This means that I have a hard time finding opponents and have played a lot less multiplayer than I would like. Let me tell you about my initial experience with the game and what I think could make the game more digestible.

    I first tried Combat Mission because it had gotten such great reviews and it sounded like something I would enjoy. However, I did not have a good time when I started out. In Combat Mission learning the controls and learning the strategy are two different tasks. As a first time player I was overwhelmed, and put the game aside.

    Months later I came back to the game because I wanted a new war game. My second experience went much better. I think the key difference is because I now had some understanding of the controls, I just needed to learn how best to use them the second time.

    When it comes down to it there are really just a hand full of things that a new player needs to know. Theses things may not make them a great player, but it will give them the tools to make decisions good or bad.

    1. They need to learn how to move. Some orders like Sneak or Fast require almost no explanation because the player has a vague, but inherent, understanding of them. What they need to be told is that moves like advance and assault increase speed and moral, but make their men more tiered. Also, they need to be told that Move and Advance are the two orders they will use the most, and that the rest are for special cases.

    2. They need to learn that they don't need to issue shoot orders, and that its often a good idea if they don't.

    3. They need to be expressly informed how Order Delay works.

    4. They need to be told the general strategy for attacking a tank with either another tank or anti-tank gun.

    This information needs to be presented to the player right up front, in a place that is easy for them to find. It also needs to offer hard guidelines (i.e. don't Advance over 60 meters). Even if this was just text in a mission briefing it would help a new player.

    While I am sure there are other more advanced changes that could be made. I think if you simply combined this with an in game order reference then it would at least help people get their feet under them.

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