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Lt. Mike

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Posts posted by Lt. Mike

  1. I appreciate the help.

    I have downloaded Directx version and the drivers from the link you supplied but still the same.

    Dont know if this helps but I dont get a Prefs firle created and I dont hear any sound when it goes to the blank screen. Clicking around the screen I am pretty sure wont work.

  2. I have recently reformatted my hard drive and upgraded to windows 2000. I downloaded the latest drivers for my GeForce4 Gi4600. Drivers are

    When I run CMBB I get the splash screen then stops with a blank screen.

    I saw the notes in the CM Issues page. I tried Alt/Tab and resizing doesnt work. I tried turning off the setting they mentioned in the video card properties. I went back and loaded an older driver. Still the same.

    Can anyone help?

  3. My vesion of CMBB has the splash screen saying CDV but I am almost certain it is a US version. Anyway to tell?

    When I download the CDV patch I get an error saying the game is not installed. I have it running on my D: drive. Do I really need to reinstall everything and all the various patches to get this to work?

    I tried the US patch but get an eror saying No CD in Drive?

    On top of it all when I tried to reinstall my game from the beginning to reload all the patches it wont reinstall. The CD just stops during the install. Must be damaged now althogh I can play 1.02 ok.

    Can you help me please? I'm desperate.



  4. I am very disappointed with how the game is handling spotting. I still find it strange that even at a range of 1000m any infantry is spotted by whatever number of tanks ahve any sort of LOS to the unit. Doesnt seem to matter how many other distractions there may be, buttoned or unbuttoned.

    I have even had tanks flanking and they still get spotted at almost 180 degrees by tanks on the far side of the map.

    And its not just one tank that will identify a target its all of them.

    This seems entirely unrealistic. Any comments?

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