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Posts posted by Bismarck

  1. When you play as the axis you have a wide variety of troops. Ranging from parchute to volkstrum. Other than firepower, number of men in a squad, and weapons in squad. Are there anymore factors that determine how well the soldiers are going to fight in combat. Assuming they are regular troops, not veteran or elite. I bring this up because it seems like everyone buys the volkstrum which are cheaper. But I would think in combat they would not be as good as a regular rifle squad 44 troop. In real life they just were not as good a quality of troop. Is this the troop quality accoutned for in the game?

  2. Is there anyway to look at a units info screen while purchasing units. For example during the game you can click on the unit and press enter. Which brings up the info sceen of that unit. But when your buying units it gives you a very basic list of what that unit has at the bottom of the screen. I find this really annonying espically when I'm try to figure out the differences between units.

  3. I'm a fairly new CMBO player so this is probably a basic question. Whenever I get SP artillery they seem to die rather quickly. I realize the sp guns are not meant to go against other armoured veichles. But if they can only shoot at targets in their direct line of sight then I'm forced to place them in the front lines. Are they able to shoot indirectly the same way mortars can if they have a HQ unit spotting for them? And does any have any good tactics for using SP guns as either the Axis or Allies?


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