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Posts posted by Otto

  1. Nmargie & Trapp, emails received and responded to. ;)

    Kuniworth, Les has not contacted me about the SCHQ.

    FYI: I'll be contacting the applicants in the next few days about what's happening next...

    schqbutton.gif<-- a preview :D

  2. Originally posted by zappsweden:

    Terif would win it. Hubert knows how every rule in the game are SUPPOSED to work. Terif, on the other hand, knows how every rule behaves since he must base every conclusion based on observatin..

    For example, Terif knew about the carrier vs air interception flaw that still existed in the game but Hubert did not (i think). I assume that Terif has played the game more (in its present 1.09 form) than Hubert so I think he would win because of that.

    Hubert invented the fotball but Terif has practiced all the corner kicks, free kicks and penalty shots.

    [ September 29, 2006, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

  3. SCHQ February/March Contest - 5 Great Prizes - Sponsored By Battlefront

    AAR Contest

    Title: Strategic Command European Theater

    Developer: Fury Software

    Publisher: Battlefront

    SCHQ is pleased to announce an AAR contest offering 5 great prizes!

    Each of the top 5 entries will receive a B&W print of their choice from

    Battlefront's John Smith print collection and the top entry will also

    receive the big prize of an automatic admission as a Beta tester for SC2.

    Contest Rules:

    The contest is open to anyone who is a member of the Battlefront forums

    but will not be open to anyone working for or professionally affiliated

    with Battlefront, Fury Software, SCHQ or members of their family.

    All contest entries must be made within the Strategic Command Discussion

    Area within the Battlefront Forums and only one AAR entry per individual

    will be allowed. Multiple entries including broken entries over a

    series of posts for a single game will be considered invalid. In this

    case only the very first entry of the AAR will judged for the contest.

    Each individual entry must have "Official SCHQ AAR Contest Entry" within

    the subject heading of their post to be considered valid for judging.

    AAR entries can be made for Single Play, Hotseat, PBEM or TCP/IP and

    must not exceed 100 lines of text. Judging will be based on writing,

    style, and gameplay/presentation. Subsequent editing of an AAR post

    will consider the AAR invalid for this contest.

    SCHQ, reserves the right to alter, amend or close the competition if

    necessary. There are no cash alternatives to the stated prizes.

    The competition is open until 31 - March - 2003. Entries after this

    date will NOT be included in the draw. A list of winners will be posted

    on the SCHQ and the Strategic Command Discussion Area after the closing date. In the event of a dispute, the decision of SCHQ will be final. Entry to this competition signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions which include the competition instructions and rules. The prize winners will be picked using the above outlined judging criteria. The prizes will be shipped direct from Battlefront.


    1st Prize: Admission to Beta testing SC2 plus a John Smith B&W print

    provided by Battlefront

    2nd-5th Prize: John Smith B&W Print provided by Battlefront

    [ February 15, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Otto ]

  4. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Funny thing; it falls into place - if you look at all facts this is what I think is going oN;

    - He creates an alias - "otto" which he use to make mods and campaigns. Interest grow. All part in the plan....

    I suspected something beeing wrong for a couple month. But it was not until I tred my friends software program I could see the pattern.

    -three things:

    1) I'v made one (1), flag sprite modification, I can't make a good campaign to save my life, nor to I purport to, but I'm damn good at html.

    2) Please tell me what program your "friend" is using, so we can all verify your theory.

    3) Please, please tell me what drug you are currently using. I would love to be in your world, even just for a few minutes,...please?

    Otto = making a list, checking it twice

    [ December 30, 2002, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

  5. Absolutely, but...

    Wait a minute, I just want to get this straight. According to you Rambo is Hubert right? And these two are both JerseyJohn as well. And on top of that I'm the same as Cvm right? OK, now that we got all this straight, the proper way to phrase what you said is:

    The Gamer known as Rambo and/or Hubert and/or JerseyJohn called the gamer known as CvM and/or Otto a bitch.

    Otto = semantics master

    Kuniworth = trolling

    [ December 30, 2002, 03:16 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

  6. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Just try to deny it. You make puke :mad:

    I "make puke"? or me and CvM "make puke" together? or is it Otto "makes puke" when he's pretending to be CvM? Who "makes puke"? tell me please?

    ....oh by the way, I'm still laughing....

    Kuniworth = worthless

    Otto = laughing (still)

    [ December 30, 2002, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Otto ]

  7. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Ran the IP-number through a friends software program.

    Guess what I found out;

    Carl von Mannerheim is actually Otto

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh God, please no more,......hopeless....breathe....

    ....I'd love to meet this "friend" of yours too....

    Otto = still laughing

  8. Conspiracy Theories! I love it! Guess what guys, I'm actually Moon, and Eva Braun/Hitler and sometimes, when I'm really lucky, I'm Cobra Commander, modern day dictator with a socially acceptable and politically correct logo.

    Otto = Not buying any of this

    [ December 29, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Otto ]

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