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Deadly 88

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Posts posted by Deadly 88

  1. Greetings,

    Set-up files sent to mPsi & ENOCH....waiting for a file from HEAVY DROP.

    My only concern is the 90 day time limit and the 50 turn battle that we have.

    I don't know the exact formula (maybe someone could humour me here) but isn't that more than a file a day rate?

    The 2 maps that I have seen so far are awesome (Desert fight & A Bridge to Far)...and I'm sure they will play out just as nicely. I'm almost afraid to look at the Death before Dishonour battle...it's likely to be huge.


    Deadly 88

  2. Greetings,

    Set-up files sent to mPsi & ENOCH....waiting for a file from HEAVY DROP.

    My only concern is the 90 day time limit and the 50 turn battle that we have.

    I don't know the exact formula (maybe someone could humour me here) but isn't that more than a file a day rate?

    The 2 maps that I have seen so far are awesome (Desert fight & A Bridge to Far)...and I'm sure they will play out just as nicely. I'm almost afraid to look at the Death before Dishonour battle...it's likely to be huge.


    Deadly 88

  3. Greetings,

    Set-up files sent to mPsi & ENOCH....waiting for a file from HEAVY DROP.

    My only concern is the 90 day time limit and the 50 turn battle that we have.

    I don't know the exact formula (maybe someone could humour me here) but isn't that more than a file a day rate?

    The 2 maps that I have seen so far are awesome (Desert fight & A Bridge to Far)...and I'm sure they will play out just as nicely. I'm almost afraid to look at the Death before Dishonour battle...it's likely to be huge.


    Deadly 88

  4. Is that the same Deathdealer that I butted heads against so many years ago with CMBO? The Scandanavian Terror? The Finish Assassin? We first met in a 1500 pt Quick-Battle Tournament over at another web-site. I had the 4 Panthers...you had the AT-Guns...you won!!! The only reason Scipio passed you on the ladder was because he scored enough points from all his losses? I have not seen your name at any ladder or Tourney since CMBB came out.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if it was you or not.

    If it's not you...kindly disregard this message.

  5. Is that the same Deathdealer that I butted heads against so many years ago with CMBO? The Scandanavian Terror? The Finish Assassin? We first met in a 1500 pt Quick-Battle Tournament over at another web-site. I had the 4 Panthers...you had the AT-Guns...you won!!! The only reason Scipio passed you on the ladder was because he scored enough points from all his losses? I have not seen your name at any ladder or Tourney since CMBB came out.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if it was you or not.

    If it's not you...kindly disregard this message.

  6. Is that the same Deathdealer that I butted heads against so many years ago with CMBO? The Scandanavian Terror? The Finish Assassin? We first met in a 1500 pt Quick-Battle Tournament over at another web-site. I had the 4 Panthers...you had the AT-Guns...you won!!! The only reason Scipio passed you on the ladder was because he scored enough points from all his losses? I have not seen your name at any ladder or Tourney since CMBB came out.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if it was you or not.

    If it's not you...kindly disregard this message.

  7. Greetings Holien

    I don't visit these forums very much (stupid work !!!) and very much miss all the Banter. As I mentioned in a previous e-mail to you and Kingfish...I suffered from a HD failure and had to start from scratch (including trying to find a stupid Word program for the AAR's). I have none of my previous turns to rely on and very little time to work on them anyway (the AAR's). As it looks like I might advance to the finals, and since I owe it to the Forum community...I will work like a dog to finish my AAR's from memory, on the 21 June. It just so happens that the Prime Minister of my Country (who stupidly called an election following a Federal scandal) is having lunch (emergency meeting to try and salvage some votes) at my place of employment...also on 21 June (which was my only day off). So even he is conspiring against me to finish the AAR's again.

    I don't know when the deadline is for the AAR's timewise...but I promise to have them to you by mid-nite EST 21 June.


  8. Greetings Holien

    I don't visit these forums very much (stupid work !!!) and very much miss all the Banter. As I mentioned in a previous e-mail to you and Kingfish...I suffered from a HD failure and had to start from scratch (including trying to find a stupid Word program for the AAR's). I have none of my previous turns to rely on and very little time to work on them anyway (the AAR's). As it looks like I might advance to the finals, and since I owe it to the Forum community...I will work like a dog to finish my AAR's from memory, on the 21 June. It just so happens that the Prime Minister of my Country (who stupidly called an election following a Federal scandal) is having lunch (emergency meeting to try and salvage some votes) at my place of employment...also on 21 June (which was my only day off). So even he is conspiring against me to finish the AAR's again.

    I don't know when the deadline is for the AAR's timewise...but I promise to have them to you by mid-nite EST 21 June.


  9. Greetings Holien

    I don't visit these forums very much (stupid work !!!) and very much miss all the Banter. As I mentioned in a previous e-mail to you and Kingfish...I suffered from a HD failure and had to start from scratch (including trying to find a stupid Word program for the AAR's). I have none of my previous turns to rely on and very little time to work on them anyway (the AAR's). As it looks like I might advance to the finals, and since I owe it to the Forum community...I will work like a dog to finish my AAR's from memory, on the 21 June. It just so happens that the Prime Minister of my Country (who stupidly called an election following a Federal scandal) is having lunch (emergency meeting to try and salvage some votes) at my place of employment...also on 21 June (which was my only day off). So even he is conspiring against me to finish the AAR's again.

    I don't know when the deadline is for the AAR's timewise...but I promise to have them to you by mid-nite EST 21 June.


  10. Quick Comments :

    Koltov Corridor - Attacking as Russians. I used HQ units on tanks to improve LOS and spotted many empty? foxholes (behind/beside buildings) in various spots in my advance. Moving Closer enabled me to see more foxholes in woods. Assuming he was using covered arc commands, I moved infantry into Blind LOS and moved them forward...eventually Area Firing my tanks and grunts into some not so empty foxholes. Then they broke and ran from cover...Ouch! I took a chance in the middle and Fast moved my tanks/trucks with grunts right into the town and behind the big factories. No losses. As I moved into the factories, the firefight began. I lost 4 T-34's and half my infantry platoon (in the factory) in one turn. Next turn I killed 1 Stug, & gun-hit the other, then mopped up his infantry with my remaining tanks. Careful study of the map showed where I would place a AT-Gun (if I had one)...elevated hill at back middle of map, in trees...so I moved my Arty spotter into LOS and called it in. He opened fire with 2 Guns from these woods 1.5 minutes before my Arty hit him. It took his whole load, but he got both guns. My opponent got the drop on me with his 2 Pz Mk IV's...he went Hull-Down and engaged 4 Su-85's that were busy Area-Firing at enemy troops. He must have fired off about 10 rounds total from both of them...missing or bouncing. My Su-85's eventually turned and fired at the threat...killing one and Gun-hitting the other.

    As I rolled up both flanks and pushed the middle, I found both gun-hit tanks and killed them both. Shortly after there was an auto-surrender. I had plenty of Luck in this one. If my opponent had of placed his units in buildings, or fox-holes deeper in the woods...and not suffered 2 crippling gun-hits...and only had one AT Gun in those woods...it would have been a different story.

    River Battle - Silly me, real life issues forced me to start the battle with the Default set-up as the Germans. Just made it more interesting I guess. I used my assests aggressively in Recon roles...pushing forward everywhere...trying to spot his advance. By turn 10, I had covered his entire left flank and spotted nothing (from the reinforcement point to his map edge), and was moving slowly on his other flank and still had no idea where he was. I kept the reinforcement Stug Hull-Down, but exited everything else as it became available (except for a Lost Panther & 2 Half-tracks that oddly appeared between the river and the woods). Finally I spotted the Entire Russian Tank Army in an Assembly Area out of my LOS (except for a HQ unit that sneaked into their LOS)...must have had about 20 tanks of all sizes, half-tracks & trucks, all with infantry on them. I figure he was waiting for all his reinforcements before attacking. (I found out later that my opponent was afraid of the Gun-Bug, or indestructible Hull-down inf/At guns...little did he know that they were all in the woods but not Hull-Down). This gave me the chance to move all my troops to the Centre Flag and hide. His forces moved forward, I dropped mortar, MG, and small arms on the infantry, seperating them from the tanks. This slowed him down. He eventually made it to the small VL and crested the slope. That's when all hell broke loose. His troops never made it past the Trench line, and his tanks were hit from all sides with Tank & AT Gun fire. At the same time my grunts close Assaulted his tanks from all angles. Battle ended shortly after that with auto-surrender.

    High Road - Again, as the Germans (Real life issues), I went with the Default set-up (what a mess). I really disliked this battle for the first 20 turns. My opponent didn't have much to do except have me walk through an Arty barrage on turns 3-5, and watch his tripwire forces cause havoc with my advance. I on the other hand spent way too much time trying to plot movements through the Mountains, in trees, slopes, rough etc...in the rain. Then watch my forces bump into each other, resetting their way-points, getting tired, and not moving very far. Back to the battle...my advance force went right for the village, but spotted a trench, then another trench, and 2 Concrete Bunkers on the opposite side of the River...so they sneaked up to the trench and area targeted with satchel charges. Killed a platoon and retreated back into the woods. Then they headed for the woods opposite the bridge (Major VL). Eventually, my largest force made it to the Village and settled into positions all along the ridge/tree line waiting for the mortars to arrive. My reinforcements arrived in a very unexpected spot...giving me designs on the Major VL in a pincer attack (with the advance force). The idea was to ford the river, sneak as far up the river bed as possible, then with cover fire from the advance force (with 81mm spotter) and units in overwatch, take the bridge. More on that later. I also had a small force on the other side of the river who were to advance as far as they could, drawing fire and trying to get to the now spotted Concrete Bunkers. Probably about turn 30 is when all my forces where ready for their coordinated attacks. The Bunker force moved up the River bank and knocked out both Bunkers. The Advance Force watched my reinforcements advance unopposed to the Major VL and occupy an empty trench beside it. Then my advance force joined the Major attack. With mortars and area fire, I targeted all MG Bunkers, trenches, foxholes, 2 light tanks, and buildings with suspected units. My advance force met up with parts of the Major force and began rolling up the flank from the enemy's rear. Finally around turn 34 - 36 my 8 HMG's made it to the fight and laid down alot of suppressing fire. My troops advanced once the bunkers were knocked out and kept pushing towards the 2 minor VL's. Turn 39 was an auto-surrender. If I was the defender, I would have been really bored with this battle...and as the attacker, it was alot of micro-managing that takes away from the Fun Factor...the reason I play this game.

    All in all...I enjoyed the Tournament.

    See you in the Desert

    Deadly 88

  11. Greetings,

    I have just 2 turns left against Lt Bull...and 1 turn remaining against Shocktrooper.

    I need some help with AAR's. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write about. Is their a format? A suggested length to the AAR ie. 1000 words or more?

    Maybe someone could send me (nmcentee@vianet.ca) an AAR from the 1st Round and I could use that as an example.

    Awesome tournament, Great opponents, scintillating scenarios....Truly amazing.

    Thanks to Kingfish for continuing this tournament when all seemed lost.

    Thanks to Winecape for the opportunity to Win some fine South African Wine...(note to Winecape, as unlikely as I am to come out on top...do you take requests? Never met a Red that I didn't like ;>)

    Thanks to the fella that is sponsoring a prize of "The Band of Brothers DVD collection". Unfortunately, I do not recall who it was.

    As most of you...I have played for the love of the game, bragging rights, and Bonus Ladder points...but I have never had the chance to play for something tangible. Yes, an empty wine bottle is still considered tangible...

    I look forward to someone sending me a AAR.


    DEADLY 88

  12. Greetings Kingfish,

    This is Deadly 88. I am trying to finish my battle with Space Hamster (Christmas Battle). He has not sent me a turn in nearly a month. He replied that he lost his CD...not sure when/how he will replace it.

    I also e-mailed this info to you a week ago...along with my last turn to him...but I have not rec'd a reply as yet.

    I would like to wrap up my last battle...I don't care who finishes it for Space Hamster...but I just want to finish it soon.

    Please provide me with a New Player and I will forward the last turn to him...you can send him the password.

    Since I have not looked at the turn in about a month...I think I'm on turn 26 - 28 of 38.

    Please reply to nmcentee@vianet.ca as I do not check these forums very often. I was very surprised to see this Forum on Page 4 ??!!?? Guess there isn't much to talk about lately eh?

    Thanks....I look forward to resolving this.

    Nick DEADLY 88

  13. Status Report ROW III 3-4

    # Rear_Guard_Action

    Deadly 88 vs SuperSlug

    Progressing - Turn 28?

    # Hosszupalyi

    Deadly 88 vs Joe Cz

    Turn 25? No reply in 7 days...

    # The_Beast

    Deadly 88 vs Frenchy


    # The_Christmas_Battle

    Deadly 88 vs SpaceHamster

    Progressing Turn 18

    # King_Of_Debrecen

    Deadly 88 vs Ryddle

    Progressing Turn 23

    I accidentally loaded 1.01 files into 1.02 and it worked. What gives? Does this mean that the patch is not working? or it is backward compatible? Is that possible? I was told that you couldn't load 1.01 files into 1.02 or 1.02 files into 1.01...but I can with no problems. (I didn't do it on purpose...but I did start experimenting to see the side effects...and there isn't any? Comments?

    Side note for Kingfish. I'm not much of a writer, nor am I elegant with words on paper, or feel inclined with the little free time that I have. Just how many points will I be losing if I don't submit AAR's? Is it a percentage of your Victory or Loss? That means that If I lose every battle, then the bonus points would add up to very little anyway. Or is it a flat % of the Total points of each scenario? That would be a significant amount...and could cause someone to lose their spot in the next round (FINALS)...not because they were an inferior opponent (enough points to advance) but because they didn't have enough free-time (Real Life) to write a story. If the Bonus points are small, perhaps those people will have enough points to still advance. If the Bonus points are large, then perhaps the best players are not the ones needed for the finals, just good ones who can tell a story.

    Can the AAR's be submitted anytime prior to Easter? Even if the battle has been completed many weeks prior to Easter?

    Comments are welcome

  14. Just wanted to make a quick point before I vote.

    This Tournament is not the only CMBB battles that I am playing. These other guys are going to Patch regardless of what I do. Plus any new battles that I start will be with guys who have patched. I will have to patch!

    We have been waiting for weeks to get the patch...and now there is discussion that we would need to dangle the carrot in front of the Donkey until Easter? Plus put all other battles on hold too.

    The patch is not going to be the All Powerful "I was winning but the Patch made me lose" be all and end all event of the year.

    Play...Patch...and continue Playing. No Big Deal.

    Deadly 88

  15. Update:

    King of the Castle - Turn 6? Ryddle is travelling more than playing ;>)

    Christmas - Turn 12? He is sending the turns, but I think he forgot to send the troops

    Rear Gaurd - Turn 15-18? Moving along

    Hossy Possy - Turn 14? Darn Fog

    Beast I am - Turn 10? Moving along

    Plenty of time till Easter

    Great Tournament - First time player in ROW series. Kudos to Treeburst155 & Winecape

  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dweezil44:

    Over at the Band of brothers site, they said the alleged scumbag guy goes by the handle "deadly-88" (though "WussMaster" seems more appropriate).

    He appears to be one 'Nick M.' from somewhere in Canuckland, judging by his email address ( {deleted}@vianet.on.ca ). You can view all his information here.

    Just a PSA. Do with it what you will. But cheating opponents suck, especially if they have used it to advance up a ladder.

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Dweezil44 ]<hr></blockquote>

    Thanks for the Flattering comments about my Personality..."Scumbag, wussmaster"...I don't even know you, you don't know what actually happened, and you have the Right to Diss me...Publicly...??? Ouch !!! That really hurts...Thanks alot !!!

  17. Greetings,

    I am assuming that you are Captain Wacky ?...?

    I read the threads that you sent to me. They are not very flattering. I attempted to answer the thread, however I am not a member(waiting for a password). The thread sure stirred up alot of controversy....not all of it bad fortunately. I would have preferred that you asked me about this battle before going public and embarrasing me openly.

    Just a couple of things I would like to say...

    I had a few drinks one night and came up with a great idea (or so I thought). I would create a 1500 point quick battle, armour set-up (computer generated), farmland, mod trees, flat (ideal for Armour Combat) and send out a challenge to some random opponents. During my set-up phase, I was surprised that I had Four Panthers (many random games with the computer had 3 panthers, Tigers, Jadpanthers, but rarely 4). Also had 4 StuG42's, again I was surprised. However I had very little in the way of Infantry. Having played many games against the AI, I disregarded the the odd set-up and proceeded (I have lost many Panthers to M10's, Fireflies, Jumbo's etc and a few to Greyhounds & Stuarts from the side). I never gave it another thought as I sent it out to some random opponents. A few of the guys didn't respond, a few responded with requests that they were too busy, and a few responded with the next turn. Only three guys actually asked that the game be ended because they didn't feel they had a chance with the force selection that they had. I agreed and asked them to send me a set-up, which all three have done. As the battles have progressed, I would have to say that I'm winning them (approx 70%), and I have offered and been asked for re-matches by most of my opponents.

    I never intended for this to end up as a controversy, I simply enjoy the battles. With the exception of 2 completed battles (the controversial one), all of my opponents would agree to my integrity. Check the ladder, all my opponents, and send them an e-mail...Deathdealer, Sunray, Majot Taktik, Scipio, etc...

    I am now at a loss for words...If I have done something that is considered wrong, then I issue an apology...to all gamers everywhere...

    ...I will contact my opponents, end the battles, apologize profusely...and if my opponents feel that I wronged them deliberately, and the other players on the ladder feel that they cannot trust me...then I will simply disappear before Scipio gives me the boot.

    I would be interested to find out how the gamers feel about this now. I am, and always was, available to talk to about, and end any battle.



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