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Posts posted by Hydralisk911

  1. what the hell, its ****ing panzer general by ssi on a larger scale with the crappy graphics in the origanal ones. oh yeah sure its reaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll realistic give me a ****ing break hmmmmmmmmm i wonder how long untill this propagandaa of truth is locked and some bitches come over bsing over how great it is i can see it now.....................

  2. I'm playing this quickbattle on defence against the ai in a village, ( i know i know ), anyway i am however commanding conscript Volkssturm. The enemy was American regulars. I found it very fun to command these guys cause they suck so bad but there are so many of them to keep coming even though it can get frustrating. I have pretty much lost after about 30 turns but they have stalled half way through the city. Uppon playing, there were many accasions with one grenade went off and pannicked whole squads and they constantly went from panicked easy which leads me to two questions. First what are your experiences uppon commanding low quality unites. Second is CM properly showing "average" or "regular" men in combat uppon their performance. In general, what would a platoon of regulars be expected to be able to take. Oviously the possibilites are endless with suppressing fire from other unites, leadership qualities,cover and the enemies experience and so forth with the conditions, but is it shown properly in general in your opinion. I found it quite fun commanding these crappy ass guys and i didnt do that bad ( though i was on d heheh ).

  3. I was playin a quickbattle, i bought two panthers 1 platoon of infantry,3 roadblocks 5 infantry mines, 5 tank mines, and about 8 barbed wire. Making a giant line with these obstacles, the enemy was forced to attack to the far right flank where the line ended where my two panthers awaited them. They blew the hell out of the entire enemy force.Eventually they found a way through the obstacle to the left flank so i moved and killed em all there too. Is it realestic for 2 veteran panther g's to kill 3 enemy tanks, 3 halftracks, atleast 40 infantry, and scare the crap out of about another 60 or so and win the battle with very little help from my 3 rifle teams and its hq. It seems like bs and it ruins the entire balance of play. Off course, maybe it was just the dumbass ai?

  4. After taking three forths of Noville the first battle, there was little resistance taking whatever was left of the map the second battle. But then the third battle, the map hardly changed at all, with my unites lined up at the end in deployment from the second battle. Am I supposed to exit them out of the road to Bostage or what?

  5. Can unites that have surrounded or are in the proccess of surrendering be killed by the enemy? I was playing and saw an American put his hands up saying dont shoot dont shoot and then he died. Was this just timing of the man surrendering as an axis unite was firing or is it just part of the game?

  6. I dont know German, so is there any site with a listing of the sound file names where it tells you what they are saying?

    Where a site or someone tell me how to effectively use machine guns. Im a newbie, iv only played the demo so far( my order is coming in). The attack rating doesnt seem anything special. Or is it that the rate of fire is more? Are they best used at long range? It seems that the regular squads of footsoldiers have just as much firepower.


  7. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  8. some german song " <> " means a pause: it goes something like this " boom " means boots stomping

    boom <> boom <> boom boom boom <> boom boom <> boom boom boom boom boom boom <> boom boom boom boom boom boom







  9. I have noticed complaints about nvidia cards not working. In the orignal and the coming eastern front, will a geforce2 mx 400 64mb pci card work?SO far I have only played the demo on some crappy 11mb intel 810 inegrated graphics ,but it still works fine on the highest resolution. But once I get the game im worried it wont work on my new pci card. ( no agp slots ).

    My other specs are:

    Celeron 733

    320 mb ram



  10. So far I have only played the demo. Im gonna be getting the game soon so I have some questions. The " operation " scenarios are " linked " somehow. Does this just mean that you just play scenarios in historical order with different armies? Or do you Have a single army and have it grow and gain experience? How do unites gain the " veteran " title etc. Thanks.

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