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Posts posted by Jagdratt

  1. Originally posted by Bogdan:


    I have recently discovered panzerdiesel.com, a very well done website. I found a very rare and strange picture of zimmerited Sd.251 D :eek: !


    Now, dear masters modders, you know what you have to do ! ;)

    Actually what you've discovered is a photo of a late war corduroy Sdkfz 251. These were built when war material ran short, and fabric was substituted for armour plate. A little known fact, but true I swear. ;)

    Actually this was the only way the Wehrmacht was able to get the Maus rolling under its own power. Massive armour plate was replaced with a similar thickness of corduroy with remarkable improvements in weight and related wear and tear.

    Sadly none of the corduroy AFVs lasted long in their conquerors' tank parks. The fabric retained moisture, hastening the corrosion of the supporting steel framework. The fabric itself simply rotted within a few seasons when left exposed to the elements.

  2. Originally posted by Ben Galanti:


    What video card do you have in your machine? Is it running with hardware or software rendering? At what resolution is it running? I had heard of folks running CMBO in classic with software rendering, but not CMBB. Maybe something's changed recently...


    It's the stock nVidia GeForce4MX. I don't remember what resolution I had set, and it's time to head to bed now...

    This machine and video card are remarkably faster than the 733 G4 it replaces. Running the AI routine and processing the turn seem to take 25-50% less time than the previous machine.

  3. I would like to jump in here and compliment those contributing to this discussion. It is one of the most interesting and informative I've read in a while. What I particularly enjoy is not having to scroll past personal attacks and juvenile language.

    The next foul mouthed 'Airfix historian'* should be directed here to see how real people conduct a discussion.

    * 'Airfix historian' - one who's military knowledge was gained exclusively by reading model boxes.

  4. Originally posted by Lord General MB:


    That's it! I've had it with this! Go dale or God ale or Goda Le (french cheese no less!) is driving me nuts! He's worse then Combat General (god rest his stupid soul). We must put a stop to this!)

    Would you prefer the return of the Iron Chef? :eek:

    Now that that name has been mentioned, I will have to go drown myself in some amber liquid from the Liquor Distribution Branch. Which amber liquid I'm not sure, but mentioning the ICS name has made this an emergency mission. (glug, glug, glug)

  5. Originally posted by JoeW:

    ...they seem to be a common feature of the Russian landscape in movies and in historical accounts. Is it possible for one of you modders to transform the "wheat" bitmaps into sunflowers??

    Good request, I've certainly seen lots of photos of fields of the beauties.

    And can you guys make them track the sun like in real life? :D

  6. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    I would agree. I was more or less allowing for climatic differences, but certainly in climates with a lot of humidity or moisture the acceleration of rusting would be more pronounced. I would add also, that any spare time combat troops might acquire to take care of their equipment/vehicles, was more than likely devoted to the weapons, engines, and functional systems.


    I certainly agree with Bruno on this.

    An important consideration is not to look at AFV through the eyes of the owner of a civilian vehicle. On my beloved VW Passat the appearance of even the smallest amount of rust is cause for panic. After all, how thick is the sheet metal on the fender? Not very - rust can perforate the fender in short order.

    Now if I was driving a Tiger with 80mm side armour, that patch of rust above the wheels suddenly seems inconsequential. I suspect May 1945 will arrive long before the rust perforates the hull.

  7. Originally posted by Andreas:

    I neither know nor care about the original cause for this thread. What I do care about is that quite often a requirement for some argument beyond 'I read it on the back of a chewing gum pack, and therefore my opinion is as valid as yours is, although you spent a lot of time and effort in formulating it, while I just regurgitate what I saw on the history channel last night before passing out.' is seen as 'snobbery'.


    I must say I have truly enjoyed many of your posts, occasionally laughing out loud when reading the depth of your knowledge on some very arcane subjects. However, I fully agree with the thrust of the original post.

    I can give an example, but only from memory. That may be a good thing, since no one will take offence. I don't remember who made the post.

    Prior to CMBB being released, someone started a topic about Russian AFVs, and how they would be countered in early war scenarios. A response to the post included a brief description of an event that was probably well known to folks who'd been reading the forum while beta testers and BFC were tantalizing us with snippets of information. The post covered an incident where an immobilized KV1 held up the advance of a German armoured column. The story was offered as an example of what players might expect from CMBB in the early war years.

    A well posted grog - and I simply don't remember who it was - responded with a very nasty message. They told this individual that this scenario was well known to everyone on the board, had been discussed to death, and they shouldn't be posting this story without doing a search first.

    It was a snobbish, superior, and supercilious grog response. (English grogs please note the use of alliteration and a serial comma). I can recall thinking, "Who the $%#@ does he think he is? Anyone posting here has to do a search to ensure they're not saying something that's been said before? Stop reading if you know so %^$#ing much!"

    So, that's my example of what can happen when 'a' or 'some' grogs come to think of this forum as their personal sandbox. May they discover the neighbourhood cats feel it belongs to them...

  8. Originally posted by Wild Bill:

    As there has yet to be told, I believe there is a chink in the armoured columns of Hittler.

    When I first read this message title, I wondered if it was some kind of white supremacist rant on Asians in the Wehrmacht. Having read the entire post, I can now say it's even stupider than I first thought.
  9. My father was a teenage bombadier in the Canadian Army. He was in a replacement depot laying telephone wire in a "cold ditch" in Britain when a Sgt rode up on a motorcycle and told him the war had ended. He asked if this meant he could leave the wire and get out of the ditch - "No". He said he was always cold and hungry in Britain.

    He was in London when VE day was celebrated. A friend of his jumped on the fender of Churchill's car as it wound through the crowds, and Dad has pointed him out in various newsreel shots.

    He was in Holland when German POWs were being repatriated to Germany. They were using German transport whenever possible, and the vehicles were in terrible shape.

    A Kubelwagon broke down out on the "polder"(?) and he was left to guard four POWs who were trying to fix it. He thought any one of them could have broken his neck before he could unshoulder his rifle.

    When they finally go it running, the convoy was miles ahead. They arrived in a Dutch village, and word that a German vehicle with German soldiers had entered the village appeared to spread fast. By the time they reached the market square, it was full of people. They were screaming and spitting on the VW, pounding on it and rocking it. Dad was trying to stick his shoulder out the window with the 'Canada' rocker on top. He thought they were going to get hauled out and lynched.

    A big dutch woman came up to the car and was screaming at the driver while shaking a large painting of King George the fifth at him. My dad couldn't understand that.

    He missed a trip to Berlin to tour the Nazi ruins because he was on guard duty. He traded a pack of cigarettes for a peice of velumn paper with an embossed Nazi eagle and the words "Adolf Hitler' on it in huge letters. We still have that.

    He spent several years in Germany in the 50's as a Lt and Cpt. He came to love the German people, culture, and cuisine. He couldn't believe the devastation in the country, and didn't think the Brits or Canadians would have kept going - fighting - through that kind of hardship.

    He shared his own father's strong post WW1 sentiment - he was a Lt Col running a military hospital in Britain during WWI - that the Allies had far more in common with the Germans than they did the French... :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by Warphead-:

    Ari: As far as I understand it you don't like the way the game describes the optics? I think that is a very minor thing. Of course you can go into much more detailed descriptions. But where is the point? "good optics" will satisfy everybody except for a handfull of grogs.[/QB]

    I am by no means a grog, but if this information is correct, obviously it should be incorporated. BFC has gone to some trouble to identify different standards of optics. If the data used within CMBB isn't accurate - that is one tank is credited with a higher quality sight while a second with the same sight is not - then this should be changed.

    Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but the original post was a very sensible one. Your response, Warphead, puzzles me. It seems to offer little to the discussion other than "I agree with BFC, anyone who doesn't is quibbling". If that wasn't what you were trying to say, please excuse my inaccuracy in summarizing your post. I have seen a lot of posts like that, but I may be mistaken in thinking that was what you intended to say.

    A reply which does little other than criticize the person posing the question is all the more surprising when BFC themselves have not responded to the comment or question. Questioning BFC is not heresy. Questions and discussion build up everyone's knowlege of the subject matter. I don't think anyone should presume to try and stifle those discussions by questioning the motives of the original post.

    I agree with the original post that when this information is available in what most of the forum's readers here would consider standard texts - Jentz - this is a surprising omission on BFC's part. Perhaps there's a reason for it - let's see what BFC has to say. After all, discussion is what the forum is for.

  11. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Actually the majority of Mac users encountering an install fault usually can't get the installer to run at all.

    I will however ask Charles about posting the Data3 file though once he is up and about. The amount of Mac users with issues is VERY small though and we have another solution that will get them up and running much sooner. See Steve's latest post for details.



    You'll have to add me to the list of Mac owners who cannot install CMBB. It dies while installing from data 3. I've tried four or five times.

    My order number was 90559. Needless to say I'm quite disappointed and hope this will be looked after soon. I would also like to be able to download the archive that doesn't work until my CD can be replaced.

  12. Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Wha? Eighty-eight, shmaydeeate! In my day, we had 16mm AT guns do yah hear me?! We didn't have no fancy-shmansee 'fast swivel' or 'high velocity HE rounds.' We shot metal at metal and were happy with it! Kids today with their big mulipurpose flak guns! Sheesh! :rolleyes:

    And you pushed the guns to the battle, in the snow, in bare feet, uphill, both ways - right?
  13. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    And historically, the attrition rate among TCs was pretty high.


    My uncle was a Sherman TC in France, I believe with the South Alberta Tank Regiment. He told me that on one occasion his platoon was advancing through an orchard. He and the other TC were standing in the turrets.

    He suddenly noticed that a tank adjacent to him was rotating its turret while the TC yelled at him. He looked up in time to see a German soldier in a tree pointing a scoped rifle at him. The adjoining tank fired its main gun, and he saw the rifle spiral away with the soldier's weak hand still grasping it.

    He said that was the event he least expected to survive.

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