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Posts posted by HansStuck

  1. Graphic and sound mods? Never heard of these. I just loaded the 'full' install from the CD.

    The BSOD occurred as i tried to load WB3 immediately after the Vid setting window.

    All my bios are default. AGP is 128MB.

    I'm fairly switched on at dealing with these sort of problems normally but this one has really got me beat.


  2. I have the miniport loaded.

    Sound sometimes stays on.Cmedia on board sound. No IRQ conflicts.

    No heat problems - I monitor those.

    Another point. I actually managed to play for 30 minutes without a lock but when I tried to play WB3 afterwards I got the BSOD.

    I have to say that I feel there are issues to be addressed in what is now rather an old program.


  3. Hadn't played the game in a while so i suppose my system had changed. However, now when I try and play it randomly locks up. Sometimes I can hit escape and exit. Others not. A reboot doesn't seem to help. Once it starts locking up then the problem becomes recurrent. No overclocking.I've re-installed the game.

    No other games lock up.

    Asus A7M266 512DDR latest Bios

    Geforce3 38.32 reference

    windows ME with all updates

    4in1 drivers 4.38

    latest Bios

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  4. Specifically in 'fire and maneuvre' scenario. The damn things just won't die. My understanding of AT guns in the last war was that once you'd got one shot off you were rapidly eliminated unless you got the hell outa there. Not here they ain't. I had three tanks within yards of the one on the right and none of em could hit it! Are they all like this?


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