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Posts posted by Alan

  1. Turns 16-20

    B platoon’s task to clear the west side of town was made easier, but not painless, by the enemy’s aggressiveness. Enemy infantry advanced from the city buildings into the woods, perhaps spurred by the pounding their buildings were taking from Shermans on the other side of the river. During the ensuing close quarters combat in the woods, B platoon was able to reduce this enemy platoon significantly at the cost of 14 casualties.

    I never should have went into those stinking buildings. Instead of being able to pin you with the troops in the building and moving my schrecks into the woods I had to rush my guys out to get slaughtered. I never recovered from that.
  2. Originally posted by Maastrictian:

    Now I will make similar calculations, but for the expected value I will use the average of both trials that were played hotseat. This should, theoretically, eliminate all variables except the AI and Human issue. I'm playing the exact same scenario with the exact same orders (none) so the only variable is AI control of troops.

    Allied Expected loses = 68

    Axis Expected loses = 24

    When AI is playing Axis, observed Axis loses = 23

    When AI is playing Axis, observed Allies loses = 68

    When AI is playing Allies, observed Axis loses = 35

    When AI is playing Allies, observed Allied loses = 58

    The AI seems to do a bit better as the Allies.
  3. Originally posted by Warren Peace:

    Test is a six-lane gunnery range (tall pines between lanes). I have six StugIIIG's vs. Six T34/85. All with regular crews. Range is about 730 meters.

    I'm assuming by lanes Warren means that a t34 would only be able to shoot at one StugIII. That would eliminate turrent rotation as a variable assuming that the tanks started facing each other.

    Were the tanks immoblized? That would keep them from moving and changing the Hit %.

    ALthough I did not follow this rigourously, it appeared that the AI's first shot had a higher hit % than the human first shot, and that this may be the cause of the difference.

    Let the discussion begin!

    The thing to do would be to set the test up so that one side had one shot of ammo. Then measure the number of 1st shot hits. The other side would just be targets with no ammo.
  4. You never read any of the Peng threads? There was also one in the General Forum for a while. It had something to do with Dorosh.

    I know there is the opponent finder forum but I have had crappy luck in getting opponents from there to keep playing or even respond. I've pretty much given up on trying to get opponents from there. It is a pain because playing in the tournament has gotten me addicted to PBEM.

    It seems like the best thing to do is get some of the losers from the FOTN tournament and start a thread for us to challenge each other to games.

  5. Alstian,

    If you need something to motivational to work with we could always start a challenge thread here on the CMBO board. I can rant about how my inablity to read the turn number allowed you to win.

    If you need an in game hint, I'm planning a gamey flag rush with my crews (Is it legal for me to say this?). :D If I can dispute the flags it should make the score something like 90-10 in your favor.

  6. That is correct. You will receive movie only turns. The person that generates the movie doesn't watch it first. That is to keep him from regenerating movie turns until he gets one that he likes.

    If you search in the Archives you should find several threads discussing this.

    You can send me a set up if you want practice with PBEMs.

  7. Originally posted by Fly-By:

    Yes, that is whats happening UP to the point of watching the movie. After the movie is over, the play is AUTOMATICALLY ended & the usual instructions are given to mail turn. In other words, player doesnt get the opportunity to give commands after the movie, turn simply ends there.

    Is anyone out there mailing their files as attachments to mail? If so, any by Yahoo?

    That is what it is suppost to do. Mail the turn like it says and let you opponent load it.

    I've used attachments with Yahoo, Excite, Hotmail, and my ISP mail. The only problem I have had is emailing people using Hotmail sometimes requires me to zip the file because it will include it as a text in the body of the message instead of an attachment.

  8. PBEM goes like this:

    1) 1st player sets up.

    - 1st player emails his set up file to 2nd player.

    2) 2nd player sets up.

    - 2nd player emails his set up file to 1st player.

    3) 1st player makes moves

    - 1st player emails his turn file to 2nd player.

    4) 2nd player makes moves. Movie generated.

    - 2nd player emails movie file to 1st player.

    5) 1st player watches movie.

    - 1st player sends movie file to 2nd player.

    6) 2nd player watches movie and moves for turn 2.

    - 2nd player sends turn 2 file to 1st player.


    So if your messing up on the 5th file your messing up on step 5. What you need to do is hit go and email the file to your friend. He should watch the movie. After it is done he should be able to make his moves.

  9. Too late I've got CMBB and I'm playing it. It was a close thing too. My wife though she would hide it and give it to me as a Christmas present. Luck for me she hid the package for my 401K plan.

    My opponent is house hunting and moving. I'm busy coaching 2 soccer teams and being a league commissioner. He is dealing with the distractions better than me and has taken avantage of some mental lapses.

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