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Posts posted by pjdg

  1. Thanks for the replies. Things make a lot more sense now. I guess you just have to live with the decisions the TacAI makes... (Including the gung-ho Sherman that tries to take out a Pillbox with HE rather than using Smoke (as ordered) to cover the infantry moving to flank the Pillbox! :mad: )

    How about this one? I've had Sharpshooters take out mortars, guns, trucks, TCs, infantry but they won't even shoot at Jeeps! (More specifically Jeep MGs)

    Do they have a minimum range? Are they insulted by the fact that the unarmored crew of a parked jeep is too easy a target?

    Thanks again

  2. I wonder if this has happened to anyone else and more importantly, if anyone else has found it unusual.

    During a QB ME (Germans vs. American AI), my PzIV/70's began firing smoke at enemy infantry approx=100m away. The tank hunters had run out of HE but I had expected them to fire AP (but not smoke). None of the infantry I had targetted were zooks and there were no other threats around.

    The same thing happened with my PzVG in the same QB.

    During another QB (German Attack vs. Allied AI) my Hetzer started firing smoke at a US MG team in a building approx=300m away despite the fact that it had plenty of HE left. What gives?

    I Searched the forums but just came up with threads praising the values of smoke (apparently my tankers had read the same posts).

    I'd appreciate any advice. If none, sympathy will do. Tnx.

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