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Posts posted by corn55

  1. 1- Placed order early Tuesday morning, 8-14-01.

    2- CREDIT CARD CHARGED for $53 same day, 8-14-01.

    3- Sent email to several addresses listed.

    4- Got one response from Madmatt, not helpful at all. All he said was, your email verification should have all the details you needed to know.

    5- Sent order # to Maddmatt, simply asking if my order had shipped yet. No reply.

    6- Madmatt posted on another thread that I should receive CM by the end of NEXT WEEK!


    You TAKE NO TIME AT ALL charging a fella's credit card, yet you take EONS of time to ship a simple package via US Postal service?

    Your website says that CM is IN STOCK and SHIPPING NOW. Uh huh... shipping whenever we feel like getting it out the door.

    Sorry, but my point has JUST BEEN PROVEN. BAD customer service. You cahrge a guy's card, it oughta be shipped the same freakin day... Bad.. just bad...

    8- And to everyone chiming in with their .02 cents as to how they had to wait 5 years to get their copy... This game is NO LONGER a hot off the press item. It is NOT a new release. It is OLD news. Over a year old. You cannot tell me they are having trouble meeting orders or what have you..

    9- I'm sorry if they only have 4 people on the payroll. This is their job. Any business without timely shipping and customer service is NO BUSINESS AT ALL.

    10- I'm severly ticked now that I seen my card is charged yet no CM until END of next week. Yes I am ticked.

    [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: corn55 ]

  2. Ordered CM a few days ago. All I received was the automated message saying that the order has been received.

    I live in Ohio, and assumed it would be here by now.

    I have sent numerous emails to every possible email address listed on their website, and I got no responses. All I am asking is if my order had been shipped yet.

    No phone numbers, just a POBox somewhere in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. I have always said never deal with a company that doesn't list a telephone number.

    I'm not saying they are crooks, I'm just saying it's bad business.

    How hard can it be for one of them to respond saying order# has been shipped or not.

    I am tempted to go download the warez version of CM.

  3. I've checked out the many good mods for terrain and tress but my questions pertain to different aspects of the graphics. Please answer if you know.

    1- Does CM support 32 bit color?

    2- I have the demo and waiting on the full game to arrive. How can I run at 1600x1200 without changing my Windows desktop resolution?

    3- Does it look better with or without mipmapping? Does it support mipapping?

    4- Who has the bets uniforms mod?


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