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Posts posted by TimSmith

  1. Yes, I think the AI is very good especially at the intermediate or higher level. I was playing the Axis and after taking the Low Countries instead of finishing off France I invaded Great Britian. The AI moved the Allied fleet in and I really couldn't reinforce my position. The French just keep rotating armies at my units to wear them down. Never did conquer GB, the USA entered the war in Nov. of 1940 and the USSR followed in March of 1941. Actually saw US air and ground forces in France. The Russians seemed very stronge and where slicing me up pretty good and then the demo ended.

    I also had the Yugoslavian partsians move agianst the Italians in the north trying to take Venice and they took Greece from the Italians. I had moved the Italian corp to North Africa.


  2. After playing for the last couple of days perhaps 15 games divided between Axis and Allied side a couple of points.

    1. My first impression of the subs where they where weak. But having successfully have them survive the entire year twice as Germans(not hiding them. key is to keep moving.) I think perhaps minor tweaking is all that is needed. I don't think subs should be suprised by surface units and should inflict a little more damage when they surprise a surface unit. A point about the northern edge is to wait until the other sub starts hitting the convoys that draws the Brits away and then move out. Also tried an air unit in Norway, that clears them out too.

    2. Let player select which units to attach to an HQ. It seems very odd how the HQ attachs units now.


  3. 1. One thing I would like to see changed is the number of turns. 27 per year seems a little low for this level of game. I think perhaps going to 52 (1 week turns) or 73 (each turn represents 5 days) would give a little more strategic depth. Perhaps an advance option for a extended game. Or have it be something that can be changed in the editor.

    2. I agree that subs seemed a little weak and definately shouldn't be suprised by transports.

    3. I didn't miss unit stacking given the unit sizes involved. That said I would like to see the ability to attack threw friendly units.

    Hubert, all and all I think it is a great game, it's been awhile since I have had that "one last turn" type of game and SC is one of those. :D

  4. More things I like....

    I think the AI appears very, very good. It is actually fun to play the Allied side!!! AI manages its forces well and is making good strategic decisions. From the post so far there a numerous options for either side to take.

    The impressive things so far is trying to balance aggressive play (as Allied player) without losing the British navy. The AI has been very active with both navies as the Axis. Italians drove me from the Med. (lost carrier and both heavy ships)

    Also the experience versus reinforcement level. Losses have a great impact when you lose experience with reinforcements. You can go from having some experience to none after reinforcing a unit. This will be something to learn to balance.

  5. Downloaded the demo at 6:15 est. :D

    I have played both Axis and Allied sides on intermediate and +1 bonus to computer.

    This is an outstanding game!! Was handed my hat by the French in my first attempt as the Germans but figured things out and took Paris by August in my second go.

    My only complaint is the game plays too fast. Is that something that we can change in the editor?

    Wondering what others think?

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