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Posts posted by Turkish

  1. Your perfectly right, senor Shaw, if I had actually read the rules I would have challenged someone specific by now. It seems you have overlooked the fact that you have gotten caught up in your own insurance company like fine print. I can't challenge a knight of the pool(as distasteful as it is to say that), and I can't challenge a "squire"(even more distasteful), now since I'm the only "nobody" with brass cajones in here right now, who the feck am I supposed to challenge 'o wise one? I'd prefer you, but that's against the rules. Hmmm, do I smell a loophole? But your right, let's not let the new kid totally embarass a snake like you at this game...

  2. "Or better yet, shut yer ****in' pie-holes before someone blows the whistle about your identities and YOUR site collapses under the spam."

    I really wish somebody WOULD blow the whistle. You can't confront someone who's invisible, and I'd like to see their site if they have one. I'd be willing to bet that the above mentioned person or person's site is mediocre when compared to Combat Missions.

    "Aside from Clubfoot's over the top rant..."

    Not trying to start anything, but I thought Clubfoot was right on the money. I see so much of this anonymous criticism in the real world much less here, that I feel an urge to confront these people if I'm able. These, "smile in your face and talk **** behind your back" people really get under my skin.

  3. Is this a fun video game or a simulator for tactical maneouvers? Both, I'd like to hope. So you need to cater to all groups, whether they're interested in historical accuracy or just wanna see stuff blow up. Closing sites and censoring material just paves the way for this group or that to control the focus of the 'add-ons' that CM is famous for. I'm not down with this, I like it all, historical or not, it's just a VIDEO GAME and it should allow for a little fantasy. The site is great, don't leave it open for yourself, leave it open for all the people that get enjoyment from it.

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