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Posts posted by 0time

  1. Originally posted by PeterX:

    ...due to the scrutiny of industrious, nitpicking, sleep-deprived grogs (and we know who you are!). The demo will be deconstructed to the nth degree uncovering- inevitably- certain problems/anomalies/inconsistencies/glithces, however teensy-weensy, forcing BFC into a frantic late-hour tweaking mode. And Battlefront is a conscientious, consumer oriented company. So you can expect the game in your mailboxes in late-October.

    Sorry, guys.

    I hereby would like to nominate this individual for "Honest Person of the Decade Award". :D
  2. SpaceHampster!

    Been trying to send you moves but they keep getting bounced back.

    Message of:

    <your e-mail>:

    xxx.xx.xxx.xxx does not like recipient.

    Remote host said: xxx x.x.x unknown or illegal alias:

    your e-mail

    Giving up on xx.xx.xxx.xxx.

    Any idea why?

    I will keep trying. :confused:


    hmmmm, looks like maybe they went through now, let me know.


    [ June 23, 2002, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: 0time ]

  3. No kidding about the kids.

    You need a license to do just about anything in this world, but any moron can have kids.

    When they're little they take all your time.

    When they get to be teenagers they take all your money.

    When they get older they take all your hopes.

    Wait till they start talkin and understand what your doing on the puter, they tell ma and then look out.

    I'm not taking any more chances, got me a vasectomy, low miles if any of the females would like to have a test drive.

    I affectionately call mine, "the little heathens", mom really likes that. :D

  4. No Slappy, no real hidden agenda.

    I was looking for some convincing, and new that I would find it, just didn't know how much. I've been married to long for my wife to care about how much time I spend on the computer.

    Its just that I read about the Peng treads, cesspool, the gerbil-hamsters or whatever they are, and the guys with the sheep.

    It's just that,


    I just,


    But seriously, I thank everyone for their comments and insight.

    I usually buy games after they have been out for awhile, in the bargain bin, etc.

    My internet connection is garbage, and when I do try to play on line all I ever find are people who want to go newbie hunting, are foul mouthed and generally dislikeable.

    I am not a wargamer, just like puter games thats all, and I realize I am not the target audience. I do this just to get away from reality.

  5. 12 posts in 45 minutes, not bad,

    you guys are so predictable.


    So how many of you guys are grog's.

    And why havent I seen this game mentioned in other game forums?

    (I suspect I know the answer to these questions, but am asking anyway).

    Oh and buy the way,

    I have never posted to this board befor, but have been reading it for a long time.

  6. Is it possible the price of this game will come down after the new release is out?

    I have the demo, played it a little, but it just never grabbed me in the seat of the pants like some other games do. I really have a problem with paying over $30.00 for a game, unless it is an impulse buy at the store, but CM is not in the stores. The most fun about this game for me is coming here and listening to all the baffoonery that goes on. It's a blast, (so to speak).

    So how about it ? Will they ever cut the price?

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