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Posts posted by Fairbairn-Sykes

  1. Friends, I do so enjoy taking a moment out of my day to catch up with the goings-on in SC land! For the occasion, I feel I must acknowledge your cheap vaudeville sideshow with a few words...

    Oh my gracious! Neighbors, what a positively stunning affirmation of the myriad contributions Mr K.Worth has made to these pea green and khaki halls! The laughter he brings to all may cause many a poster on these esteemed SC forums to consider wearing more absorbant under-garments. The wit, friends! I marvel!

    It is only too unfortunate that his earlier attepts to deluge the GF with goofy-gags and zany one-liners (second only in quality to moldy navel-lint) were all for naught! He truly gives testament to the belief that you, good neighbors of slightly furrowed, heavy brow - often seem to drag your knuckles on the ground as you post!

    *cue 'Wild Kingdom' chimp laughter track*

    I salute you all, gentlemen - but I tip my hat to Tim the Enchanter for his groundbreaking style of truly caring about his neighbors! Never was a more technicolor imposter of sincerity able to so seemlessly channel the spirits of a past poster while simultaneously managing to invoke a kind of 'Mister Rodgers as a bed-wetting fratboy' mystique. Bravo!

    Carry on friends! May Dr Carl Baker and Gaylord Focker continue to inspire you all toward your ultimate life goals!

    [ October 18, 2004, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Fairbairn-Sykes ]

  2. hey Andrew, it's been a while since I pestered you about the Red Devils - but I recently got CMAK and wanted to use your British para mod. Your British para jeep in CMBO was 'off the heezy', as the kids say.

    Excellent work, as always, with these new Denison smocks...

    Neophyte question, but, I noticed no crimson berets in the unmodded game, so is the HQ helmet a separate BMP from the enlisted boys'? What I mean is, have i just been blind, or does your mod change only the HQ helmet into a beret? Is there an option?

    I guess i'd just have to install the mod to find out, but... I'm inclined to ask you silly questions instead.

  3. Originally posted by JasonC:

    I can provide a bit of preview about these guys.

    Thanks for the lowdown.

    Don't know if you noticed from one QB, but, does each squad have a random mix of small arms, or are there set combinations one might draw each time he selects partisans?

  4. I always thought the combat bonus (lightning bolt) helped with a tighter, more accurate barrage - but i'll freely admit that i haven't run any proper tests to support my claim.

    I'm also fairly certain that the command bonus (star) contributes to a faster FFE.

    Perhaps this is just wishful thinking because I always make sure to have my spotters within C&C of some type of HQ.

    I'm sure the guys with test results will be along shortly.

  5. Those veteran Vickers nests held out for so long because they were each in C&C of HQs with +2 Morale (heart) bonuses (that extra dram of rum didn't hurt either). The Paras in that northern stone building were well lead and kept their spirits high, as their Stens spit steamin' 9mm every time you tried to seize the Vicar's house.

    The thing that stifled my localized counter-attacks was low ammo, even though I'd tried to exercise fire discipline. Those prolonged engagements near the north pines ate up my .303 slowly and steadily.

    Furthermore, my pack howie just couldn't find your PSW 234/1, who kept out of PIAT range and hull down quite effectively.

    i should have bugged out sooner on the south flank - before you'd dented it.

    Nice little probe. In a skirmish of that size, I found myself counting how many Stens each squad had left as you attrited them, so that when the close engagements occured I'd know who to stand fast with. That, and praying that nobody dropped the Bren. What I wouldn't give for some Vickers 'K' guns on bipods.

    And your damned Scharfschütze won't be eating any of the Oberst's cake...

    [ June 22, 2002, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife ]

  6. Originally posted by Kuma of Finland:

    BTW: Battalion HQ is 8 men making it a nice fighting unit already

    Although 4 of those 8 men have pistols (the other 4 have some mixture of rifles and SMGs depending on nationality) - rendering them fairly weak at any engagements over 70 meters, lets say.

    Some thoughts on Bn HQs:

    If you haven't played much, at first glance, it may be tempting to send a battalion HQ into a firefight.

    I'd resist the urge. The battalion HQ does a much better job as a spotter for mortars, a provider of combat and/or morale bonuses for MGs, on board tubes, AT guns, FOs, etc. - these 8 guys excel at creating a rallying point for panicked squads (or worse). Late in a battle, you might be able to group 4 or 5 squads (who may have lost their respective platoon HQs) together under C&C of that battalion HQ and, keeping the HQ out of the line of fire, mount a decent localized counter attack or thrust.

    However, if you're overrun by enemy forces, a Bn HQ will do a nice job of defending MGs, mortars and other support weapons, as well as beefing up your close combat capabilities... though I wouldn't go out of your way to make sure your Bn HQ gets some action.

    I'm not sure what the actual point breakdowns are, but I'm certain a Bn HQ is worth significantly more than any 8 man squad of grunts in terms of victory points awarded to your opponent (in the event that your Bn HQ is KIA...)

    [ June 18, 2002, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife ]

  7. Originally posted by Mustang:

    "Importu" is in fact an Engilish word, that means 'makeshift", or "hasty".

    Ahhhh, yeah. Sure. I'm not sure how the English language will have changed by "WW11", but, for now - I'm quite certain the word is 'impromptu".

    But hey, your debate team must be one to contend with, indeed.

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