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Sun Tzu

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Posts posted by Sun Tzu

  1. I just reinstalled CMBB and CMMOS 4.03. Afterwards I downloaded the mods and rulesetes for CMMOS. Both the mods and rulesets installed without to CMMOS without a problem yet they do not seem to work. After applying a mod in CMMOS I then start CMBB and the mod has not done anything. It does not matter what mod of the 50+, none seem to actual effect anything in the game. Any ideas why the mods are not taking effect?

  2. Shermans need to move to be effective. They work best in groups of two with one in a hull down postion while the other advances. As soon as you make contact with German armor use your infantry, which should always be infront of a Sherman, to clear an area to get one of the Shermans to the flank of the German tank to take it out. The other Sherman should be hunting forward out of cover and reversing back into it. The second Sherman is the bait to keep the tanks attention while the other one kills it. To get some experance set up a QB with light hills and moderate tree cover. Let the Germans have 4 MarkIVs and take 8 Shermans, either 75's or 76's. Use the cover and move listed above to take out the German tanks.

  3. By the way both the Rangers and the Germans seem to be Reg experance units. I find it hard to belive that the Germans attacking Hill 400 are of the same quality as the Rangers. What if you made the Rangers all Crack or Elite troops. You could then add a fourth company of Germans or give them more heavly weapons to balance it out. Such as 81s and MG42s. Why do you have two sharpshoots for the Germans? :confused: They get killed so easy by the arty they have no effect in the battle.

  4. I have played Hill 400 five times as the allies and have been able to win three of them. The two losses were not because my defense was overrun but the allied moral droped down to 3% both times. The scenerio is win able but would be much easier if the allied moral was raised to 100 and not 71 at the start.

    The arty was also a problem for the allies. When I left the Target Referance Points in the defalt postions the computer charged past them before the arty hit. :mad: I then put the Target Referance Points closer to the hill. This worked well until one battle the computer stayed in the woods for ten minutes and then charged. Making the Referance Points usless. So I would like to see the addition of two more Referance Points so they could be put into the woods.

    I have also played twice as the germans. The battle was not to hard to just run up the hill and overwhelm the Rangers. Of course all my experaces have been against the A/I so it should be harder against a human controled Ranger force.

    I have enjoyed the scenerio and hope that my post is helpfull to you.

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