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Posts posted by Clinton

  1. Okay, I have some questions for you all. I am looking for a very good resource on German, American, and Russian Armored vehicles. I currently have "Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW2" by Chamberlain and Doyle, and "German tanks of WW2" by Forty. Now aparently, C & D book is not all that acurate as I found out when citing them on the frontal armor thickness of a Panther G at 110 mm, when apartenly it is 100. I am now wondering what is considered the best resource for info on these nations tanks and vehicles. Looking for hard numbers as well as photos and accounts if possible. I was under the inpression that C & D's book was a top resource but, 10 mm is quite a margin of error unless there is soe reason for the difference. Also I am looking for a good read on Panzer battles from a tanks perspective. I have Panzer Aces by Kurowski, but so far (reading Bake's accounts) it isn't as "ground level" as I was hoping for though I do enjoy it.

    Any help is appreciated.


    PS I posted this in the General forum with scant reply. Hoping that this knowledgable group can help me out here. Looking to expand my knowledge and my general enjoyment of CMBB.

  2. Just go into the Pavlov's house scenario. leave everything set where it is. Order up a bombardment from the FO. Wait for the first shells to land and the shift fire and notice how far you can shift. After shifting fire a bit, within the same turn shift again and again and again. Notice no added deley and notice the full arc you can swing, pretty big. Like I said it could be perfectly fine, it just seems like a large area to be able to shift fire without much penalty.

  3. Just go into the Pavlov's house scenario. leave everything set where it is. Order up a bombardment from the FO. Wait for the first shells to land and the shift fire and notice how far you can shift. After shifting fire a bit, within the same turn shift again and again and again. Notice no added deley and notice the full arc you can swing, pretty big. Like I said it could be perfectly fine, it just seems like a large area to be able to shift fire without much penalty.

  4. Madmatt, I am running Pavlov's house. After I looked at it again, I cannot shift across the ENTIRE map, tested and failed, but I can make near 90 degree adjustments with no added time besides the initial 30 or so(meaning on that map I can shift fire to cover over 50% of the map from thei initial position with only a 33 sec deley. Maybe it is just how it is supposed to be. Can FO shift fire nearly 90 degrees without problems?

  5. Madmatt, I am running Pavlov's house. After I looked at it again, I cannot shift across the ENTIRE map, tested and failed, but I can make near 90 degree adjustments with no added time besides the initial 30 or so(meaning on that map I can shift fire to cover over 50% of the map from thei initial position with only a 33 sec deley. Maybe it is just how it is supposed to be. Can FO shift fire nearly 90 degrees without problems?

  6. Well the reason I was asking is because I noticed in the Demo that the Citadel mission when low to the ground and with all details maxed, got a bit choppy when panning and now that I have the full version the large Stalingrad Factory mission is unplayable due to so mush slowdown and choppyness.

    My comp specs are

    AMD Athlon 2000XP+

    512MB DDRAM

    Geforce 4 Ti4600

    Asus A7V333 MB

    7200RPM 80GIG HD

    Plextor Plexwriter 40/12/04

    If I had the FPS scale I could check and see what tweaks might get me a better framrate on such missions. I know about programs that will do it, but it is just a nice feature that pretty much any game includes nowadays. No big deal just wishing smile.gif

  7. On Saturday the 21st, my girlfriend and I were driving along I57 Northbound to Decatur Illinois to a Bruce Campbel book signing. Anyways along that long a desolate road I found myself thinking, "You know this looks alot like those Russian Steppes, this here field that is as flat and goes on as far as the eye can see." I later found myself watching for brush piles and bean fields out of which I would place an ambush of three little men standing on a blue square. Hmmm that clump of trees over there could hold a 37mm ATG rather nicely, and ohh my this long road would be a prime place to test long distance armor penatrations of a Pz VG and a T-34. Later on the return trip, I told Sara (the afore mentioned girlfriend) and she gave me a balnk stare as if to say, "We just went to a Bruce Cambpell signing where the geekiest of the geek come out to, yet you have managed to even cross that border." All the while I was thinking, hmmm well withing this border of kinggeekdom, where could I arrange my troops to provide the best killing zones for the new cover arcs that I have been dreaming of. After 4.6 years, I now believe that Sara (see above) has seen all of the aspects that there are too me. Now when driving down the road, she (Sara) will ask, "So Mr. Paulas, where would you place your precious little soldiers?" And in reply I have to say, "Honey, those aren't just any old soldiers, those are Finnish Conscript Fit troops which will rip the enemies tanks apart with their bare hands and eat the crews inside! Little soldiers my arse, hmmphhh!" So now I sit here, late at night waiting, wanting, and hoping that my copy of CMBB will arrive tomorrow so that I can in fact deny the sweet sweet lovin to Sara as retaliation for making fun of my wargaming geekness. Battlefront, you should market relationship guides for the lonely wargamer and sell them on the website for 19.95 plus 7 dollars S&H. Now only if I can remember why I even botheres writing this drivel.


    Ohhh yea, how do the trench systems work? Are they only in striaght pieces? Do they provide total concealment while units travel within them? How much cover do they aford? Are the themseles visible froma distance as are craters and such?


    [ September 24, 2002, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Clinton ]

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