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Posts posted by FinnN

  1. Well, it all went a lot quicker then I was expecting - and I have my new job in London starting in late January! Yay! Things have been a bit(!) hectic what with sorting out handing in my notice at my current job, getting ready to hand over responsibilities, etc - and all the bits and pieces at the other end. Anyway things are calming down again now, so I'll be sending over where I was to Gnasher today to have a look over (I want to change a few things before I commit myself to releasing something). Once I've made those changes it won't be long, if I get distracted again I'll just release what I have for someone else to tidy up.

    Have fun


  2. Yep, I got your e-mail. I'm away for a day more to go to an interview, I'll get back to you on Wednesday.

    Sorry for the delay, but then again I have been to France, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, oh and moved house just for good measure in amongst all that! Annoyingly it's almost finished, but I simply haven't touched it for ages - I just want to get a mission designer to look some stuff over (as that's who it's aimed at) before finalising some stuff.

    Have fun


  3. http://files.games.1c.ru/_/TOW/Unit%20modelingTOW%20eng.rar

    That should work.

    Great guide - pretty clear for the most part. Just one question - 'mesh prominence'? I'm not familiar with this term, do you mean each collision box needs to be a convex mesh or something else?

    Oudy: I would guess that 1C use a custom 3DS Max plugin to generate the in-game object based on mesh naming and bone structures. Now theoretically you can move 3D objects from one program to another and keep this intact, but in practice it generally needs a lot of cleaning up so I'd say that yes it'd need to be 3DS Max. You can intercept the output from various gMax plugins and then bring that into 3DS Max for final export, but again I'd say its a non-starter unless the person doing the export has time to tidy things up (plus 1C would be breaking the gMax license agreement).

    BTW is that a new multi-turreted tank in the docs - don't remember seeing that before!

    Have fun


  4. Originally posted by Gridley:

    ...Mouse wheel raises and lowers cam...

    As well as that, there's a setting in the options somewhere that allows you to extend the camera height range - so that you can go right down to ground level and up further (handy if you want a semi-close combat 2Dish style view for gauging the best routes for sneaking).

    Have fun


  5. The new editor that's been mentioned will make it a lot easier to make basic scenarios - and I think that will do a lot for the game's replayability and popularity. The demo has numerous problems that have been gone over several times here - a new demo is really needed and I hope they come up with one when the patches and/or add-on are out.

    Have fun


  6. "in the database" is the key phrase there - how can you identify problems systematically by spotting patterns otherwise? Some sort of proper bug reporting system would be an improvement, even if the results or how reports were handled were never made public. I hardly think I'm saying anything astonishing or even remotely controversial here. At the end of the day it's up to BFC how they operate though.

    Have fun


  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Every developer can do things the way that works best for them, but personally I'd quit and work at my local grocery store before I went the route of having to manage a bug database that was open to the public. We've got one internally for beta testing and that's enough to manage. Important bugs mentioned here are topics of conversation amongst testers and they do get entered into the bug database if they warrant inclusion.

    Well, fair enough each to his own. But it does render arguments about bugs somewhat meaningless. If you see something in the game and you don't like it, is it a flawed design, is it a bug that'll get fixed, is it a bug that isn't considered important or is it something misunderstood? I see very few discussions about bugs and design decisions which don't mostly consist of people arguing which heading it belongs under. Several times I've seen people (BFC or beta testers) plead that if someone is mentioning a bug that they provide full information on it - well without any sort of form to ensure that it happens that way the chances of that occurring are zip, never mind the huge overhead of interpreting someone's post and entering it into a database. It's also interesting to note that only 'important' bugs end up in the database - a clear sign that the current system isn't as efficient or as useful as it could be.

    Have fun


  8. I like the game, but in all honesty as it stands it's not a 10/10. 40% is too harsh, but I think the scores in the mid/high 70s and 80s are in the right ball park. Now, if just a few of the key things that Sneaksie says'll happen happens then, yes I think we're looking at a 10/10 - a rare thing these days.

    Have fun


  9. You know, the only fundamentally flawed thing I see to do with CMSF is the ad-hoc method used to communicate bugs and design decisions. Is it really surprising that 'debates' like this are common?

    I know it's been mentioned many times before by different people (with no comment from BFC), but why not take a leaf from Paradox's book and have a structured forum for people to post bugs which are then categorised by a moderator into things like 'fixed in 1.04', 'known bug', 'working as designed', etc, etc, etc? Not only would it encourage more meaningful feedback it'd also help clean things up here.

    Have fun


  10. Well, when you consider that the big CMSF framerate increase in 1.04 has come from terrain LODs (very important in flight sims) and ToW is using a heavily modified IL2 engine I'm not so sure. FPS hits in ToW seem to come from things other than the graphics. It's quite a big admission for BFC to say that they didn't think that terrain LOD would yield improved framerates for a negligable change in overall quality - a glaring hole like that is probably down to the one-man-programming-team (Charles) that they have. I'm sure exchange of information on graphics routines could yield some results for both sides, but I wouldn't expect anything dramatic for ToW at least.

    Graphics-wise, at the moment CMSF has better 3D models (dramatically better in the case of infantry) and I prefer some of the textures. Apart from that ToW has either comparable or better graphics in just about everything else. In particular the models don't exhibit z-buffering problems (which are severe in CMSF) and the map doesn't float in space. Whilst CMSF terrain might be more complex than CMx1 terrain it doesn't really come close to matching all the stuff you have lying around the ToW battlefield. Take a look at the new ToW model screenshots and they're as good as if not better than the CMSF ones. In summary, I think ToW has better graphics and if they'd been done in a similar style to the CMSF ones they'd blow them away (ToW textures, like the IL2 ones, tend to be a bit more 'artistic'/'drawn' as opposed to the more 'photographic' style in CMSF).

    On the other side, CMSF has a wider range of things you can do in terms of orders and interaction with the environment and the behaviour of units is on a different level, never mind things like C&C, relative spotting etc. Although they're two very different games if there's ever a ToW2 I'd like to see some of those things influencing it from CMSF, not the graphics.

    Have fun


  11. Would be nice, but I'd guess it'd need to be from modders rather than an official one.

    Over on the simhq forums Sneaksie has revealed that a modding guide for 3D models has been written and is about to be announced.


    If this covers everything then all sorts of things become possible - such as your SCW suggestion. One difficulty would be adding in the nations as certain parts of the interface occupy parts of a shared bitmap, so you can't simply just add new flags for example. Other things (I forget now which) seem to be hard-coded. Swapping out a country, for example making the Polish seem like they're Finnish, is possible but being able to add completely new ones would be better. I wouldn't be surprised if someone got all the work done (voices, textures, 3D models) if 1C would do the necessary finishing off to get it into the game - and with some theatres it wouldn't be that much extra work as you say.

    Have fun


  12. Strikes me that LOS/LOF calculations are something that could utilise multiple processors well - but as I understand it CMSF only uses one processor. There'll always be abstractions but I'm sure they can be reduced from where they are now if the game scaled itself to whatever hardware it was running on. Whilst game support for multiple processors is still pretty sparse it's only a matter of time before dual, quad or more core processors and support for them becomes common. I hope that BFC explore doing that in the future.

    On the Syrian thing, it seems to me that no-one would argue that the US forces shouldn't perform much better than the Syrian when the units are split. At the moment though it's all or nothing. Maybe if a Syrian unit splits it should be subject to a heavy penalty when split which doesn't apply to US forces?

    Have fun


  13. Talking about trees I think it'd be great if when a tree or bush gets crushed it turns into some 'rough ground' - this could be represented with a lower version of the existing bush graphics. It'd be even better if something more detailed were possible (eg tree trunk acting like a small wall for use as cover and the canopy behaving like a bush) but just something simple would be better than the tree simply vanishing as it does now.

    Have fun


  14. Originally posted by Huntarr:

    Off Battlefronts Sales

    Game Features

    Ability to play game in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish or French languages

    196 page printed game manual (download version has pdf manual)


    Paradox didn't even mention a manual in it's sales pitch. You should feel lucky you got one. smile.gif

    I'm hoping the smiley means that whole post was a joke - the downloadable version of a complex game with no manual is the downloadable version of a complex game that I'd never even consider buying. BFC complain a lot about people 'not getting' the game, well maybe in one or two cases a PDF manual that is more suitable for printing would help. As it would involve zero work (literally as well as practically now that someone has done it for them) for them surely that's a good thing? It's not as though the 'real' manual is particularly easy to read and I can easily imagine someone with poor eyesight wanting to print out a clearer/larger version of key sections for themselves even if they have it.

    Have fun


  15. Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

    If you wanted the full paper manual next time you might wish to ponder a bit longer on what version you purchase. If BFC released a printer friendly version all their direct purchasers might find it none too funny.

    I'm not joking now, that's one of the most incredibly idiotic statements I've ever read on an internet forum and I really hope BFC don't have the same attitude. All someone gains for printing out a manual is something which is easier to read, cheaper to print and more likely to increase a customers ability to enjoy and understand the game. This is a manual which is already provided to them in full, in a printable as well as screen-readable PDF format so we're not talking about some sort of strategy guide that you purchase separately. I ordered direct from BFC and I'd be happy that more people out there will be able to enjoy and understand the game. Indeed the download version is the same price as the physical version from BFC so people buying it that way and printing the manual out themselves are actually doing BFC a favour unless BFC make a significant amount from shipping (which I doubt).

    Have fun


  16. Well, most of the annoying loops just say things like 'right', 'right', 'right' or 'left', 'left', left' when a vehicle is going in a straight line, or 'faster', 'faster', etc. Personally I'd me more inclined to get rid of them altogether than replace with English.

    I forget where the folder is now, but you'll find one for each country with all the sound files in (assuming you're using Dr Jones' tool). Just backup the language you want to replace and pop in the English folder's contents instead.

    Have fun


  17. Actually the world has never been more alike than ever before, and getting more so - especially in cities. Clothes are pretty much the same, music is pretty much the same, food is getting more similar and the list goes on. Despite the usual diatribes here, politically things are also getting closer too. The urban world is heading for homogeneity and the rest will follow on in time.

    Have fun


  18. I agree with Sirocco. I pre-ordered (at the last moment, as the modern setting doesn't interest me but I thought I may as well support the game for the future) and don't regret it. It is interesting to see the price go so low so quickly - you expect 33%, even 50%, off from major suppliers these days over the official retail price - but 80%+ within a few weeks?

    I'm in the UK and even though it's too cold here for topless beaches I only work a bit more than 35 hours per week. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me personally a 'real' modern scenario or (to a lesser extent) a really interesting fantasy one would grab my attention more than the somewhat shallow scenario presented in CM:SF - it just doesn't mean anything to me and doesn't have the 'surprise' factor that a totally fictional one might have.

    Have fun


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