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Posts posted by boy_Recon

  1. This bugs me, because it confuses things.

    I always assumed, in cmbo, that 'sneaking' meant walking very stealthily in order to minimise noise; whereas crawling meant hugging the ground to minimise your visibility and maximise concealment. Its very difficult to crawl quietly as you are dragging the whole of your body's frontal surface area (let alone whatever equipment and accoutrements you might have about your person)across the surafce of the ground. disturbing the rubble, leaves, etc that will make a noise.

    Why then, in a night scenario, when i want to sneak up on a position do i now only have the option for my troops to fling themselves face down in the mud and drag themselves along disturbing every pice of debris in their path?

    Is "advance" the new "sneak"?

  2. IIRC: never any big scale soviet airlandings in WW2, although the Russki's had pioneered the concept in the '30's way before even the Germans.

    I think there were some small scale drops mid- and late war, but never bigger than battalion level, and mostly concerned with reinforcing partisan groups. However the Airborne divisions had a number of integral arty/at units which would have been dropped along with the rest of the troops, and also some of the little tankettes

    would have either been dropped or glidered in along with their parent formations.

  3. ............and while i'm on the subject, substituting the Bren Carrier model for the various Italian and axis minor tankettes has not pleased me a great deal either: these vehicles were not open top carriers, they were closed top afv's (albeit a bit crap; some had mg's, some 20mm cannon and the italians mounted flamethrowers in a small number). without wishing to sound petulant, i feel sold quite short over this one...........

    haven't checked out the russian ones, but i'm not holding out much hope.

  4. can somebody clarify??

    what are the differences between the US and the Euro versions, apart from the moody artwork and the slimline manual?

    Also, sometimes when I purchase a number of tanks in a qb, the full complement do not show up on the map. why?

    also, I can't get it to work properly with my Kyro card despite latest versions of drivers and directx...........will this be patched?

    have to say, at the moment i'm giving CMBB 6/10

  5. The latest drivers for the Prophet 4500 have fixed the CM problem!! :D:D:D

    I am near delirious with joy!! I reckon its a 99.9% effort, still a little clippy when you're scrolling around, but the text problems etc are all mened!! I'm playing it at max res and it's fine, fine,fine!! :D:D

    PLease spread the good news to any other other unfortunates: rejoice, my friends!! It's a cracking card for the money, and it now plays CM!! My cup runneth other!! :D:D:D

  6. Latest version of the drivers for the Prophet 4500 have fixed the CM problem: I reckon its a little "sticky" when you scroll around, but the text problems, etc, are all sorted!


    Please relay this info to any beleagured souls out there who have hung on by their fingernails: it's been worth the wait, lads!

    And to anybody else who who has been thinking about getting a hercules/Kyro card, do so now: they're a top little card for the money.


  7. They also had the Rhino (Nashorn),the Wasp (Wespe), the Bumblebee(Hummel) and the Flamingo (PZII Flame version )and, of course, the Elephant ( That's 'Elefant', for the hard of understanding). If memory serves, they also had the Brummbaur (Grizzly Bear) and the Maultier( Mule, a halftrack, but carrying Neberwerfer). I have a sneaking suspicion that "Hetzer" means something also, but can't think what. So thats cats, insects, birds and pachyderms, and whatever rhinos are.

    Of course the real question is why, when I was cramming all this useless information into my head, wasn't I learning something useful like bricklaying, light engineering or a good programming language instead?

  8. denisetrac, i've also sent them an email and yep, its hard to explain what's going on ("it looks all wierd,man." probably does nobody any favours).

    How about this: everybody who reads this, wether you're thinking of getting a Kyro or not, write into Hercules "www.hercules.com" and complain about this. We're a notoriously tight community, right? So how about the rest of you pitching in behind your more graphically challenged brethren?

    They've got the drivers, but we've got the numbers!

  9. It's set on the Greek island of Kephalonia (or Cephalonia, Kefalonia,Kefallinia, take your pick) and the historical basis is spot on.

    Greece was partioned between the Italians and the Germans in 1941, the Bulgarians also got a bit too.

    In 1943 the Italian war effort collapsed. Hitler was faced with the possibilty of the Allies picking up a foothold in Greece by default, so he ordered his forces to disarm the Italians.

    Most of the Italian armies disarmed peacefully, however Kephalonia was the site of one of the few (possibly the only)organised Italian resistances to this take-over.

    The Italian forces linked up with the Partisans on Kefalonia and mounted a determined but ultimately doomed resistance, which was crushed by superior German forces, including aircraft (presumably Stukas as they were still around in the Med at this point). Hetzers? probably not as this can't have been later than mid-43, and I don't think Hetzers were around then. I'd have thought PIII's were a possibility, also STUG's.

    Me and My Other Half have been to Kefalonia a fair few times. Its a lovely place, well worth a fortnight's package deal. memory of WW2 and the occupation are still strong on the island. In the place we last stayed, Aghia Evfimia, there was a site behind the village that I was told was the location of a massacre of Italian soldiers by the Germans.

    A final point, which I don't think the film highlights: the Greeks don't really have any more fond memories of the Italian Occupation than they do of the German tenure. Both came as conquerors, and neither were especially pleasant whilst they were there. There are still some resorts on Kef were German tour operators are advised not to make bookings, and the Greeks still resolutely refuse to speak Italian, despite apparently having mastered every other European language.

  10. there's deffo a prob with these kyro chipsets and CM. I'm going to petotion Kyro to ensure they're aware of the issue.

    shame. as for all other applications (QIII, UT, Opflash) its really given my machine a boost.

    To anybody else considering a graphics card update: don't let this put you off the Kyro/Hercules cards, they are very good.

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