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Paton Returns

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Posts posted by Paton Returns

  1. hay we all know D day we have even played the senerios but what about the Brtish beachs that used special churcils and shermans with flails taht blew up the land mines and the ones with bridgeing capabilities and flame tanks and the ones that were amphibious i saw a doucumentry on the discovery channel the other day and i thought it might be a fun little mod for someone to do , maybe me i dunno! so what do u say a Hobarts Funnies mod? eh

  2. Ok i took a break but i'm back , here i go with anoter topic which i'l prohably be disagred with until its taken off!

    How about some more realistic things for combat mission or combat mission 2 , I'l explain , the most basic of things Gore!

    did u ever play Myth or Myth 2 ?

    If you have you'l know what i'm talking about In WW2 people didnt just turn on their back and say i'm eliminated they bled in some cases thir limbs went flying off !

    Why are these the most basic of things {which you can't deny are a major factor of WW2} not in Combat mission and completly ignored?

    They are in in Mirosofts close combat yet Combat mission is so mush more advanced , its 3D! Close combat was just lots of sprites from an over head angle!

    The engine must be capable of it if things like creaters are possible , Ok i see the point of violence making this game unsuitble for younger users but combat mission isnt intended for them anyway ! You need to be able to plan and execute stratagies , Mind you a little Blood and Guts would add to the realism of the game and make it far more enjoyable!

    This could easly be made in to a patch or incoperated in to Combat mission 2 or something , i just want to know what you think!

    Im not a pysko i just wanna have fun....


  3. ok Guys I NEED help how come when ever i load a senerio with britsh tanks { CHurchills etc } combat mission freezes or quits? ive downloaded the patch but it still does it , if you guys need to know the deatails im useing the mac version and ive got 128 ram wich may be the problem recetly my computer has being going quite slow so i think i'll be upgrading to 250 tell me what you think!

    oh and hows the wife? :D

  4. "Hi every body"

    "hi docter nick!"

    thanks everyone for your great postings would you like to subscibe to postings limited for only £100 a day? or maby you would like this vacume cleaner which is selling for a low low price!

    enough i want to be alone . . . .

    just kidding ;)

    any way maximus return to 50 AD or what ever it was and "Get a job like you should jerk " limp bizkit

    oh i guess i should explain my spelling . .

    well eh


    i never was good at spelling and eh

    ok let me put it this way when i type somefing i dont go back over it to check did i sfell it right or not i guess i rush and make mistakes but i want to put up what ever i just typed a soon as possible while its fresh in my head






    ok thats just stupid LOL!

    catch u later

    and thanks for posting !


    your looking at a new and improver "Paton" Returns but we all know the real Paton dont we? ;)

  5. you think after Churcill inventing the tanks in world war 1 that they would at least have sence to develop the idea throw out the intire war { well at least the everything up until d day } the alies ued tiny shermans with no armour and no gun finaly they developed the fire fly but still you would think after the first time they saw a tiger tank theyed have the sence to start building bigge rbetter stronger tanks , ever see kelleys heros the only place you can hit a tiger with a sherman is the ASS ! the shermans gun isnt strong enough to hit any where else and the tigers armour is to thick, recently i was i london checing out the tanks in teh imepial war museum the tigers armour is 3 inces thick at the side they had a cross sectionand i measured it myself !

    god know how thick it is at the frount!

    lets here what u think? :cool:

  6. oh and thanks especcily to panther and dunnee { and of couse big time software ]

    its nic eto know at least u guys are on my side! oh and PS how do i become a member? can i do it through the internet? or is there no chance of me even considering that because of the way i acted spelt mostly

    catch u guys later smile.gif

  7. thanks Big time software for warning me! i dint realize i was that close to being banned !


    but thanks for informing me a head of it ! and giving me a seconf chance that was cool 2! i'll be one my best behaveure ! :rolleyes:

    any way thats cool dunnee ive got cousins and friend in the states and i have noting agent u in fact i want to go to Cali for Colledge! any way i hope 2 here from u guys soon

    and for the guys who 'dissed me' since thats how i talk i will leave everything u said in the past i hope u will 2 and get on and talk about what we are really here for ! talking about combat mission a sweeeeeeet game

    smile.gif i hope that will set everyone strait!

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