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Posts posted by riptides1

  1. IMHO,

    I get this serious thought poking through these forums of that BFC OWES you all something. They in fact do not. Comments like "we have been waiting ...", "we don't agree", "I don't like", "I will not buy..". Blah. As a company BFC has created a cottage industry surrounding these gaming techniques. I don't understand why certain members, even long standing members of these forums are having furballs over this. Wait a few more months for the WWII module. I can only imagine what would have happened if they had released without announcing. Good grief.

    Post not directed at you Zack... unless you did the template thing. :confused:

  2. I was away from the forums for some time and as I came back I noticed a significant change

    in general style of discussion and attitude.

    hah. These boards have always been teetering on the edge of anarchy.

    I am surprised that battlefront puts up with them.

    I am also surprised by the lack of faith exhibited by some long standing members.

    battlefront IMHO is doing the right thing.

  3. That's it. The final modding horizon. Smell!
    Hmmm, mail-order scratch and sniff cards?

    As the scenario unfolds.... scratch your burning AFV card, or your bezerker squad card, ... odors of sweat, opps that was the vet card, or the green squad card smells like urine.... oh. oh... :eek:

    -Mike Z.

    25 various assorted cards 9.99 US dollars only

    for replacement sets call......

  4. Sept 20th will be celebrating birthdays....

    same on 21....

    Same on 22.... BUT I should have my shiney new CMBB CD in my hands....... ahh yes, now to back it up and stick it in the saftey deposit box....

    then show the kids... SLAP... never... ever... TOUCH or LOAD this in your computers... SLAP....

    kicks dog ;) for added effects.....

    Now leave me alone :confused: for the rest of the year.

    Yes, the plan is coming together nicely. :eek:

    Speak no peng.

    -Mike Z.

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