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Posts posted by yobobo@TH

  1. 2390 games played at TH. Here are a few great AAR's (after action reports) from http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/

    http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/viewgame.cgi?id=495 http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/viewgame.cgi?id=2055 http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/viewgame.cgi?id=1995 http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/viewgame.cgi?id=2161 http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/viewgame.cgi?id=1416

    [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]

    [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]

    [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]

  2. Is this not the same Mr-Johnson that played a game last night against JimmyMeatWhistle?

    It was an attack defend, you defending, JMW attacking with -10%

    Turn 2 JMW sees a scout car running up the side of the map, straight into the hordes and certain death. I guess that's an ok tactic? not gamey in the least?

  3. Mr. Johnson,

    You dump on TH and in the next sentence you are posting the link!?!

    Do we not all set up the game parameters before playing? Is this not a two player game?

    You obviously had your butt beat too many times at TH and now complain that your opponent was in some way gamey. This must explain the loss(es)?

    All us (800) players use rule sets. Dates, 75mm etc.. but when you play top 20 players expect to get your shinny ass beat under any rule set.

    Before each game is played everyone asks his/her opponent what params he/she would like to play. I see it every day, so don't tell me TH is gamey.

    Getting beaten to a pulp every game can be a bit tedious. I would suggest playing others within your own skill level before smearing TH's name.

    Anyone I have played will play under any rule set. If I sound like I am taking this personally I am!

    I have seen players with 10 wins 0 loses on TH (playing newbies) try the top 20 players with, and without rule sets. They lose once, twice, three times and get so mad they come here and spew BS!

    All the losses I have had, and I have had plenty are my own fault. To blame TH for your loses is total @#$@.

    Abbott, myself and many others developed CAL@TH but still I hear the crap. Get a grip, stop whining and start winning a few.

  4. The point is to keep it fair. We do not want unbalanced QBs. Or maps that might seem unfair to the player not picking sides.

    After looking at the setup, player A decides he will play Allies. Player B has the choice to re-think the settings within the biddable parameters. If player B wants some changes made( he might think the setting are not fair) with the biddable parameters, player A can make the decision again to what side he wants. The idea behind this is to keep all involved happy, and to keep this fair.

    If no changes are made player A still picks sides. This means player B is happy with the default QB settings. If not he would have altered them in some way. If he does alter them, player A still gets to pick sides. This way it is not one sided ever. Both are happy campers.

    [ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]


    TCP/IP Challenge!

    Prizes? YES!

    The winner will be awarded, courtesy of BattleFront.com (The makers of this fantastic game) 2 WWII Tank Print of their choice ( Thanks BattleFront!!) And either a new CD-Burner or 32 Meg Video Card (Not sure at this time, to be announced) courtesy of WCCW (Thanks WCCW!!) Runner up will receive a print as well!

    One TCP/IP game a week. The battle Parameters are a new concept and very fair.

    Join here http://tournamenthouse.com/tourney/CM/


  6. Colonel,

    The bottom line is players like yourself that only play 9 games in as many months will climb very slowly, unless your winning every game. Compared to players like Redcoat, another PBM only player who has 16 games played in just over a month. But again I have 84 games played and am ranked 934. So the games played has not helped me.

    Yes Redwolf,

    I have that axis allied games played ready to go for some time now. Will try and get it in this week.

    [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]

    [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: yobobo@TH ]

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