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Posts posted by Lopaka

  1. I need the scenario designer for North of Epron to help me out. Ali has graciously agreed to send his Amis from Emilville to help out my beleagured Canadians near Epron, if I allow him to pass through my defensive web. I would send the Brits from the island, but they can't seem to find their assault boats in the fog.

    So please Mr. Scenario Designer please round up Ali's remaining troops and set them to reinforce my Canadians. Then resend the file and Holien and I will pick it up from there.

    Your efforts are much appreciated.

  2. John Jelinek,

    I did reply to you through Mike/Treeburst quite some time ago. It is late, and I have been gone for 4 days, and so I have just now been catching up on the big schism. RL has been f'ing with me for a while too, but it may be a TB issue which has kept us from communicating. I will write to him tomorrow and see what's up. When you asked me about setting up a weekend gaming time last week, he later told me he forgot to forward you my message. We may have to find a different mode of communication, but I will try TB first. One way or another I will get thru 2 u. At least, I will be able to figure out where that MG sound was coming from ;)


  3. Kanonier,

    Our battle was indeed a fine one. My greatest complaint was not having a "Chase" command. You either outmanuevered (ala my dead lynx) or I expected you to outmaneuver me (the Churchill chase) and gave up. Both times I figured that if my driver could have simply followed your boys that would have the upper hand. Having to guess where you might go was a sad impediment.

    In Meeting of Devils, I had the very pathetic situation of many of my platoons panicking at the same time and rushing for cover. Unfortunately they all picked the same cover - one of the houses. This meant that when one squad went in, it pushed another squad out. Because they were then under fire, they wanted to go back in again , thereby pushing out another group and putting them under fire. I had 5 squads all running in and out of the house getting shot up and panicking even harder. Nobody was taking orders. It was one giant drunken frat party where heading out to the front lawn meant getting shot.

  4. While I usually spend most of my CM time in one state of inebriation or another and will therefore join in the merriment by upping the ante on my intake, I can't help but point out the obvious problem with your study, Cap't.

    If both combatants are equally intoxicated, how will you be able to prove that there has been an improvement in the ability to command. To truly study the effects you would need half the participants to stay sober, or at least at a lesser state of intoxication. After a battle, and a little time to have the effects wear off the drunker of the two, the sides could switch intake levels and see how that changes things. Of course, this could lead to the inference that one of the combatants can handle his/her liquor better.

    As an option to the above test, you might allow for equal levels of intoxication with varying substances - please no mixing for this will really skew the test results.

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