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Posts posted by Feldgrau

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon:


    That last one could be mailed to me in one go (I'm ADSL) and I will then forward it the way you see fit to Mensch or any other Kesselers.

    Would help unburden your ISP and help spread this gorgeous Churchill MOD we had been testing.

    Drop me a mail to keep me posted.


    O.K., I sent the files to Andreas, but this morning I got a message from his ISP that the last one bounced back. Here is a brief cut from what it said:

    Your message

    To: Andreas Biermann

    Subject: Final Churchill file

    did not reach the following recipient(s):

    (e-mail address deleted to protect the guilty) Unable to deliver the message due to a communications failure

    The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a=


    I've resent it to Andreas, so if he gets it then hopefully everything will be fine. If he doesn't then perhaps we'll go with your suggestion, Marcel.

    As always, thank you for your kind assistance!



    P.S.- Andreas, please let me know that you have the files....

  2. Andreas,

    Ah, I think I see the problem here.... the mod weighs in zipped at just a tad over 7MB (I believe). Perhaps that it why you haven't received it, which would also explain why I never got back any response to my sarcastic e-mail comments which I had sent with the attachment (which prompted me to ask if perhaps I had offended you with same....)

    What I will do tonight is break the thing down into packets, and send them to you. This is what I have had to do with my mods when I send them to Mssr. Dorosh, as he has the same file size limitation. Hopefully this will solve the problem. I will also include a plethora of new sarcastic comments if you like, or I can just cut and paste the old ones. Your choice... ;)

    Also, I am sorry regarding the confusion with my earlier post; I know that you never requested that I include the a/c recog star, nor the 'kit' version with all of the track links welded to the structure. However it was you who provided the fantastic pics which led to the inclusion of those details. Thus, guilt by association...



    [ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]</p>

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

    Whatever happened to that Churchill mod?<hr></blockquote>


    Are you referring to my Churchill mod, or the nice new one with the cast turret recently released (can't remember exact artist- bfamily, perhaps?).

    I have sent my mod pack to der Kessel twice now, and yet it still does not appear. This, even AFTER I have included changes made to conform to pictorial evidence you sent to me. I fear I have offend you and der Kessel somehow. If so, please allow me to apologize for whatever it was that I said / did.

    Currently I think that it is at the CMHQ / Manx combined site (CMHQ), although where exactly I do not know.

    Hope that all is well with you!



  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    You are all full of it. According to Simon and Shysters "Guild to Cool Looking German Stuff" it is a Wurstschleiferzitronepie-Chart Toilettereinigungsmittelrattedung-Hamstermobile. I wish you guys would do a little research before you answered incorrectly.<hr></blockquote>


    Dear God, man, are you daft!? Look closely at the picture! Third bolt from the left! Now, you tell me; is it right-hand thread or left? Ahhhh, yes, now you see the error of your ways. A "Wurstschleiferzitronepie-Chart Toilettereinigungsmittelrattedung-Hamstermobile" indeed! Obviously it is a a Wurstschleiferzitronepie-Chart Toilettereinigungsmittelrattedung-Hamstermobile mkII with that thread config. I would suggest that it is YOU who needs to do a bit more research before you castigate the others....

    (shakes head, walking away....)




  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JasonC:


    Bridges too weak to carry a heavy tank (later collapses under the weight of a StuG)...

    [ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: JasonC ]<hr></blockquote>

    This is a minor niggle, but if this IS in regards to KG Peiper, and this reference is to the blown bridge near Staumont / La Glieze (can't remember the exact village), then I believe that this was a JgdPanzer IV which collapsed the bridge, not a StuG. I am basing this strictly off of memory of a picture I saw in a book about the 251'st Combat Engineer's defense against KG Peiper....

    If I am mistaken, then I stand to be corrected....

    Otherwise, I agree with the body of Jason's comments, as usual.



  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Williams:

    Wow! Great mods. :eek:

    One problem with the Churchills, however. The instructions contain an error that may confuse people and cause it not to work. The file Vehicle_Churchill.txt should be placed in the FileLists folder in your CMMOS folder, not your CMBO folder. Same goes for Rule001-504.txt and Churchill.bmp, place them in their respective CMMOS, not CMBO, folders.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Dooooohhh!!! (slaps forehead)....

    I am truly sorry for any confusion that this may have caused.


    I will update this and send it to Manx to correct.

    Manx, sorry!!



  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    For the record, I have now discharged my duty and scanned and sent the pitchers. In the process I have also discovered a temporal distortion in my flat, between 'today' and 'today'...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL! God, truer words never spoken....

    Well, I have sent them to both Manx and Greg Mundry for posting, so they should be availible sometime shortly. If, based upon the pictures that I should be getting from Andreas (and they haven't arrived as of this morning...), I need to do an update I will follow up with a revision as quickly as possible.

    However, there are those who showed up at the SoCal CMBO meeting on Staurday night who got the signature edition on custom CD. And a fun time was had by all....

    Hope everyone enjoys it!



  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    I can't believe I spent all the time scanning pictures and the bandwith to send the pictures to you for this. ;)

    Drop-dead gorgeous.

    BTW - the Churchill at Bovington has 9th RTR markings. As soon as I get the picture developed I send it to you.


    Yeah, yeah, sure.... like I haven't heard that before....

    What ever happened to the pics you were going to scan and send to me from that 79'th AD book you spent 49 pounds on? I'm still waiting on those so I have some historical precendant to add an a/c recognition star to the turret top like you've been yammering on and on about.... :D

    Seriously, I have a large debt of gratitude to you for providing all of the pictures you have so far, which have helped tremendously in the creation of this mod. Thank you once again!



  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mike8g:

    Feldgrau and Michael,

    I've identified the track, it's from one of Marco bergman's Sherman packs.

    Just look for this mod:


    There a file named tracks.zip inside, if you open it you will find the track (which is 4020.bmp)




    Thanks! I wondered where it was from after Michael pointed it out. I've had it for so long I've completely forgotten where it came from...



  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by General Panic:

    I'm bringing a rifle just in case Foobar tries to get "romantic".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ROTFLMAO.... :D I had NOT thought about this, but you are absolutely right. Bring the rifles, barbed wire, land mines, trip wire, etc.... Whatever it takes...

    I'll be there around 7:30. I know exactly where it is.



  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    Cool mod. :cool: Particularly like the complex detail work on the treads. :cool: :cool:


    Well, I wish I could take credit for that, but those aren't mine.... smile.gif I honestly don't know where they came from, but I got them off of another mod, and they seem to be used on all of the British non-Sherman tanks, the Universal Carriers, and ALSO on all of the German tanks! One of those wierd texture sharing thingies that CMBO does.

    Maybe this came from Kitty's King Tiger? Does anyone recognize which mod this is from, and who did it...?

    BTW- this .bmp is not a part of my mod, and so won't come with it...



  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon:

    No, I said "I've never actually found the Churchill to be that ugly. It has a nasty sort of rugged, beastial brutality about it. The problem is, it's an ugly MOD." :D

    No, it's actually a wonderful mod, and I have lot's of plans for it. smile.gif



    Heheheheheh!!!! I just love doing that....!

    O.K., I was a bit giddy last night, because I made the cut on Friday (for those of you who may have suffered already from the enconomic downturn and Sept. 11, you'll know what I mean...), and I will be able to feed my family for at least 6 more months, so I was having some fun at Gordon's expense. I am almost finished with this mod; the testers have the final revisions to review, I have to make the chenges from that, and then they'll be ready to post.

    I suppose you'll want these CMMOS compatible? Well, please offer Gordon your thanks, because he's already assigned me the offical Rules set numbers, and that's how they'll come! What I would like to find out is if there is anyone out there who wants them as Mod Manager compliant? Just curious if there is anyone who uses this program as I do as a supplement to CMMOS....?

    Thank you all very much for your kind comments and feedback! I appreciate it very much. Gordon- sorry I picked you as my target!

    BTW- for those of you that asked for a Cromwell / Comet / Challenger mod; please take a close look in the backgound of two of the pictures above... Up next....



  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    It may not have been very effective, but the Hotchkiss did have a main gun, you know! smile.gif

    By the way, very nice mod!!!

    [ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    You've played the Paris scenario, yes? I believe it's called "A Walk in Paris" or something like that. That is the only time I have run across the Hotchkiss. The Hotchkisses (I am using Tigers mod BTW) didn't fair too well. I don't think they had a chance to use their main gun, 'cause they were too busy 'sploding. Imagine that...


    The Panthers, on the other hand, were the devil to deal with....

    O.K., the Hotchkiss goes on the list to mod, as per Pvt. Ryan.



  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...old garand rifles, bring em with ya...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, I WAS planning on attending this, but you guys, with rifles, in a bar, with Navare buying the first pitcher of Guiness.... Oh, I can imagine THAT will go over well...

    Also, if the weather ends up anything like tonight, we might want to move it inside. The fog rolled in around 6, and it got a bit nippy...

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    What a waste. Why don't you make yourself useful and mod the Hotchkiss?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The machine gun? Sorry, I'm afraid I can't mod machineguns very well. I wish I could, but - alas - I just don't have the necessary skills.... :(



  16. I was going to finish this up and post it soon, but Gordon said that the Churchill was a big, ugly tank, and no one uses it, so what was the point...


    Maybe he's right. I doubt Manx or der Kessel would want to host it anyways.... :D

    I'll just run the last revisions by the rest of the testers, and then I'll just delete it.



  17. I have been playing all of my games (PBEM) since the first FTC rules came out a while back (pre-Franko baby). My record since playing FTC has been:

    Losses: 6

    Victories: 1

    Prior to that, my record was a bit under 50% wins to losses (More losses than wins).

    What does this mean? Well, at least for me, by playing FTC rules my 'record' of winning has dramtically dropped off. I am currently playing two scenarios which are close to being completed, and I shall lose both of those, which will take me to an 8:1 ratio. Am I dissatisfied with the game since playing using FTC rules. Absolutely not! But, I can't help but feel there are those out there for whom winning is paramount, and if you are going to play FTC rules, this game will become a completely different animal than before when you played with the 'god-like' command & control. For myself, I will continue to play all of my games FTC (although the new Hardcore rule #9 is going to be -gulp - hard to force myself to conform to), and I don't expect that my win rate will dramtically increase soon. But, and I believe that this was the original reason for creating these rules, if you want to have the most complete, immersive, 'life-like' (Ugh! I hate that cliche, but I can't think of a better term at the moment) experience while playing this game, then I think playing by the FTC rules is as close as you can come. And that is what makes it important to me to play this way, win or lose.

    Anyways, my heartfelt thanks to Franko for taking the time to create them and post them, and also congratulations on the new baby!



    P.S.- just to forestall the inevitable comments; Yes, I do sux as a player, so thank you so much for pointing that out, and; Well, I appreciate you telling me that winning IS everything, but I am afraid that we will have to agree to disagree on that one.

  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

    ...I have been a political prisoner in Fresburg for almost 8 years now, and my long servitude is almost at an end. The only sensory perception that could be better than the sight of Fresno growing smaller in my rearview mirror would be the soft thump of your slanderous cadaver under my tires at the same time.

    Thank you for your support.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey, you know, Fresno ain't soooo bad....

    I mean, it's got.... ummmm, well, there's the.... ummmmm, oh, yeah, what about the....

    Right, make sure you give it the rigid digit as you flee as fast as possible up 99.

    (From someone who used to live there.... Hey, at least it ain't Madera, or -shudder- Modesto...!)



  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

    It was me Max.

    3686 wouldn't turn anywhere even when Puky Red.

    So I first released it with the same tonal as my carrier since those with BMP Lists said it belongs to it but nope.

    Must be an Easter Egg for MODers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ahhhh, yes, that's right.... I remember that conversation now...

    And, we never did figure out what it was for. Still, I suppose that there may be someone out there (cough - KwazyDog - cough) who knows what it is used for, even if it is for nothing...



    [ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]

  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I wasn't aware Canadian units used the Churchill Crocodile. Can you advise me which ones? I thought they were used exclusively by 79th British Armoured Division, and that only 50 some were ever made.



    I really don't know if the Canadians had any Crocodiles inherent in any of their units, but I do know that CMBO has them listed as a 'Canadian' vehicle.

    I suspect this means that if you play as the Canadians, you have the ability to get a Churchill Crocodile, but that it would be, in reality, a 79'th Div. asset attached to the Canadian unit in play.

    But, I could be wrong.

    I do believe that the Canadians had Churchills at some point (at least I thought those were Canadian Churchills shown in all of those famous photos of Dieppe). Because of the way the Churchill series works in CMBO, an unfortunate side effect will be that if you have - say - a Churchill VIII AND a Churchill Crocodile all in the same scenario, they are both going to be carrying the same markings (whether British, Canadian, or Polish).

    I plan on having an optional set of files which will allow for a Churchill Crocodile in 79'th Div. markings, so that if you are playing a scenario where you ONLY have a Churchill Crocodile, then it will be carrying the 79'th Div. markings. Same thing for the RE Churchill AVRE....



  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nipa:

    The carrier mod seems to be missing bmp 3686.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Well, if anyone can tell me what that .bmp contributes to the carrier mod, or any mod, for that matter, I would be happy to work on it and include it as an update. But, during all of my work on the carriers I could not figure out what that .bmp does to the carrier, and so I did not include it with my mod.

    I sure hope someone can tell me what it does, because I never could figure it out...



  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

    I myself refer to it simply as "Pussy Galore". I see no reason not to break with fifty years of historical nomenclature and research, and enjoy explaining what I mean to everyone that asks in great detail.

    Then again I pretty much refer to everything as "Pussy Galore", because, well, why not?


    No, no, no.... that was Saigon, 1969. Different war, different part of the world, dalem.

    I realise that it can be hard to keep all of these names straight, but still...



  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947:

    ...I thought that the white star was the National emblem for the US only and that the white star with a circle around it was used by all Allies. So Canada used just the white star also. I never noticed but will be from now on. Again thanks for the reply. I did go back and look at the site in more detail by the way. Yeah it's pretty interesting. Learned a few things.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Because Michael has been VERY helpful to me with the markings I have put on my British and Canadian vehicle mods (not that I am in any way suggesting that you should get those mods), you will find that there ARE markings on some Commonwealth vehicles. Michael's site is an excellent source of information in this regard. The interesting fact that some Canadian's painted the Allied white recognition star on their vehicles upside down or crooked is something that I have incorporated in both my Sexton and Universal Carrier mods. If it hadn't been for Michael, and others pointing me to his site, I probably wouldn't have known about this.

    Just a shameless plug for both of his sites.... especially the pages covering the unit markings, etc. Invaluable....



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