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Posts posted by Immolator

  1. I had a 733 mhz cpu HP computer with 64 megs of RAM. CMBB ran just fine, but CMBO was hurky jerky. My solution was to upgrade to 512 Megs of RAM and CMBO runs great with graphics and sound at the max. The upgrade was only about 60 bucks and helped the computer speed in other areas also, e. g. graphics on the net, etc. Therefore, my recommendation is to get plenty of RAM while it's cheap.

  2. Matt,

    Your workaround of downloading a couple of files worked great! I've been able to play the game just fine for a week or two now. The way I figure it, I'll get the replacement CD when you guys are able to send it. Since I can play the game, there is no rush for the CD, so take your time with it for guys like me. You've done a fine job with the quick fixes for a vexing problem.

    Thanks again. And don't let the turkeys get you down. Come to think of it, Thanksgiving is just around the corner...

  3. Surrounding Moscow may be a real problem for Russia if troops can no longer be placed after that event. In one of my PBEM games this is a real possibility and would ruin a long and bitter defense of the motherland. There should be an option for moving the capital to the Urals if Moscow is threatened with being surrounded. This would eliminate such a problem which I think is not realistic at all.

  4. I do like the weather idea, J Wagner. I'm enjoying the game "as is" but the chance of mud in Oct/Nov could really put the pressure on the Axis when pressing for Moscow. It could also make a mess of Allied invasion plans. A bit more interesting than the varied time taken by different seasons now modelled. The idea for weather also sounds uncomplicated enough to implement in the programming side of things. But I'm not a computer programmer, so what do I know?

  5. First, I'm glad to hear that PBEM replay will be included. It should add to the fun.

    Secondly, a couple of things that I would like to see tweaked are:

    Strategic bombers doing more damage to industry. They cost too much to bother with knocking out a couple of MPP's of the enemy.

    The same goes for the submarines. Lower their cost or destroy more MPP's. The sub cost doesn't seem to be worth it as they are readily destroyed.

    Damage to naval units when bombarding a port gets too expensive. Why bother for a couple of MPP damage to the enemy?

    I also like the idea mentioned in a previous post which would allow naval units in range to interdict transport ships.

    Having some report at the end of the game. The demo doesn't have this. I should probably assume this will occur, but I'm just tossing in my 2 cents.

    Working out some way the undo move in PBEM doesn't tempt the cheater in us. I know security can be overcome by those persistent enough. Just make it as inconvenient as possible to reduce the abuse.

    Overall, I do like the game and look forward to playing the full version. It looks like a winner to me.

  6. I may be using more sharpshooters in my games. In one recent PBEM QB, one of my 81 mm mortar teams kept having a morale problem. Panicking and running to the rear instead of getting to that point where they could lay down some fire on some enemy squad. Next thing I know 2 of the mortar team is dead and they weren't worth much for the rest of the game after they became broken. Later I realized it was a German sharpshooter who caused all the disruption as I managed to kill him, ran across his body and identified him. He was a good investment for the other side.

  7. Originally posted by Dunnee:

    [QB]Lars. . i never get a tank within 200m of any infantry unless i've already won

    Boy, I'll go along with that! I had a TD smoked by a Panzerschreck or faust from 167 m - a lucky shot I'm sure. But that was about it for my antitank defense. I'm just a newbie learning the hard way...

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