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Posts posted by Tokar

  1. My worthy opponant can make my assault guns and tank killers dance!! He uses two vehicles positioned beyond the fire arck of the "gun". Then he pops out frome behind cover one vehicle after the other. As one shoots and backs in to cover the other moves out and shoots. Between the slow rate of fire and the lack of a turent the tank killer dosent even get off a shot. He now uses any vehicle fore this..... It's crazy to watch a jagdepanther react to a grayhound that is over 700yrds away while a M4 takes shot after shot at him! Some of you may say well move the assault gun, But then A grayhound and Sherman can drive a jagdpanther from his position from any range he chooses!! And dont tell me to just keep shooting at the same spot... The Germans are soon out of ammo which for them is precious! So is there a way to keep an assult gun pointed in one direction??????

  2. Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

    A bug having the pillbox crew stay inside? I don't think so. How about this; There's these explosions banging away on the pillbox like the hammers of hell. I am now in a concrete reinforced or hardened bunker. Thoough it is very noisy, dust, dirt and debris is flying about with bits of concrete stinging exposed body parts perhaps, the choice is stay inside and trust the walls to withstand the hits they were designed to, or run outside into the malestrom.

    Now there may or may not be an issue with them being penetrated too easily, but that's a differnet kettle of fish.

    BTW - Where'd you get the M4A2? wink.gif

    From a used tank salesman... He seem nice enuff..

  3. Originally posted by Tokar:

    arn't pillboxes alittle hard to destroy? can I get advice on how to take them out. I hit a hard MG pillbox from behind nine times, range from 50m down to 20m with an M4A2. Three rear door penitrations two times MG HIT the rest for no damage. Still the box keeps fireing. Help..... Runaway!!!!!!!!!!!

    The battle is one of the original scenarios from the first vershion could it be a bug???

  4. arn't pillboxes alittle hard to destroy? can I get advice on how to take them out. I hit a hard MG pillbox from behind nine times, range from 50m down to 20m with an M4A2. Three rear door penitrations two times MG HIT the rest for no damage. Still the box keeps fireing. Help..... Runaway!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

    You lost me. What were you reffering to as a minor limitation?

    Just that CM can only do so much. It was my mistake to asssume that I could plan so detailed of an attack. Next time my plan will take this in to account.

    {strategy is the art of avoiding a fair fight}

    I mistakenly though I had achieved this.

  6. Originally posted by Bullethead:

    Very easy to explain. The Shermans realized they had no chance in this situation so took cover to avoid dying uselessly.

    Basically, Panthers have about the best gun in the game and it's able to kill most Shermans pretty easily at nearly all CM battlefield ranges. At the same time, the Panther's frontal armor is essentially immune from the guns of most Shermans even at point blank range. Thus, Shermans will do everything to avoid a frontal confrontation with a Panther--it's a no-win situation.

    Would you have been happier if they'd tried and died?

    I had 4 M-10s closeing from the rear planed for next turn wile the panther was bussy. This shows a minor limitaion of the program. It will not happen again! "Seven virgins and a mule"

  7. All 7 Shermans have a clear vuw down a vary wide road. The ground is flat, all shermans are in fixed positions. A Panther shows up at about 1500m. ALL OF THE SHERMANS RUN THE BLANK AWY!!! The line up was: one green Panther, two vet shermans, three reg Shermans and two green Shermans. Can any one explaine this. The Shermans had the Panther, BUT thay all took one shot (on the run) fired smoke and raced for the nearist cover. If thay fought like this in WW2 I,d be speaking German!!!!

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