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Posts posted by mimary

  1. It's criminal that we cannot film each game played. Actually, we probably can, but it would take an external program, some sort of screen capture thingie. But, what I'd like is something where you can see both sides after the official ending of the game. And where...where someone who said "Cheater!" during the game would actually see the whole development of how such a unit got there in the first place. Oh, it would make the game SO MUCH BETTER for both sides involved. Thus, shifting the focus of the game from WINNING AT ALL COSTS!.. to creating a movie, a great story full of pathos, drama, heroism, and comedy...something that will make me cry and laugh for many months to come, perhaps years.

    This is a dream that is shared by my best friend and me. He was the first to share this game with me, too. He thought and now we thought that we'd pass this dream along and into the forum. Really, wouldn't it be lovely to watch all of the animated plays proceed non-stop in a complete battle- sequenced movie, one that would lift the fog of war, and ultimately, reveal to both sides what was happening when the actual game was being played?

  2. Ladies,

    I am thrilled to see that there really are other females that play CM. I had heard rumors, but never dared to hope. Where the heck are the others? We may or may not share similar reasons for feeling our attractions to play, but there is definitely room for us all.

    Babra...I like your word "splode!" Typically, I'm not a slang enthusiest, but that's pretty cute. I bet you kick butt in CM, too. I have appreciated you from the very beginning. Thanks wink.gif

    Kitty...You are so right about how some of the responses to my original commentary and to your replies, have totally missed your point. What's important is that I understood you and never felt threatened or annoyed. Your intelligence is very evident through your website. What ever gave you the idea for the hamsters? They're a real hoot! Thanks, again.

  3. That's right. I love CM and what it teaches about the physical nature of battle via weaponry and fortitude. After reading about that poor sap whose wife took away his CM, I've had enough. Guys, if the women in your lives don't like being CM widows, it's because you should have shared your toys and games with more little girls while you were growing up. Barbies never had to think about anything more strategic than how to get the Ken dolls to marry them. I was lucky. A male friend of mine turned me on to CM and has endured my wrath in battle. He never thought that I'd blow up a church in one scenario. Ha! It was fun!!!

    Guys, if your women don't like CM, don't send them shopping...send them packing. You guys are the ones that need to shop for new mates. Only this time, don't be fooled into buying just a pretty face. Look for a brain, too. Both can and do exist. I'm living proof.

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