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Posts posted by DMJ

  1. I use netzero part-time.

    For me, it has worked as well as, or better than, the pay dial-up account I had before. I'ves had few spontanious disconnects or busy signals on login but of course, it will depend on sevice in your area.

    You only get 40 hours a month free so TCP/IP is impossible unless you've got room on the battlefield for a big old banner ad. With a 17"+ monitor you might be able to overlook it but the time limit is still going to hold you back.

    I've used it for PBEM and had no probs with attachments at a half meg.

    Also, every 15+/- minutes, a pop-up message reminds you that:

    "you can click on a banner ad to visit that site!" smile.gif

    5 minutes later a second window pops up.

    "Press button in 30 seconds or you will be disconnected."

    So, like watching sports on TV be ready to time your breaks.

    Unless, you prefer high-speed it defintely beats paying for dial-up.

    Juno is an alternative but I find the most annoying factor in it is that it's banner ad is set to start every newly openned window's blue task bar directly under the ad. Thus, you are forced to constantly move the banner around. A wee bit o' a boder.

    Hope this helps.

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