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Posts posted by Robart

  1. Yup, I agree.

    I did a test scenario - actually two. I found out exactly what you said and then I tried it giving just a few guns their own colour for the setup. No difference. It seems a little strange that there is an option to pull your troops back when I have control of the ground behind the pockets. This is especially the case when the objects are guns that need to be towed to get them out of there. I might be able to see it if we were moving into or out of a night fight but with two day battles in a row it seems a little strange.

  2. Playing the Descent into Maleme against the AI and am now on the second battle. Don't worry - no spoliers. What I am asking is that during the second battle it looks like I have a number of small pockets of trapped AI units (some of which I even know thier identity from the first battle). However, when I assaulted these positions at the beginning of the second battle - nobody is home. I have checked it out and the manual says that during Assault operations units that are behind enemy lines will be locked in place. I know that units that are on the attack have the option of being pulled back but units on the defence are supposed to be padlocked - or am I very mistaken...


  3. Spoliers below!!!!!






















    I found this one VERY difficult. I tried it once as the Axis with the computer setting up - and lost. I then tried it a second time as the Axis sticking to the scenario default - and lost. Wow. I think I like it but it but it is the hardest map I have ever played against the AI and I have been playing CM since CMBO.

















    I went and took a look after my second loss at the parameters to find that not only do the Allied forces have almost as many points to use as the Axis they have 50% or more fanatacism. Yikes!

    Still - fun, and I am going to figure out a way to win this one yet...


  4. Playing counter attack at Galatas (no spoliers - don't worry).

    Anyhoo, I did not do a very good job and was thinking how I was going to manage to get a draw out of it when the game ceasefired on around the 26th turn out of 30. I never requested a ceasefire (the top of the AAR said that both sides had agreed to a ceasefire). My moral was identical to the AI (66%). I thought this very strange (I must admit to being a little distracted) so I played it again. This time I had the AI on the ropes and yet again the game ceasefired on the 28th turn. Now this time the AI (German) had a moral of 18% but I still thought it was supposed to fight until 15%.

    The other minor bug (may not be a bug) is that I had one squad refuse to become un-tired. They started off that way (I think the name was Weatherby or Allweather - somefink like that). Anyhoo, no matter if I left him still for a couple of minutes the best I could do was get him down to tiring. The weather is hot so maybe that has somehting to do with it. Still, I thought is strange.


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