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Posts posted by HAKA

  1. Maybe its just its those Syrian troops then, firing at infantry would seem to be more of a death penalty. Incase of direct fire under 100 meters a guy on the ground would be quicker to spot your signature than a tank crewman.

    A Joe would know almost immedialty who was shooting at him with a big rocket and try his best to kill you with lots of bullets and loud exploding things. Not to mention giving away your position to the tanks. That could have been ugly.

    A tank crew on the other hand, hard to hear above that engine and road wheels...

    So your a grunt then? AT as well? When were you in?

    I was 11H from '86-'93, 5/502 Inf. among others...7 years total, got out after one year of the Clinton Cutback.

    I played Rugby for the US Army Rugby team 'The Yanks' for a couple years as well while in Berlin Brigade. My nickname HAKA is a reference to Rugby.


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

  2. I dont know Maximus from Paul but i do remember many exercises whilst enlisted. I clearly remember a cold winter night in West Berlin, 1990...Training with Brit Milan platoon's. We stayed in ambush next to an intersection for 8 hours. After a 4 hour force march, full gear and Milan rounds...with the sweat and all it you can imagine the cold we felt.

    Anyway, that night, noises in the distance...Troops walking down the road...16 of us in the surrounding ambush watched them saunter on by...2 minutes later 2 French AMX-30's rolled down the road and were greeted by flare and sponge simulator rounds!!!

    I'm not trying to make anything of this, but if you were ever a grunt you would understand...Orders are Orders. I'm sure the same stuff applied to troops in WW2 on a more realistic and final scale. I imagine that green troops would be more likely to break orders and fire on soft targets where as crack troops would stick it out.

    Would you agree?


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

  3. If I were fired upon I guess I would return fire. If I were there to bust the Tiger behind them, I would wait until I had that shot.

    A good commander would never place an AT team without some covering fire anyway. Maybe an 'unless fired upon' default could be built in, similar to the 'Hide' order.

    But I see your point Sir.


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

  4. The first full weekend i have CM and I was looking forward to many online matches and PBEM's but I cant play!!!

    Wouldnt you just know it....My wife picks this weekend to go and have my Son!!!!

    Robert Drake!!!!!!! 8lb9oz.!!!!!!


    Now i have an in house opponent to share the fun with!

    BTW my wife calls this game

    "The Domesticator"

    Because since ive had it ive stayed out of the garage, local pub, neighbors garage and neighbor's favorite pub...

  5. Ah well that would explain it then.

    I thought i read that in 'Sneak' mode they were more likely to 'Stop' and 'Engage' any targets of oppurtunity. Ill have to read over the movement section again.

    This morning a saw a green squad of grunts fire on 'Infantry Sounds' in the woods out front of their position..This game is great!

    Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

    From my experience AT teams will stay hidden depending on their experince level, if they are in command of an HQ unit. I've had inf. go right through the woods next to them without spotting them and the baz teams just sit and hide like they're supposed to.

    Troops in sneak mode are doing what you asked them. SNEAK is supposed to not engage and move steathly through to the waypoint. It's hard to be sneaky if you're busting caps as you move through the woods ya' know? Try using a great many little MOVE >> SNEAK commands together if you want them to engage while on the way to wherever you're sending them. Or better yet coordinate a couple squads movement orders like that together.


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

  6. Maybe its suppose to be like this, but my at teams, bazooka or shreck seem to like to fire on troops. Even when i put them in 'hide' mode, they come out of it and fire on enemy troops. Wasting precious heat rounds.

    Also ive seen more than once in the 'Fear in the Fog' scenario...Troops in 'Sneak' mode walk right past suppressed ememy troops and let a half track drive directly over the top of them and not fire!!! Now the halftrack didnt seem to be firing either, but as you can imagine it was a tense few minutes until the german commander rolled his vehical on down the road. Which was quickly dispatched by a hidden and so far unmolested AT team.

    I thought it was a visibility thing, however later, troops were engauging eachother over longer distances with much more limited site.

    None of the troops in question were worse than 'Alerted' so i dont think it was their condition...

    Is AT teams firing on troops a common occurance?

    If this is an old issue please point me to the thread.

    Also, couldnt there be a way to assign a command unit to an infantry squad?


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

  7. In the army i was a TOW gunner (wire guided anti-tank missle thingie)...Anyway our effective range was around 4K, in our company we had a 4.2 morter platoon with M113's. We deployed to the feild together...then we never saw them again until the exercise was over. Well...maybe sometimes when we went to pick up hot food...but usually they were at least 2-3K behind us. We were usually very close to the FEBA 1-2K either side.

    So its been my expereince, morter carriers are used far behind the lines and away from DIRECT fire.

    Unless they got caught sleeping by the OPFOR.

  8. Been playing for a few days now, i usually play any game at the hardest setting from the beginning level but ive made an exception for this one.

    The AI rocks guys! Great job

    Now someone please explain to my wife the rational of shouting orders outloud to disobediant avatar troops...

    She has started to give me strange looks, i feel as if the game authors should at least shoulder some of the responsibility.

    Perhaps a support page for spouses of combat weary commanders? Or maybe a warning label attached to the product when it ships...


    Whiti te ra! Hi!!

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