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Posts posted by Luftwaffe

  1. Hello,

    I was just wondering if a rarity factor for troops would be included in CMBB? For instance, healthy German troops/veterans would be very rare in late 44'. While Russian partisans will be cheap and plentiful. Also, maybe some way to make Russians less "skilled/expirienced" as Germans. This way a battle with 3 German platoons facing 6 Russian platoons would be fairly even. I know Germans were greatly outnumbered... just wondering if it will be included in CMBB.

    I'm pretty sure how the rarity factor works with vehicles but I would love to see it with troops. Playing as the Germans you will have to "think" like a german (43' on), always short on men etc etc. This might also make the game more even.

    We all have faced multiple Fallshirmjager platoons and know what its like smile.gif

    What do you folks think?

  2. I also bought Panzer Elite and was surprised at how good this game is. Huge MAPS! and gun, inf and arty support.

    Plus with all the mods (it is like CM, very customizable) it offer tons of tanks and all scenarios.

    It is true however how hard it is to hit an actual target. I know I'm not a german gunner, but even with wind resistance and all the other realistic shell affects turned off it is still very hard espcially 500m+...

    In CM, most of the tank fighting is done on "smooth" grass ground or pavement... while in real life tanks almost always stopped to target something I think CM is pretty much on the mark with moving tanks...

  3. This message is for Kitty:

    Well well, I read your response to my ambush post... you are really a funny girl. You you think you are the goddess of the "girl gamers" in here. GET A LIFE. Not only do you post every other minute (a sure sign that you have no life) but you act like this great speaker for women all over. GET OUTTA HERE. You are a small women (if you are one at all) with nothing going for her. I'm sure your reeeaaal popular with the guys (WAIT, WHO NEEDS GUYS IN AN ALL GIRL POWER WORLD??)... what's your pick up line? "I can beat you at Combat Mission" Wow, now that takes some skill. THE ONLY REASON you get any attention in here at all is because there a desperate loser nerds trying to "hit" on you by backing you up and talking to you. THIS is also the reason you go around bragging that you are a girl. DO YOU THINK WE CARE? Only reason I post here is for new tactics and possible tips etc. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP IF YOU ARE A GIRL GAMER OR IF YOU ARE BETTER THEN ME!!!!! Now go ahead and reply with your "smart jokes" about penis size etc etc. Just proves how much more of a loser you are. I know I'll get a response to this in about 5 seconds (cause it's not like your doing anything else with your life) from you and all the other guys trying to get some. Take a good look in the mirror KITTY and you will see a loser.

    OH YEA... I'll spell it slowly for ya...

    G-E-T-A-L-I-F-E G-O C-L-E-A-N T-H-E S-I-N-K

  4. Dude,

    If this is true... don't be such a girl. Men are the house hold bosses. Here's what I would do... grab you wife by the hair. Say HEY BITCH give me my damn game back. If she doesnt answer or cry give her repeated slaps to the face. If this doesnt work and she starts try to be brave proceed to giving her hard punches in the face nose and chin area. By now she should say OK OK OK HONEY.

    If not grab her by the throat and kill her. Take her purse take her money and order a new game while looking for the old. Not only will you help Big Time Software but while you wait for another copy you can clean the house and remove all evidence!

  5. Hey,

    I just put an order in for Combat Command and three days later my friend tells me he has a CD-Write copy of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What the hell? Is this game wrote proof. Can I make copies with my burner! I am not going to cancel my order but it really pisses me off when i shell out 60 bucks and then hear a friend who tells me he just "put it in his burner" and popped out a copy!!!!! I thought this game WAS write proof. Not to mention the friggin warez sites all over.

    Pissed off

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