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Posts posted by AbramsGunner

  1. I am playing v1.12 and the readme txt says that:

    "Roads are never considered "slopes", in order to make mapbuilding easier and avoid the problem of vehicles not being able to traverse *roads* on steep grades"

    In the QB I am playing now, there is pavement on a slope in a village. My tanks cannot move onto this pavement (road) because it says it is a SLOPE when I try to move along it. Dirt roads work fine on slopes, it comes up as road, but PAVEMENT is still coming up as a SLOPE preventing tanks from moving along it.

  2. I'm reading that people say that crews or empty mortars can't hold a VL. I'm running 1.12 and very often I use crews or empty mortars to hold a rear VL. I've experimented a little and found that trucks wouldn't hold a VL (the flag stays neutral), but crews and empty mortars are no problem. Haven't experimented with a spotter yet though.

  3. I'm a bit confused on the issue of crews holding VLs. Some people say the in v 1.12 crews cannot hold VLs, some say they can.

    I did a test scenario and had a Puma destroy my M8. I then retreated the Puma far away across the map and once my M8 crew recovered from their panic, I went and secured the VL.

    Once I was at the VL, the VL flag was American.

    At the the end of the 10 turns, the scenario ended and the VL flew an American Flag. I had an Allied Major Victory with a score of ALLIED 76 and AXIS 23.

    In this case, crews held the VL by themselves. Unless a VL has been contested because of an enemy presence near by, I've never played a game where crews, empty mortars, or low ammo infantry did not hold the VL by themselves.

    And I am running v1.12

    What's been the experience of others with crews and VLs?? Has there been an offical response from BTS about crews and low ammo squads holding VLs?

  4. My origianl post ended up being a rant about today's PC gaming corporat ran world and the kids today who really don't know a classic game because few, if any, have come out during their life time.

    CM captures the excitement, wonder, joy, and endless possiblities that was so true of old classics from the golden age of gaming (1985-1990/1).

    Because scenarios/operations in the game don't feel as if they are scripted and carved in stone, each time you play the game it is a new experience. And with the QB, it's overwhelming.

    CM makes you THINK!...ALL the classic games made you think and the experience wasn't repetative like 99% of these games today that have scripted missions, beautiful graphics, and LOUSY game play which everyone hails as being revolutionary when they are a far cry from it.

    CM is a great game played as a single player or Multiplayer. Seems like most games today concentrate on MP and put the single player second, basically it is just there to learn how to play the game and the experience is the same everytime you play it as a single player.

    What is revolutionary is going back to the basics of gaming...Producing a quality game with simple graphics, superb outstanding game play, and delivering a new experience each time you play. That is the magic of CM!

  5. Is the spotting ability and reaction time of a buttoned tank WITH the TC alive better and faster then a tank buttoned because the TC IS DEAD????

    if this isn't the case, you might as well have the TC unbuttoned until he dies because there is no real advantage to having a live TC buttoned up...You end up acquiring the spotting disadvantage early since there is no difference between a tank with a live TC buttoned up and a tank with a dead TC. Each has the same combat effectiveness.

    The reason real TC's button up in combat is to protect their butts. Given the choice all TC's would like to be unbuttoned because it definitely gives you an advantage in spotting the enemy as well as manuevering the tank...But obviously this is a game and some people could care less if casaulties occur, especially if a TC that is worth more risking his life to gain a spotting advantage that is going to be gone when the tank is buttoned up whether he is dead or not.

    Would like to hear more from people on if they button up early, like myself and others, or not.

  6. In CM some type of decrease to combat effectiveness other than the normal decrease to spotting due to the automatic buttoned up status should apply since some folks leave their TC's unbuttoned in the middle of combat to gain the added spotting ability.

    There is no reason for a Player to button up (which would DEFINITELY happen if that player was in a real tank in a real firefight..I'm sure that player wouldn't like steel whizzing by his/her head) since the benefit of a TC staying unbuttoned outweighs the fact that the tank will go to automatic buttoned up status in the event that the TC does get killed.

    If there is no addition penalty, Players might as well leave the TC unbuttoned (unrealisticly) and gain the additional benefit to spotting for as long as possible until the TC gets killed!

    Would love to know what others think about this.

  7. When unbuttoned TC's (or crew causalities in general for that matter) are killed, does it take tanks longer to reload (after recovering from the shock) to simulate one less person in the turret?? Yeah I know the radio operator could take the place of one of them, just wondering if there is a bigger penalty to the tank crew other then an automatic buttoned up status.

  8. As an ex-tank gunner, I have tried to get my tanks to do berm drills when engaging enemy armor. Pulling up into hull down is no problem using the 'HUNT' mode, since my tank will stop when the enemy tank is spotted.

    The problem is figuring out how to get my tank back down after fire a shot or two. I can't use the HUNT move and reverse on the same turn because the tank will stop and engage (exposed the whole time) until the enemy is destroyed or moves out of LOS before reversing. If I delay the HUNT movement to 45 seconds or higher then the next turn i can give a REVERSE order and my tank will move back down to a turret down position.

    But this makes a tank wait till almost the end of the turn to move up and engage on the next turn (basically engaging every other turn). This method isn't perfect since the delay, even at 45 secs, moves my tank up to hull down position earlier than I would like causing my tank to still be exposed before the tank reverses.

    It would be great if a DELAY command could be used between movement orders (MAYBE IN CM2!) and then I could move up, wait XX seconds (giving me time to engage), and then back down, wait XX seconds, then move back up to engage, etc.

    Maybe someone knows a better way to get your tanks to do berm drills in CM. Please let me know and maybe drop a line to BTS about an actual DELAY command in CM2, this would help alot with coordinating movement in general also. Thanks.

  9. Got my copy of the game last week and tonight played a scenario with MG jeeps. I've applied all patches and mad dog graphic packs. But there is no gunner graphic manning the .50 cal, just the driver. The crew is shown to be 2 men. Is there a mod anywhere that places a gunner in the back of the jeep manning the .50 cal??

  10. In case you aren't following the original "BIG BUG" thread.

    I wrote this email to BTS today:

    'I've been reading the Combat Mission forum, and there seems to be a bug in v1.12 regarding infantry assaults being ineffective against half-tracks. Is this the case and if so will a patch be released to address this?'

    and this is the reply I got from Matt:

    "We have been (so far) unable to replicate this bug. In tests I have done, Isaw infantry deal with halftracks quickly and efficiently. Testing continues though and if something truly is broke then we will deal with it like we have always done in the past"

    Hope this puts everyone's worries to rest about what they are doing.

  11. I wrote this email to BTS today:

    'I've been reading the Combat Mission forum, and there seems to be a bug in v1.12 regarding infantry assaults being ineffective against half-tracks. Is this the case and if so will a patch be released to address this?'

    and this is the reply I got from Matt:

    "We have been (so far) unable to replicate this bug. In tests I have done, Isaw infantry deal with halftracks quickly and efficiently. Testing continues though and if something truly is broke then we will deal with it like we have always done in the past"

    Hope this puts everyone's worries to rest about what they are doing.

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