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Posts posted by MCP

  1. Hello all,

    I was thinking as I was playing my current PBEM game that it would be excellent to have a trigger command for units. Here's how it would work:

    You place a unit in Trigger mode, which allows you to sepecify a route they would take when the trigger is activated. Until that time they would remain where they are (perhaps hidden behind a building)

    Ok, so far easy...So the trigger mechanism would work like a cover ark via a command unit. Just like command units give LOS for mortars..they could also have a "trigger arc" for which any unit that crossed that arc would cause the "trigger" to fire for any units within it's command radius.

    This would allow you to pull of some pretty neat automated surprise moves with armour I think.

    Anyways, thought and suggestions for improvements appreciated. (if someones suggested this before..well kudos for getting in first lol)


    Dale AKA MCP

  2. Heya all,

    I've made up a news-one.com site for my after action reports (only one there at the moment, more to come).



    <start shameless plug>

    If you want to create your own after action reports, news-one.com is a cool way to do it. If you've got your own website to host the images it wont cost you a cent...if not soon you'll be able to buy 20MB + 1GB traffic for 19.95/year.

    Visit http://news-one.com for more info . If you haven't stopped past in a while, check back as there has been alot of development going on.

    </end shameless plug>



  3. Heya all,

    Hopefully this won't count as high on the spam-o-meter, cause it really could be quite useful for anyone who wants to build their very own CMBB news website.

    Just putting the finishing touches on http://www.news-one.com, a do-it yourself news site builder. Bit like a weblog, but more powerful hopefully.

    Anyways, stop past and check it out...it's free and hopefully easy to use. ok..enough ranting, back to my latest CMBB game, a 20 round defence in a city with sewers enabled, should be interesting.



    [ November 07, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: MCP ]

  4. Yeah, I dont think I'd bunch up quite as much with anything other than a meeting armor engagement..but thats what the settings were for that map.

    Still the number of times my lone tanks have been beaten up when the AI uses tank group tactics have made me think perhaps its a good "general" rule..to be used as all general rules should..only when appropriate.

    Would love to hear others thoughts though.



    p.s. hehe I can see why there arent tonnes of AAR's..they are a bit of work. I have another, but its purely text. Let me know if anywone wants to see it and I'll throw it up on the web.

  5. Heya all,

    Just put up an after action report of a short game I had of a CMBB PBEM game. As always was a fun game and learned something from playing as usual.

    the link is AAR2

    Was only Bill and mines second CMBB PBEM game, and I think we're still feeling out the new rules and units (for the russian side), but I def like the new game, is alot of fun smile.gif

    Hope you enjoy the report.



  6. I'd have to say out of all the new features, of which there are plenty good ones, the cover arc seems to be the best new tool to the warchest IMHO.

    It really does let you use your short range units more effectively...how many times I've wasted ammo at long range in CMBO that would have been better used if my troops could have held off until a better range.

    I'm finding the new Fog of war alot more unforgiving...I dont have much of a clue where the enemy is most if the time which is no doubt realistic, but somewhat disconcerting at the moment hehe.

    Still, excellent DEMO BTS, I'll be upgrading my CMBO for sure.



  7. I personally think an in game opponent finder would be an excellent thing...barring that some sort of deidcated external CMBO one could be cool.

    The message board is OK for finding a PBEM game, but not appropriate for a tcp game IMHO. As for the ME posts being the best opponent finder, that might be cool if your friends are into CMBO...but alas mine usually aren't.



    [ August 24, 2002, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: MCP ]

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