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Posts posted by Predator

  1. Since i'm still working on my skills as a player, I'm asking the board for some advice on fighting with the Allies, usually the Americans i'd say.

    Now, I know most of the basics, I keep infantry with my tanks, and try to engage the Germans at long distances where the Allies have an advantage, and always, always try to keep MGs with every platoon. Anyone else know any plans or strategies that can help the Allied side in battle?

  2. Well, after having played quite a few different games and having taken on the Germans many many times, i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with Bastables. More often then not I think a German player can simply sit a Panther/Tiger/King Tiger upon a hill and hammer any Allied infantry he sees or destroy any Allied tanks. And as far as the infantry goes, the number of niche-filling units the Germans have, plus the ability to purchase them often as Veteran soldiers because of how much less support they come with make shte Germans a more difficult force to deal with. I do feel that a beginner player can pick up the game with the Krauts, take say a Fallschimjager Company, maybe some Fusilier SMG platoons (i'm not specifying a point value here, just sayin') and be able to take out much of the Allied infantry. I know in the game I played against Genx-87 (2000 points) that I was outnumbered 2-1 in the infantry. For me, putting together their anti-tank capabilities, powerful infantry, stronger tanks, cheap field guns, and variety that the Germans are a harder force to destroy.

  3. After yet another grueling battle, I wish to ask everyone this question. In your time in playing CM, which side do you find to be the most difficult to defeat? Are the Germans and their superior tanks impossible to overcome or do the Allies hold some trump card?

    Myself, I find the the Germans are an infinetly harder to defeat force, especially with their Infantry and Tank purchasing power. But, maybe there's something the Allies have which makes them the tougher force to beat. Opinions?

  4. Hullo all,

    I've personally had bad experiences with artillery before, most of the cheap, American 81mm variety. However, recently, in the middle of a TCP/IP game with a friend online, I found one of my British Paratroop platoons being maimed by a mass of German 81's being called down with extreme accuracy. Now, i'm not saying that there's something wrong with the way arty is modeled already, I think it's fine. However, i'm trying to figure out, for either side, which smaller-sized artillery works best? I've found American 75's to be useful because of their blast, and of course, when I can afford them I always enjoy being able to drop 105mm VT's on my opponent. Usually in the games I play (1250-2000 points), I cannot afford anything over 105mm and Allied 81's will pin men but never seem to cause the number of casualties I'd hope an accurate barrage would. I haven't gotten much experience with many pieces of German arty, but i'd like to know what works for them too.

    P.S.- If this topic has been discussed already, can someone please direct me to it? Thanks.

  5. Having done some extra reading on WWII via shutting myself off from the world in general, I have had my curiosity piqued. After seeing the thread on point values of the T-34, I happened upon a description of what I am sure is the well known IS-2 Josef Stalin. Along with that I tripped over the equally imposing KV-2, and it made me think. Should either be included in CM2, and if so, how much should they cost? It seems from my readings that there were a great many IS-2s made during World War 2 (I didn't get an exact number) so I figure it should be put in. As far as point values go however, with a 122mm gun, the ability to penetrate 185mm of armor at 1000m, and a ludicrous amount of armor, around 250 at least. I'd think its faster-firing brother, the IS-3 would be a little more expensive. Also, as far as the KV-2 goes, I'm not as educated on that piece of armor. I know it was used mostly as an "Artillery Tank" but, myself, i'd like to see it in the game. But because of its shortcomings (like not being able to fire on ground that wasn't level) I can see why it might not be included. I know that KV-2s did see combat, but as far as price value on a piece of armor with so many flaws... who knows? :confused:

    Lemme know whatcha think.

  6. First and foremost, for today only (that's April 10th just incase you don't have a calendar) there's a piece of grognard-inspired humor I found on another website. Thought you all might like. Be sure to vote for it. :D

    Gamespy's Daily Victim

    Second, after reading a book I purchased recently (Weapons Of Patton's Armies) I happened upon a interesing piece in the Small Arms section on machine guns. The authors listed a variant of the M1919A4 machine gun, the M1919A6. While only 40,000 of these guns were made during WWII, i'd like to think that a few made it to the front. And, with a detachable shoulder stock and front-mounted bipod... it seems to me that it could've, not has to but could've been an Allied squad-level weapon (forgive me if my english is incorrect, i'm doing my best). I do remember reading in another book on WWII (which I will purchase post-haste) a report on the same weapon stating that while it was not liked by the troops, it was used in Airborne squads, not platoons, squads. Now, i'm not saying such a change has to be made, but if there's enough evidence to say that the Americans were using this type of weapon in WWII and that it did not have to have 4-6 men supporting it, well, i'd like to think that it should be included. If anyone has any information on the M1919A6 and how it was used, i'd love to hear about it. Thanks.

    [ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Predator ]

  7. I figured this'd interest everyone, especially our British buddies, until it gets locked for being too silly. Yes, this is a real newspaper article, I found it on AOL.

    Hamster Racing Popular in Britain


    .c The Associated Press

    LONDON (March 8) - Horse racing is barely back after a one-week suspension, its premier event has been postponed indefinitely, and major international rugby matches are being called off. With an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease leaving British sports in disarray, what's a gambler to do?

    Well, at least the hamsters are running.

    In this nation of inveterate bettors, the wagering world is getting creative - or maybe a little desperate - as a severe outbreak of the livestock ailment has quieted the action at the gambling parlors that dot the streets of most major British cities.

    One Internet betting site is offering hamster races to keep bettors happy until the schedule of more well-established sports returns to normal.

    ''We've been running hamsters in these little dragsters,'' said Ed Pownall, a spokesman for the online company, Blue Square. ''You put an exercise wheel in the middle of a 10-inch-long dragster. As they run in the wheel it moves the thing forward.''

    The hamsters race in a small studio in north London, and the action is broadcast live on the company's Web site.

    Blue Square has been taking between 300 and 350 bets for each contest - compared to several thousand for the average horse race - but Pownall said about 2,000 people have logged on to view each race.

    ''It's just been fun for people, to get them through the day without the horse racing,'' he said.

    The rodents run six at once along a 30-foot track - so far, the fastest time is 38 seconds. On Friday, the winners of each of the week's four races will face one another in a tournament showdown.

    Horse racing was suspended for a week because of fears that transporting the animals through the countryside from race to race could spread the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease.

    The suspension ended Wednesday, but many individual events are still being called off, including the Cheltenham National Hunt Festival, the most prestigious event in European jump racing. Three games in the Six Nations rugby tournament have also been postponed.

    Fortunately, the British racing drought comes during a busy soccer week, and foreign horse racing has picked up some of the wagering slack.

    And in a land where people regularly try their luck betting on everything from politics to literary prizes to plot twists in popular soap operas, there's no shortage of offbeat gambling options.

    Betting houses are offering 10-1 odds that Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party will win an upcoming general election, and bets on a weeklong celebrity edition of the reality television show ''Big Brother'' are also proving popular.

    ''Betting shop customers generally are a pretty resilient bunch,'' said Andy Clifton, a spokesman for the bookmaking chain Ladbrokes. ''If they want to have a bet, they're going to find something to bet on.''

    AP-NY-03-08-01 1307EST


    "Someone Set Up Us The Sherman"

    "All Your Tanks Are Belong To Us"

  8. Now, I know such a topic will probably be pretty volatile, but, I must pose the question. Should M1919 Machine Guns stop being support weaponry for Paratroop Squads and become absorbed into the squad?


    "Someone Set Up Us The Bomb"

    "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"

  9. Well, I may bellyache but that's one helluva rebuttal Tiger. Sour grapes it is then I guess. Didn't mean to insult anyone though, guess I got a little hot under the collar. Perhaps I shall pick up the Germans more often then, try to see it from the other side. Lord knows i've played the Allies enough.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  10. Originally posted by chrisl:

    LOL. There's plenty of people who will claim the opposite-- that BTS keeps nerfing the German stuff (esp the tanks) so that the übertanks are killable. I personally think things are pretty balanced, and tend to stay away from the expensive stuff, because it still has plenty of weaknesses, and once it's destroyed it's just expensive scrap.

    LOL, it's good to see someone still has a in-the-middle perspective. Maybe i'm just peeved since I don't have a M16 Halftrack to work with while they get Jagdtigers.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  11. Thanks for the thread link Joe, allthough I think in this situation it isn't exactly like their argument. I personally believe the game has been given a German tilt, with the continual nerfing of American support and armor. (Nerf- i.e. Nerfing, Nerfed. Def: When a weapon/unit has its effectiveness reduced to such a point that it would be better replaced by a soft, squishy Nerf toy.) This problem with the Fallschrimjager is just a sign of this continuing trend.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  12. Wow..... certainly wasn't expecting my gripes to get this much response. I'll do what I can to respond.

    First, Subvet, not to be offensive or flame you but I don't know what version of CM you're playing or whether you're playing CM at all. My experiences with the game as of recent have always left me wondering "Why do the Germans get more Infantry allocation points than the allies do?" Of all the posts, I probably disagree with yours the strongest, since, as I said, i've never run into a situation like that.

    Back to my orignal point (and adressing the replies to it) I do not beleive that the two extra soldiers in the Rifle 44 or 45 squads are making a major difference here. My point is, and shall remain, that for their heightened firepower, Anti-Tank capabilities (i've never seen a Allied tank shrug off a Faust, much less a Schrek, while i've seen German Tanks take a Bazooka hit and keep on runnin')the Fallschrimjager platoon is far too cheap. I'd love to go into further number-crunching detail, but, I won't, I'll just stick to the basics of my argument.

    I know I originally wanted to keep from comparing, but, as it seems that's the only way I can prove a point, I will for now.

    However, my point here is that, because they come with organic, extremely powerful anti-tank weapons and have such amazing firepower, the Fallschrimjager platoons are too cheap. I've gone against them many a time and I wonder whether the people who have posted that the extra two men in the Allied squads makes up for the difference have ever actually tried to take down a Fallschrimjager platoon. I will say now, that two men does not make the difference. They simply end up becoming two more casualties for the Fallschrimjager to rack up. Notably, while the already-mentioned American Paratroop Squad carries 5 M1s, 2 Carbines, 2 Tommy Guns, and 1 BAR, they do, not, like the Fallscrimjager, carry 2 LMGs around with them. Moreover, if you've noticed, those LMGs carry quite a bit of punch, even over distance.

    Now, starting with the anti-tank weaponry packaged with each squad, I must wholeheartedly disagree with anyone who compares the Rifle Grenade to the Panzerfaust. For one reason, in well over 100 battles, I have seen Rifle Grenades be used ONCE. Gammon bombs 3 times, Det Packs twice. I cannot count, however, how often I have heard the SCHOOM sound of yet another Faust firing off. If anything, one could (not saying there should be, just saying could) say that there should be an increase in price on the German units because they use their organic special weaponry.

    As far as the point value thing goes, I know i'm probably repeating myself, but for two LMGs, two MP40s, two SMGs and 3 K98 Rifles, the Fallschrimjager platoon is underpriced. For the amount of firepower they can put out and sustain over distace, for the organic weaponry they come with and its effectiveness they are too cheap. Simply, they fit into any type of game and can mow down any Allied squad. Like I said before, no those two extra men don't make a difference, and I really have to wonder if you've played many games as the Allies if you hold to that belief.

    Unlike the Allies, the Germans are not slaved to as much quantity of support, and that is something I cannot change. But, for the 405th time, for their functionality, power, the Fallschrimjager are too cheap, and fit into battles too well.

    (I'm sure this is probably a bit convoluted, but bear with me here, this is my first intellectualized post. Glad i've at least got good debaters to go toe to toe with.)


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

    [This message has been edited by Predator (edited 02-24-2001).]

  13. Well, first, to you Dirtweasel, I wonder if you've really taken a look at the point values and firepower of a Fallscrhimjager. Yes, the .50 Cal and the 60mm mortar are very useful weapons, but I beleive my argument still hold true because both weapons only hold a certain amount of of usefulness. First and foremost, i'm looking at all the units you've mentioned in May of 1945. Now, with the included Panzerfaust-100s and the Panzerschrek Team, i'm looking at 4 anti-tank teams here that can take out any piece of American armor. Along with their firepower (293 at 40m, 160 at 100m, 76 at 250m, way more than the glider squad) I think that makes them far more deadly. And remember, like I said, as a regular squad, and still only cost 154 points as opposed to the 164 for the Regular Glider Platoon. As veterans they are 187 points and still fit into any attack/defense (or, in my case probe/defense) battle. I have an immense respect for the .50 cal as a anti-light armor weapon and as for the 60mm mortar. However the 60mm will run out of ammo somewhat quickly, and not neccessarily while causing the casualties you want. Even worse, the .50 cal is a very, very slow moving weapon, so getting it into position is difficult. I believe, with the Panzerfaust-100s and the Panzerschrek teams, and the extended range of high firepower they can put up, that the Fallscrhimjager are a better, but unfairly less expensive platoon. Heck, even if i'm not comparing them to American units, they are still FAR too cheap for the firepower and anti-tank capability they bring to the battlefield.

    As for you Germanboy, i'll take your word on that one. I also have seen 20mm guns demonstrated and yes, they are quite accurate. I guess my only gripe would be with the shrapnel, but, being a flak gun, it should throw shrapnel. And yes, i've taken those guns out many a time with simple mortar fire or infantry assaults. So I figure i'll let that issue die and concentrate on the Fallschrimjager.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

    [This message has been edited by Predator (edited 02-24-2001).]

  14. I and a few friends who play locally often have Quick Battle tournaments at one of our houses or whatever. As of recent, we've gotten into attack/defense quick battles of the smallest possible point value (I forget what that is at the time.) However, one thing does bug both me and my friends who enjoy playing the allies. When in the context of small-point value games, aren't the Allies just a little overpowered by the number of units that can be bought by the Germans? I mean, in the setup I hate most, my friend will buy a VETERAN Fallschrimjager platoon and a few 20mm flak guns which are far too accurate and cause way too many casualties if you ask me. Now, compared to the American Rifle Platoon, the Fallschrimjager are far, far superior. Here's my question though, why are they so cheap? It seems, to me, after all the point value changes in CM, that it doesn't make much sense for German Infantry to cost less than Allied infantry. Maybe there's a historical point i'm missing, if so, someone please inform me. But, with the amount of damage that can be inflicted by such simple units as the 20mm flak gun and the high-powered Fallschrimjager, shouldn't they cost a little more? If anyone else has the same gripes, or if i'm missing some huge historical point that explains why German infantry has become so cheap, please inform me.

    P.S.-Even with all these gripes about the Germans, i'm still looking for a PBEM opponent. Drop me a line if you're interested.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  15. Yes, I know its a bit late, but if you have a few extra dollars on you one day, and happen to pass by the local newspaper stand, pick up a copy of the latest PC Gamer magazine. Combat Mission was honored as the "Best Turn-Based Strategy" game. Once again, kudos to BTS, and to everyone out there smart enough to buy CM instead of something far inferior, give yourself a good pat on the back.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  16. Good freaking lord. The cesspool only gets deeper and deeper. I figure, even due to my current status as a "Junior Member" and the fact that Internet Explorer seems unable to remember my password onto the boards, that I should say something.

    First and foremost, if the cesspool is any way to look at the progress of humanity as of yet, we're all headed straight for hell. Now, while I enjoy screaming at my soldiers like a Eastern European man who barely understands english as much as the next... well, either way, firey burning damnation to us all. Even for the BTS boys, for letting a obscenity like this exist (and thankfully so.)

    Second, as much fun as hamsters and gerbils truly are, we need to move on (yes Kitty, that's right, you heard me). Perhaps another catch-phrase for CM that we all can recognize and accidentally refer to in public. Words like "Spoot" and what-not. Either way, I vote that whatever the new catch becomes, we put some expletive-laden ties to it.

    Third, and this is simply me. After having lost no less than 527 brain cells listening to Gunny Bunny bemoan CM, I would like to go on the record and say that i'd still buy CM2 if NOTHING about the graphics was changed. Maybe its just me, but my wargame experience isn't enhanced by watching my favorite game turn into a slide-show due to how much it taxes my system.

    Fourth, Neoarsphenamine. I have no idea what that means but it is a long-assed word and it rocks.

    Fifth and finally, I can only hope that oneday in the near future that everyone will discover the wonder that is CM. Of course, on the other hand, I don't want those snot-nosed little bastids from the rest of the web ruinin' a good thing.

    Now, if you'll excuse me i'm going to go slip on some asbestos clothes and take my flaming like a man.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  17. Originally posted by Bozza:

    How about Rammstein, I mean it's german - ok a little too hard for yuz smile.gif

    I'll shut up now.

    Hey, "Du Hast" might actually work. Allthough, if you've heard the translation of it, it might not be exactly the kind of War thing you're looking for. Speaking of which, Edwin Starr's "WAR" is always a classic.


    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

  18. No, I am NOT asking for BTS to waste any more of our valuable disk space by packaging an extensively long soundtrack with Combat Mission. However, I am asking all the players out there what song do you feel fits best with CM? Is there a song that gets you in the correct mindset for war or one that just sounds good in the background? I'll start things off by saying for me, it's the Closing Credits music for the movie "Glory".



    "Without struggle, there is no progress."

    -Frederick Douglas

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